Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's all how you see it.

OK.. I've been getting the impression that what you think your disadvantage can actually be used as your BIGGEST ADVANTAGE!!!!

Well, it's all how you see it. If you have that anyway, why not used it to make your life easier!?

People tend to want what they don't have. A girl with straight hair wants curly hair. A girl with curly hair wants to have straight hair. A skinny guy wants to gain weight. A bigger guy wants to lose weight. A tall girl wants to be short. A short girl wants to be tall. It's always been that way. The grass is always greener in the other side.

but, guess what!??? that's what we all have been wrong.

“You may think the grass is greener on the other side, but if you take the time to water your own grass it would be just as green.”

It looks that way only because we haven't realize what we have, what we are capable of, and what we can become. We have to realize that we all have what it takes. It's all within us. We just have to see it as your biggest asset, not as your biggest disadvantage. First, you have to know what you have to use it. So, get to know who you are. Introduce yourself to you. Every once in a while, ask other people.

"WHAT do you think it is that makes me unique!?"

The answer might surprise you. It might be something you hated so much all through life. People might tell you that you're the funniest person they know when you thought you're a serious person. So, you never know. and as you find out more about yourself, start watering that little seeds within you. Nurture it. and love it. the more you know who you are and what you're capable of, the closer you get to where you wanna be.

Of course that doesn't really apply in every situation. You can't really become 6' in over night when you're 5'. You can't change your ethnicity. You can't change where you've been. But those are all your asset. Use it as your tool. When everyone wears the same thing in the interview room, you wore something totally different, people will remember you just for that. So don't get discouraged because you're different. Be glad that you're different.

when you do something, don't do it half-way. do it all the way. commit to what you're doing. and have fun. That's all you can do.

The Golden rule in life.


The rest is not up to you. So, the moment you finish your part, move on. Forget about it, and let's go on with whatever comes next. Let the universe take care of it. You did your part. You are who you are for a reason. We wish we could know the reason, but we often don't. Or even if we do, we won't know it at that moment anyway. Do your part. Do what you love and Love what you do. And Do the best you can.


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