Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A glass....

Is you glass half full?! 
or half empty?!
or full-full with half water and half air?!
or are you just grateful that you simply have a glass?!

When you see this glass with water half way, will you say, "I only have a half left". or "I have a room to fill more"? Are you able to realize that there's a glass, without it no water shall be stored. Now that you see it that way, will you be able to be grateful for the fact that we even have a glass?! When we get used to what we have, it's so easy to take those for granted, instead of appreciating or even realizing it. And when we are used to certain way, we forget to realize that there are other ways, or neglect to see the other ways. It might be different from being ignorant, but it's being able to see what we're given, like a glass to fill water, might not be something we do naturally. And I believe that it's time to start seeing things differently. 

We are like a half-filled glass. And we are the glass. We are not perfect, nor we ever will be. We're all work-in-progress. We change our way of life everyday. We change our way to think everyday. One day you might be one thing, and the next day, you might be something completely different. But, you're still you. There's no way right way or wrong way. you are you, no matter what. You change within you to be better, or to be more open to something new. Being open-minded is very important. You don't agree with some things, and that's ok too. As long as you are open to listen to that idea, that's what's important. And when you see/hear something new, you take those ideas in to be better. You have to make a room for something better to come into your life. You cannot just take, take, take everything. You also need to take a part in GIVING. What will happen when you keep pouring in to the glass!? It'll overflow, and something it could have been used for others will go waste. When your glass is about to be full, get rid of the old way that's not serving you any more, so that you can accept something new. 

At the same time, I don't want us to limit ourselves at all. Please don't think that there's a limitation in what we can be, do or have. Because there isn't. There's no shortcut. Some people get there faster than the others. Some people just might have that naturally. Some people might have to work at it more than the others.When you have something that you want to accomplish, do it. Keep working on it. Be patient. Be open minded. Be humble. Know that there's always a room to grow. Really love what you do. And know that you can. We all still have a lot to learn. So, let's enjoy.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

We all want love

Happy Holidays!!! I truly wish that you all had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends.

It's very important to spend time with people you love. Tell them that they are wonderful and that you appreciate their support and love. Don't expect them to know how you're feeling without telling them. If you love someone, tell them that you love them. If you are grateful for someone, tell them that you're grateful for them. If someone upset you, don't go yelling at them in their face. It's easy to blame on other people and tell them how horrible it is/was. But that's not the solution to all this. If you have trouble/disagreement with someone, you need to talk to them. like, really TALK TO THEM. Explain how it made you feel. It's easy to say that it's their fault without realizing their point of view or where they are coming from. Everything is about the perspective. Being able to change your perspective can save your life. Yelling at each other is easy. Blaming it to somebody is easy. But appreciating what/who you will have and what you already have, that's something else. Being able to recognize and acknowledge what other people are doing for you, that's something else. If you've been hurt by other people, or feel like you've been judged or belittle by someone, it's time for you to start changing your perspective.

 There'll always be people who'll try to bring you down, or tell you that you're not good enough or try to discourage you. And there'll be people who means good, but the things they say can make you feel the opposite. You know, like your mom tells you something that she thinks it's good for you but it can really upset you or hurt you!? That kinda thing. There's also tough love. And it's very important to have someone who'll push you forward, tell you straight forward what might hurt you. You can tell the difference. When someone is important to you that type of love is essential.

But everyone likes to be appreciated, to be noticed, and to be encouraged. If you see someone doing wonderful, take a moment to acknowledge that. Tell them how great they've been doing, or how wonderful they are. Be grateful, show and tell them. It's one thing to be fake and just tell thing that what they might want to hear. Don't talk them up in their face and talk bad mouth when they are not looking. Don't waste your time on something negative. There's always at least one thing you can be grateful for that person even when they make you feel like nothing. Maybe they are protecting themselves from getting hurt. that's their defense mechanize. They might see what they don't like about themselves in you, and that makes them feel not so great about them. They might see what they want in you and that makes them see that they're not there yet. There are millions of possibilities.  The only thing you can do is to be true to who you are, and to keep working on to be better, and to life up other people. We all want same thing and that's love. So start by giving love to others. You'll start seeing the change in other people. You can't change other people. But you can change the way you approach them.  You can just show them, and lead them by example. You can show them love.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Fake it till you BECOME IT

"Our bodies change our minds, 
and our minds can change our behavior, 
and our behavior can change our outcomes. 

So if the goal is confidence, 
don't fake it til you make it.... 

Fake it till you become it"
Amy Cuddy

People say that "You don't smile because you're happy. You're happy because you smile". Our brain determines our emotions based on our physical situation. So, when you smile, your muscle tells your brain that you're happy. And your brain will produce the hormones and will transmit the appropriate emotion accordingly. Well, just watch this video and she'll tell you exactly what it is, I can't. It is incredible. 

