Saturday, June 15, 2013

Do you know how to learn in the rain!??

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
Vivian Greene

Do you know how to dance in the rain!?? I think there are so many of us that just waiting for the storm to pass. Staying at home, crolling up in your warm blanket, drinking hot chocolate... Now that does sound really good, doesn't it?! It sure is. It is comfortable, safe, and something you are familiar. Sure, when the outside is literary pouring rain and flood everywhere, that's exactly what you want to do. But let's face it, that's not what we are talking about.

It's soooo easy to get stuck in your comfort zone. It's so difficult to get out that, especially the first step. How and when to take the first step out, that seems impossible sometimes. But, when you know that you are more than that, you have to take the leap. The first one is always the most difficult one, especially when you stuck in there for a long time. And it gets easier. It will. Not because it is easier, because you get stronger. You'll have strength to face more challenges. The things you've overcome, that will give you knowledge, courage, and strength.

When life hits you hard, would you just let it happen?? Sure, everything happens for reasons. When things beat you down, or the things don't go the way you want it, you can take it in so many way. It might be helping you to see something you weren't seeing before. It might be stopping you from going in the wrong way. It might be telling you to be more humble and not to be all that. It might be telling you that you can do more and overcome what you're facing for your better future. You can take one single event in so many ways... How you see it is totally up to you. There's no right or wrong answer. You just gonna have to decide it on your own. God knows what it is. And you have to ask yourself. At the end of the day, what do you want the most??? If what you're facing is another obstacle in your life, don't let it beat you. Don't let it discourage you. Don't let it beat you. Because you're better than that. You know that what your heart is telling you. When life hits you hard, hit is back even harder. Learn how to dance in the rain, better yet, love to dance in the rain. Just love it, no matter where you are, or who you're with, just dance. Your heart knows what you want.


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