"Love+Live+Life"'s official blog. Let our life filled with Love, Hope and Faith. It's all about Positive lifestyle, inner beauty and gratitude.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Set a goal!
He said that if there's one thing you can learn from this book, learn to "SET A GOAL".
People who set their goals usually makes better result. As a matter of fact only 3% of people set their goals and actually FOLLOW THROUGH with it. what a surprise. It seems so simple and easy. Set a goal or two, and stick to it.
You need a short-term plan, a mid-term plan, and a long-term plan. And you have to be realistic about the plan. You can't plan to grow 3 inches in a week, or lose 20lbs in a day. But, I mean, how wonderful would that be if you can!!! I'd grow 4 inches right now!!!
The more important question is "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?"
He says that in a book, the older we get, we forget or hide what we really want in our life. It's so true. Do you know what you want if someone ask you what you want in your life? You might say..."mmmm let me see. I have pretty much everything I need. I might want to go to a trip to Fiji, but that's not happening." or "I really don't have anything I want now." What would you say? You might have something that you want it so bad for a long time, but due to the pressure from your parents or your social status, you might have forced to hide the real desire. It's time to open up! It's time to find our what you really want in your life! And when you find what you want, the rest will just come up on its own.
I love the way he described in the book.
"When you set a goal to make $5000 saving and only made $4000, would you call that a failing!??"
What do you think?! And the good part of setting goal is that it can be changed!!! Because you're the one who making it anyway. I'm not saying that you can cheat or be lazy. that's absolutely not the case. If you achieve that goal earlier, set another one. If you think you're behind, encourage yourself even more. Write it down and Stick to it. And Visualize it!!!!! You have to Visiualize. Seeing it Believing. I believe you can do it. You should do the same.
I believe in you. You can do it. So, put that into action.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
it's just a matter of DO or DON'T
I am truely and deeply grateful for my life.
I just am. I am healthy and alive. My family members are all pretty healthy and alive. I have a boyfriend who loves me dearly and supports me very much. And I am able to pursuit what I love. I'm not rich. I'm not the prettiest or the most beautiful person. But I love my life and other than being grateful and thankful, I don't know how to express it.
Being able to appreciate what you have can only give you and show you more things to appreciate. The moment you start embracing that little things in your life, you realize how blessed you are!!!! I mean think about it. There might be many things that you're facing. You might have a physical problem that you're facing. You might have a financial issue that you're facing. Or it could be a relationship issue. It could be anything. If you keep attention to the things you don't like, it can go on forever! You must stop. There must be something that you can be grateful.
Let's say that you don't like your current job. Your boss constantly yells at you and gives you a hard time, while the new guy gets a promotion in just a month! That could discourage you big time. I won't disagree with you. And you might say, "HOW CAN I APPRECIATE SOMETHING IN THAT SITUATION!??????" Well, you have to find one. You can be grateful that you learned to be more patient. You can be grateful that you have a job and didn't get fired. It might take a while to adjust the mentality shift. But, once you are used to it, you'll have so many things to be grateful for.
Complaining can only bring you so much more negativity to your life. You will only attract the exact opposite of what you actually want. And you have that power to shif things around. Anything and any moment can be your turning point. When you decide you'll live your life the fullest with the big appreciation, your life will turn around. Don't worry about how or when things will happen or change. You're not in control of that. Just decide that you're gonna make a change, and do it. That's all you. You have that power. So, let decide today. Whatever it is that's been stopping you from living your life the fullest, let go of it. Let go of all the worries and doubt. Just know that you have everything in you. You'll see the change.
Be grateful for what you have and what you'll have. Don't worry about how or when. Just DO IT. When you stick to that and work hard for what you believe in, and believe in yourself, the universe will take care of the rest. So, today, let's decide you're gonna do it. Because I believe in you. You can do it.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
It's all how you see it.
Well, it's all how you see it. If you have that anyway, why not used it to make your life easier!?
People tend to want what they don't have. A girl with straight hair wants curly hair. A girl with curly hair wants to have straight hair. A skinny guy wants to gain weight. A bigger guy wants to lose weight. A tall girl wants to be short. A short girl wants to be tall. It's always been that way. The grass is always greener in the other side.
but, guess what!??? that's what we all have been wrong.
“You may think the grass is greener on the other side, but if you take the time to water your own grass it would be just as green.”