We all have power to change our situation, we have to believe and know that we can. It only seems difficult because we let it think that way. Through out our life,  we often get used to think in certain way. That habit can be build based on your cultural background, religious background, or educational background... anything. It can be any reason. And  when you're so accustomed to that particular way of thinking, you don't even realize that there are some other ways. Or perhaps, you might see it, but not being able to comprehend or put that into action. Getting our of your comfort zone and try new thing is not something easy at all., especially, when you're doing that for a long time! (All your life, even!) But we all have to grow as a human being, and as a part of this big Universe. We all want what's better, don't we?! And we are all capable of doing that. As a matter of fact, that's what we're suppose to do. 

Whatever it is that you want to do, or be, ACT like one. The burning desire in you were planted in, because you're capable of making it happen. 

Let's start with this... every morning you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror, give yourself a big smile and say 

"My life is full of love, happiness and blessings. 
All the good things are happening right now and I'm loving it! 
Thank you!"

 We're all meant to have fun. If we're living our lives anyways, why not have fun!?


Ted.com has lots of wonderful information. Check it out!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Everything will work out

So, I've mentioned about Anthony Meindl and his book "At Left brain turn Right". It's an incredible book. It was meant for actors, but I believe that this is for anyone. After all, this is about YOUR LIFE.

I really love how he puts it. "Things will work out eventually. It doesn't mean that you're gonna get what you want or things you expected will happen. NO. But things WILL work out at the end of the day."

just love that! Everything happens for reasons. and you might, or might not find out what it could be. All we have to know is that it will work out. It's tough to see it that way especially when you're in the midth of crisis. You just gotta have a faith. that's it. No craziness, no nonsense, no panic, Be calm, breathe and surrender. It doesn't mean you don't have to do anything. You have to work for it.

The point is that don't have the idea of how it should be or when it should happen, or how it should happen. Those are just gonna limit you. You'll get caught up in those ideas and miss what's more important. NOW! yes. Now is what's important. Now is the only time you get to live. Embrace that now. What you've been "DREAMING", is happening now! So, let's just know that everything's going to work out! How?! we don't know. but know that it will.

And it's happening NOW!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

LOVE.... that's all we are based on.

Someone just told me today something wonderful.

"The things you do seems like coming out from the place of LOVE".

WOW!!!! Can this be any better!? It made me so happy because that's exactly how I want people to see me. That's what this blog is about. Everything we do, should come from the place of love. Everything we feel should come from the place of love.

There are so many distractions in this life. So many things can take over our life in a split second. Our cellphones/smart phones are one thing. We're completely taken over by that little device. Remember the day that we used to call land-line and talked quietly so that your parents won't hear you? that we used to fight with your siblings over who gets to use the phone? Remember the day that there was no Internet or social networking site?! How did we live our lives back then?! Many of us are obsessed by those. We feel naked when we forget our phone. That's how obsessed we are. Time changes, things changes, and that's how it is in this time period. There are also a lots of plus side. You can ask for a help right away when you get a flat tire. You can check in your kids when you have to go on a business trip. Your business becomes easier thanks to that device. You are able to access more information right away. You can self-produce/promote.. so on and so on. So, I'm not against that. What I'm against is to be taken over by them. You can use them, but don't be used.

Same thing goes to money. It is very difficult not to think about money. Unfortunately, you have to pay your rent, the bill, the food... It does take very important part of our life. However, we have to remember that money is something that's created by human beings. The value was determined by human beings. The use was invented by human beings. It is managed by human beings. It's not going to define who you are or how happy you are. It doesn't. For god's sake, bills are just a paper which can easily ripped apart. Who you are and how happy you are, the only thing that can define that is YOU and YOUR LOVE.

My amazing mother always told me that "Anything that has a shape will break". Your phone will break one day. Your computer will break one day. Your favorite cup will break one day. If you think of yourself as a thing with shape, yes, your body will stop breathing one day and it'll stop functioning as a person. So why would you want to let yourself, and your life taken over by something that'll break!? And we don't know WHEN it'll break. Not so reliable, is it?! But, LOVE?! we can always count on it. Love is a feeling. Love is a power. Love is a source of all living things. Love is EVERYTHING. it's me, it's you, and it's your friends and family. It doesn't have any expiration, boarders, or limitation. You can create love anytime. You can feel love any time. It's not always easy to take love over your material situations. Trust me, we all do. How many times have you walked pass homeless people when you actually do have some spare change or a dollar to gve? Maybe you were on the way to the bar that'll only take cash and you needed that extra dollar.... You know that the right thing to do, the action comes from the place of love, is to give a dollar.

