Friday, June 28, 2013

Set a goal!

I am RE-reading the book that I bought while while back ago. well, more like 10 years ago. "This is not a dress rehearsal, it's your real life now." I love that book. WHen I went back to my parents' house last holidays, the book came back into my life.

He said that if there's one thing you can learn from this book, learn to "SET A GOAL".

People who set their goals usually makes better result. As a matter of fact only 3% of people set their goals and actually FOLLOW THROUGH with it. what a surprise. It seems so simple and easy. Set a goal or two, and stick to it.

You need a short-term plan, a mid-term plan, and a long-term plan. And you have to be realistic about the plan. You can't plan to grow 3 inches in a week, or lose 20lbs in a day. But, I mean, how wonderful would that be if you can!!! I'd grow 4 inches right now!!!

The more important question is "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?"

He says that in a book, the older we get, we forget or hide what we really want in our life. It's so true. Do you know what you want if someone ask you what you want in your life? You might say..."mmmm let me see. I have pretty much everything I need. I might want to go to a trip to Fiji, but that's not happening." or "I really don't have anything I want now." What would you say? You might have something that you want it so bad for a long time, but due to the pressure from your parents or your social status, you might have forced to hide the real desire. It's time to open up! It's time to find our what you really want in your life! And when you find what you want, the rest will just come up on its own.

I love the way he described in the book.

"When you set a goal to make $5000 saving and only made $4000, would you call that a failing!??"

What do you think?! And the good part of setting goal is that it can be changed!!! Because you're the one who making it anyway. I'm not saying that you can cheat or be lazy. that's absolutely not the case. If you achieve that goal earlier, set another one. If you think you're behind, encourage yourself even more. Write it down and Stick to it. And Visualize it!!!!! You have to Visiualize. Seeing it Believing. I believe you can do it. You should do the same.

I believe in you. You can do it. So, put that into action.


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