It looks that way only because we haven't realize what we have, what we are capable of, and what we can become. We have to realize that we all have what it takes. It's all within us. We just have to see it as your biggest asset, not as your biggest disadvantage. First, you have to know what you have to use it. So, get to know who you are. Introduce yourself to you. Every once in a while, ask other people.
"WHAT do you think it is that makes me unique!?"
The answer might surprise you. It might be something you hated so much all through life. People might tell you that you're the funniest person they know when you thought you're a serious person. So, you never know. and as you find out more about yourself, start watering that little seeds within you. Nurture it. and love it. the more you know who you are and what you're capable of, the closer you get to where you wanna be.
Of course that doesn't really apply in every situation. You can't really become 6' in over night when you're 5'. You can't change your ethnicity. You can't change where you've been. But those are all your asset. Use it as your tool. When everyone wears the same thing in the interview room, you wore something totally different, people will remember you just for that. So don't get discouraged because you're different. Be glad that you're different.
when you do something, don't do it half-way. do it all the way. commit to what you're doing. and have fun. That's all you can do.
The Golden rule in life.
The rest is not up to you. So, the moment you finish your part, move on. Forget about it, and let's go on with whatever comes next. Let the universe take care of it. You did your part. You are who you are for a reason. We wish we could know the reason, but we often don't. Or even if we do, we won't know it at that moment anyway. Do your part. Do what you love and Love what you do. And Do the best you can.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Things won't fall into places at times. but that's ok. You're there to learn something. or you are there to help someone, you're protected from getting hurt maybe. You're there for a reason. You are there for your better future. So, don't get discouraged. but don't stay there. you have to move forward. you have to get back on your feet. You have to keep going. you can't quit. you won't quit, because you know you are better than that. You are worth much more than that.
Keep faith. You didn't come into this life for nothing. You have a place in this universe.
Love who you are and who you will become.
Hope. Don't ever lose hope. Hope is not only hope. it's your future. when you can see it in your mind, it'll become reality. You know that.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Do what you love
"Not being in charge of your own life is the most irresponsible thing in your life."
YES!!!! Who'd agree with that!? I do. Because you have so much in you, you have so much to offer to the world and to other people. Why not do that?! This life is not about surviving, or barely get by. You have to LIVE it. You know what you like. or at least you know what you DON'T like,(that's the beginning!). If it wasn't something you're meant to do, those feeling would not be in you to beging with. If you have something that you've been wanted to do for a long time and not going away, that's what you're suppose to do. That's what you are born to do. Everyone has their own interpretation to their life. And that's fine. You are who you are. She is who she is. He is who he is. Of course, there are a lot more you can do, improve or work on. And you should work everyday and every moment to work for that. And when you follow through with what your heart is telling you, at the end of the day, the result will automatically come to you. Don't listen to those people who quit or didn't even start. Listen to those who are living their life and following their dream and their heart. It's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be hard. but when you're doing what you're suppose to be doing, you will feel right. You will feel that the universe is there to support you. All you have to do is your part.
1 You have to have UNBREAKABLE FAITH.
Other people will reject you, deny you, try to pull you down. Don't do that to yourself. Have faith that you can accomplish.
2 You have to be PROACTIVE
Don't ever expect that a chance will be given to you. The chance will always be there. but you can only see that when you do your part and you are ready.
3 You have to HUSTLE
You have to be creative and smart. It doesn't mean you should take advantage of others. It means that you have to be ORIGINAL. You have to know what you can offer to the world.
Success is falling nine times and getting up ten.
Jon Bon Jovi
(From BrainyQuotes, has lots of inspiring quotes!!!)
Do what you love. that's the secret.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Ok, let's be clear, talking about what you want is good. You talk about what you want in your life. Well, but there's more. Depends on how you talk about what you want, your out come will be different.
Knowing what you want is only the first step. And knowing that you will have it, and being able to picture you're having that are another step. And feel that you're having it, enjoy it, feel it. and EMBRACE IT!!!!! You have to understand that embracing something means a lot more than just thanking it. It's so much more than that.