It's not easy to take the way of love all the time. But when you start following the way of love, you'll start seeing so much more. You'll start listening your inner voice more. Things will become easy. You'll see that your life is so much more. You'll smile more. You'll love more. You'll enjoy your life more. You'll live more. And that's the truth.

Start doing one thing out of love. Not because so that you can get something out of it. Just because you are alive from the place of love. Remember, we all are love. We didn't create that. It was there way before we were born.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Family is a gift

Do you love your family? Do you tell them that you love them? By family, it doesn't only mean by blood. I have all kinds of family and I love them all.

My blood family live on the other side of the world. I chose my path to live here, and I left my home almost 10 years ago. I must confess that I have not been involved in their life as much as I should. I know it's excuses, but having huge time differences doesn't make things easier. The more time goes by, the more I miss them. Yes, emails, skype, so on and so on... it's so much easier to get in contact with them than before. But that' nothing like being there physically for them. Fortunately, they are very supportive about what I do. They love me no matter what. They always let me know how much they love me and want me to be happy. And I'm so grateful to have such an incredible people as my family. It's not easy living apart from them. My grandparents are almost 90 years old. They are wonderful and I love them both so much. My parents are amazing. I don't think I can ever be as great as them. I'm so grateful to be born as their daughter and I do tell them that. Thank you both. My sister is a strong woman and a great mother. We fought a lot when we were small, but now, I see her as one of my best friends. My family always want what's best for me, and what makes me happy. They'll always have my back. And that's the best thing you can ever ask for in family, and in anything and anyone. I love you so much.

And my spiritual family who live all over the world. Some I met long time ago, some just a while ago. We might have absolutely nothing in common, or we have so much things in common... the initial connections are all different. And  I love them all so much. Some people I talk more often than the others. Some I see more often than the others. but, whenever we see each other for the first time in years, it doesn't really matter. it's like we just saw each other last week. I've been so lucky to be able to meet so many great people. They've all taught me and shown me different things. Thank you so much and I love you.

What I want to say is, don't take anybody for granted. Every people you meet, they are blessing. They came in to your life for different reasons. The relationship between people is never one way. You have to respect them, treat them right and listen to them. It's something to be worked out. You can't just call them when we need something. Just pick up your phone and ask them how they are doing. We all have a moment, that out of nowhere a particular person pop up in your head, and you get an email from them, or a call from them?! That's a proof that you're connected in the spiritual level. When that happens next time, pick up a phone and call them. Tell them that you care about them. And remember, treasure all the encounter as it will not recur. When your friends/family make a decision to do something for themselves, be there for them.

Be grateful that you have people who you can count on.
Be grateful that you have can call them your friends/family.
Be grateful that they want what's best for you.
Be grateful that you are able to do something for them.
Be grateful that you can value your time with them.
Be grateful that they will be tough when it needs to be.
Be grateful that you're a part of their life.

Make an effort to be a good member of your family.
Let them know how much you love them and how much they mean to you.


Just because you can

Life is about what you can give. You do your part as a piece of puzzle in this Universe. It's not about what you can get, it'll always be about what you can give.

This week was one of the most memorable, and amazing week in my life. Two of my friends gave me the greatest early Christmas present. I'm so grateful for everything that happened, and people who came into my life. I cannot be more grateful for that. They've shown me how to be giving, in a whole new level!!! and still be modest. They don't brag about it, they made it seem like it's nothing. NO! It was a huge deal for me! I seriously do not know how in the world, I deserved any of it. All I could do was to keep thanking them. They told me to stop thanking them, instead, they told me to spread love and just pay it forward to the next person. Have I given anything that remotely close to this to anyone!? I mean, it's not about the matter of how big it is, or how expensive it is. It's about caring that person. It's about how much passionate you are, serious you are, how genuine you are. The most important thing is that we don't give anything with a expectation. When you're expecting something in return, that doesn't mean anything. Do it, because you can. Do it because it's a nice thing. Do it because you care about that person. Do it because that's what matters to you. Your gut will always know what the right thing is.

Being able to be kind to others for no reason might not be an easy thing. You see homeless people on the street, asking for some changes. If you have some spare change, give it to them. You might think that if you start doing that to everyone every time, there will be no end.... You're right. You might not be able to do that everyday, or every time. But try to do that every once in a while, that won't hurt. Instead of buying an expensive cup of coffee, you can do something else with that $5. You see a mother with kids at the mall, pushing a stroller, hold that door for her. It can be as simple as that. Smile for no reason. Sing for no reason. Be generous for no reason. Be kind for no reason. Just because you can. And that's all it takes.

"Just because you can".


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

it's time to grow

From the moment we were born, we are all destined to grow. It is a daily process and it is necessary. By your growth, you are to make difference in this world.

Again, the growth must be made DAILY and it is NECESSARY. 

