Saturday, June 1, 2013


Change can be scary. You're getting out from your comfort place, and taking risks. That's a great commitment already. And when you're truely aligned with the universe and what you really want, the result will come to you. It'll happen for you. You can't be passive about this.

Sure, The law of attraction teaches you all the good mental approach. But just reading that won't do anything. You have to apply all the lessons to your life! You have to use what you learn. Being passive and hoping that the result will come to you no matter what, well, that's a big mistake. You have to take action. Without it, you will stay where you are. You might be comfortable and content, but you won't grow.

A lot of things are happening in this universe. But if you're not ready to get it or see it, you'll never realize that.

Love is the source of everything. You are love.

Transition is coming. Get ready. And transform yourself. You're better than that. You have so much more to offer. You're more than that.


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