If stands for "I Fail". I never see it that way. but now, I totally agree with that. When you're skeptical about something, or have doubt in yourself, you don't really go nowhere. That doubt you're having right now, that shouldn't even be an option. It's not!
We all face fear, especially when things are changing, when things are unfamiliar to you. And those are the time that you grow the most. As a matter of fact, you're in luck! You're exeriencing and learning the new things in your life. It's so much either to just get stuck in your comfort zone. My job pays me enough to get by. My house is big enough. bluh bluh bluh. The list can go on and on. But are those what you really want? what you've dreamt all these time? What you've pictured yourself when you are kids? If your answer is no, it's time for you to move on and get going.
My dear friend told me that whenever she has to make a choice, she tries to pick the one that looks more challenging. How many people are willing to do that nowadays? She pushes herself to grow, to become better. We forget that a lot, don't we? I know it's easier to choose the less challenging one. The results might come to you easier and quicker. Sure. But will that give you the exact same result? or better yet to ask you this. Did you grow from it? or Would you have learned the same thing if you chose the other option???
I'm not saying that you have to make your life more complicated than than what it is already. I'm pretty sure that your life is already complicated. Or, not. What I'm trying to saying is that don't get settled for anything. It's not matter of if (I Fail)..... It's a matter of When you achieve what you wanna be or where you wanna be. It's totally up to you. You can do it. Don't take the obvious easy choice, or the easy choice. Dare to choose the challenging choice. The value you get!? You won't get it any other way. It's worth it. It's not IF. It's WHEN.
I just
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