The moment when you relized how much you have, it gives you so much more meaning into your life. There are always people that they'd DIE to be in where you are. They'd die to have the problem you have because it means nothing to them. I'm not saying that your problem is meaningless. Of course, everyone has its own problem and it is a big issue when you're facing it. But, when you change your perspective, and see it from a diffnerent side, you'll realize how blessed you are. And that'll help you realize more things to be grateful. And eventually, you'll be grateful for every single moment of your life!!! and that's how it should be. We're all energy/creatures of LOVE. The more Love you feel, the more happy you become. And remember, happiness is a state of mind, it's a choice. Start embracing. Start loving. That's the way......
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
it's all about how you see it
When you take a new step and approach differently, it might feel very uncomfortable for you, or might not feel right for you. The truth is that, it might not be. No one can tell you what is the right way or wrong way. The Universe will give you what you're attracting.
Today was a busy day. I went place to place. And BOOM!!!! a brand new idea was planted in me. and right at that moment, whole new perspective was coming in. Things that I didn't even think, or I thought it wasn't gonna work... Boy, I was wrong. That spark of new idea opened up so many possibilities.
You never know how or when things might turn around. You have to keep open minded. Especially when your problem is a financial one, it's tough. You can't solve everything overnight. And even though the economy is recovering, it still is tough. but as it says in "Rich Dad, Poor Dad",
"It's not about 'Oh, I can't afford this'. It's about "HOW CAN I AFFORD!?"
See, with right attitude and mind-set, you will open up a new possibility in your life. So, start seeing things that way. How can I reach!? How can I do this?! And act on it. There's no fiary godmother who grant you a wish over night. But, when you ask for something, and have right attitude/approach, and you act on it.... YOU WILL GET IT!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT.
I believe in you. Be open. Be proactive.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Don't lose your sight
Don't lose sight of where you want to be, or what you should be, or what you're born to be. Because you WILL get there. You can't forget the bigger picutre in your life. When I say "The challenges are given to you, because you're capable of overcoming it", some people might not agree with that. Did the world hunger happen because those kids in Africa can overcome that situation!?? No. Absolutely not. I totally agree with that. I believe that NO Child should be that way. But it's not about that.
I just want to say that If you know what you want, what you wanna be, what you should be, GO AFTER IT. Don't let anyone stop you. Sure, results won't be as you expected most of the time. They will tell you "You are not good enough", "You are not what we're looking for". "You're too this and that..."...... the list keeps going on and on. Don't let those words discourage you from what you love so much. what you're born to do. those people don't have a clue about what you are!!!!!! no they don't. they don't know how wonderful you are. they don't know how amazing you are. they don't know how kind you are, how smart you are, how thoughtfull you are.. they have NOOOOOOO CLUE. You know who you are and what you are capable of. So, Don't listen to them. If you can take advice from those people to improve, that's great!!!! sometimes, a third person could give a whole new perspective and bring you a new idea. When that happen, USE THAT!!! Anything can teach you to grow and be better. If people piss you off, be glad that you're not like them.
You're amazing. You know what you're. So.... Keep going. If it changes!??? fine, go after that one! it doesn't matter. As long as your heart is in the right place, follow your heart. Love who you are. And love others. Don't let your ego take over. that's different. Respect others as you want others to do the same to you. Believe in who you are and what you're capable of. and don't forget, you can always learn and grow. that's the fun part of it. there's no ending. it can go on forever as long as you're alive and willing to do that. How amazing is that!???? Doesn't that just excite you even more!???
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Do you know how to learn in the rain!??
Vivian Greene
Do you know how to dance in the rain!?? I think there are so many of us that just waiting for the storm to pass. Staying at home, crolling up in your warm blanket, drinking hot chocolate... Now that does sound really good, doesn't it?! It sure is. It is comfortable, safe, and something you are familiar. Sure, when the outside is literary pouring rain and flood everywhere, that's exactly what you want to do. But let's face it, that's not what we are talking about.
It's soooo easy to get stuck in your comfort zone. It's so difficult to get out that, especially the first step. How and when to take the first step out, that seems impossible sometimes. But, when you know that you are more than that, you have to take the leap. The first one is always the most difficult one, especially when you stuck in there for a long time. And it gets easier. It will. Not because it is easier, because you get stronger. You'll have strength to face more challenges. The things you've overcome, that will give you knowledge, courage, and strength.
When life hits you hard, would you just let it happen?? Sure, everything happens for reasons. When things beat you down, or the things don't go the way you want it, you can take it in so many way. It might be helping you to see something you weren't seeing before. It might be stopping you from going in the wrong way. It might be telling you to be more humble and not to be all that. It might be telling you that you can do more and overcome what you're facing for your better future. You can take one single event in so many ways... How you see it is totally up to you. There's no right or wrong answer. You just gonna have to decide it on your own. God knows what it is. And you have to ask yourself. At the end of the day, what do you want the most??? If what you're facing is another obstacle in your life, don't let it beat you. Don't let it discourage you. Don't let it beat you. Because you're better than that. You know that what your heart is telling you. When life hits you hard, hit is back even harder. Learn how to dance in the rain, better yet, love to dance in the rain. Just love it, no matter where you are, or who you're with, just dance. Your heart knows what you want.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
if you don't ask, the answer is always NO.
How simple is that? but a lot of people don't ask. Sometimes they are afraid that the answer will be NO. or They are afraid that they will think you're crazy or stupid. or They are afraid that you are not worthy enough to get what you're asking.
but guess what??? Don't be afraid. You have to ask. or else you'll never know. Seriously. My life style has changed drastically. Basically, I moved to NYC from LA. Sure. One side of the coast to the other. I don't drive anymore. I walk everywhere. I don't have lots of friends yet. I still am getting myself used to the area. But, I do believe that the change has been happening. I am more proactive. Before I was stuck in my comfort zone. It wasn't challenging. and now that I'm in a whole new world, I have to start from somewhere, or anywhere for that matters!!!
If you don't ask, the answer is always NO...
so, start asking, the answer might be YES.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
You're Never, NEVER too late to start anything!
the answer is Yes, you wanto to grow. at least that's what I believe anyway.
I went to this seminer today. The guest speaker of the day was very well-known actress. She told us about one story that inspired me so much.
One day, after Thanksgiving, she was invited to a party with her family. She saw this 93 year old lady, yes 93 years old!!!!!, playing New Orleans Jazz Piano. The actress told the lady that she's always wanted to play piano. Then, the lady told her this...
"Honey, you're still a baby. I got my Master and PhD after I turned 60. I started playing classical piano when I was 70. I started playing New Orleans Jazz Piano after that. THen, now, I'm playing with Jazz Band."
What an inspiring story!!!
So, as long as you have a will to learn, and grow, YOU CAN START!!!! Don't be your own worst enemy. Be your own biggest supporter!!!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
IF=I Fail
We all face fear, especially when things are changing, when things are unfamiliar to you. And those are the time that you grow the most. As a matter of fact, you're in luck! You're exeriencing and learning the new things in your life. It's so much either to just get stuck in your comfort zone. My job pays me enough to get by. My house is big enough. bluh bluh bluh. The list can go on and on. But are those what you really want? what you've dreamt all these time? What you've pictured yourself when you are kids? If your answer is no, it's time for you to move on and get going.
My dear friend told me that whenever she has to make a choice, she tries to pick the one that looks more challenging. How many people are willing to do that nowadays? She pushes herself to grow, to become better. We forget that a lot, don't we? I know it's easier to choose the less challenging one. The results might come to you easier and quicker. Sure. But will that give you the exact same result? or better yet to ask you this. Did you grow from it? or Would you have learned the same thing if you chose the other option???
I'm not saying that you have to make your life more complicated than than what it is already. I'm pretty sure that your life is already complicated. Or, not. What I'm trying to saying is that don't get settled for anything. It's not matter of if (I Fail)..... It's a matter of When you achieve what you wanna be or where you wanna be. It's totally up to you. You can do it. Don't take the obvious easy choice, or the easy choice. Dare to choose the challenging choice. The value you get!? You won't get it any other way. It's worth it. It's not IF. It's WHEN.
I just
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Change can be scary. You're getting out from your comfort place, and taking risks. That's a great commitment already. And when you're truely aligned with the universe and what you really want, the result will come to you. It'll happen for you. You can't be passive about this.
Sure, The law of attraction teaches you all the good mental approach. But just reading that won't do anything. You have to apply all the lessons to your life! You have to use what you learn. Being passive and hoping that the result will come to you no matter what, well, that's a big mistake. You have to take action. Without it, you will stay where you are. You might be comfortable and content, but you won't grow.
A lot of things are happening in this universe. But if you're not ready to get it or see it, you'll never realize that.
Love is the source of everything. You are love.
Transition is coming. Get ready. And transform yourself. You're better than that. You have so much more to offer. You're more than that.