First, we have to understand what we have, our current situation, what we've been given.

Second, you have to get what you can. Receive what you can. Everything is happening FOR YOU, not TO YOU. You get to do this. It's given for you for your growth. You're capable of overcoming what you're facing.

Third, DO WHAT YOU MUST. We must CHOOSE to grow. And that's our responsibility.  It starts from your initiative. Growth must be made by choice. The way we see the circumstances. The way we approach things/people. To fulfill your life, growth is essential. without it, we are not going anywhere.

let's decide. to be better. to be more responsible. to live better life.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

R.I.P. Mandela

"It always seems impossible until it's done."
----Nelson Mandela---

One of the most influential politician has passed. Many people talked about him, wrote books about him, made movies about him. A person's action speaks louder than his words. In that way, he was very loud, indeed. May his soul rest in peace.

The hurdle was already high. The circumstance given to him was already full of struggle. And yet, the one thing he believed in kept him going, FREEDOM. The goal kept him going. All the odds were against him. He created his own path. He forgave people who did him wrong. He preached LOVE and FAITH. He preached PEACE. He preached FREEDOM. And look how far he came. Life is what you make it. We have it so much easier than what he went through. At least I do. Even though the things that seems tough for me, might seem like a luxurious vacation for some people. My family is alive and well. I'm alive and well.I have people who care about me. I have a place to live and job to pay the bills. That's already more than enough blessing. The rest, those are the issues I'm making it as issues. The moment I shift my perspective, anything else shouldn't matter. I'm the only person who can put limit on myself. I'm the only person who can let things feel in certain way. I'm the only person who can say no to myself. I'm the only person who can say YES to the situation and keep going. I'm the only person who can say I'm good enough to do whatever I put my mind to it. It's easier said than done. It's true. But we all have that power to do it.

You see, don't let yourself blinded by things or circumstances. You already have so much blessing in your life. You have a power to shift the perspective. Whatever you're facing right now, it can be your strength or be your own worst enemy. The choice is yours. Things that seems impossible is impossible because you put a limit to yourself. Your love, your faith, and you are so much greater than you think. Things might not happen over night or the time you want it to happen. But we still have to keep showing up. Show up to your own life. You can do it.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

You got everything you need.

More often than enough, our tendency is to compare ourselves with other people. You look at them and see what we don't have and envy them, instead of looking at ourselves and be grateful for what's been given to us. And for most of us, it leads to discouragement, disapproval, feeling of inferior, failure.... the list goes on and on. The truth is that we shouldn't be comparing ourselves to anyone. We're all created differently, equipped differently, and raised differently. And we're all created for absolutely different purposes as a piece in this big Universe.  So, other than the fact that we're both human beings in anatomical sense we have nothing in common. It's us, that putting ourselves in to frustration.

We all have our image of how life should be, and expect things to be that way. We also want to get accepted by the others, acknowledged by others, and approved by others. So, when we see something or someone that's popular or idolized we put this thought in our head, "I NEED TO HAVE THAT to get to where my life should be". "I NEED TO LOOK LIKE THAT to get to where I want to be." "I NEED TO DO THAT to get noticed by other people.... WRONG!!!!! We look for any materials, characters, quality outside of ourselves when we actually need to look what's already inside us. We have to encourage and embrace who we are as a person, and what we can do, what we can offer first in order for us to be whole. We can't expect anything or anyone to fill the missing part in our lives. We have to dig deeper and look into ourselves to get in touch with who we are meant to be. We have to accept, embrace and enjoy ourselves as who we are to be successful in anything. You have to be the best you for you to be successful in what you're doing, what you want to do, and what you are passionate about. No one can be better than you to be you. You have to be our best you, commit to it, and excel it. You don't have to look like that model to fulfill your path. If I was meant to be tall, I would have been tall. But I wasn't meant to be tall. I'm short for a reason. I'm who I am for a reason. You are who you are for reasons. And nobody can take your place. If you want what other people have, think again. Why do you want it?! Do you need it?!

You're already born with everything you need. Think about it. If the earth was not created in the PRECISELY same place, there might not have been any lives at all. So, we are the same way. We're created with purpose. We're who we are for reason. If the Universe's plan was for you to fulfill your sister's plan, you should have been born as your sister. There's something for you to do. As a matter of fact, there's something only YOU can do. Stop looking outside. Start looking inside of you. Dig a little deeper. You got it all. You are meant to do something incredible. You are already amazing for just being you.So, thank you so much.

Embrace who you are. You are amazing. Nothing and No one can ever take your place. Be the best you. You  are already pretty good at being yourself. Don't judge. Don't compare. You are unique. You are already born with everything you need. Find it, use it, and Maximize it!


Monday, December 2, 2013


Gratitude is another great way to improve your life. "Don't let your gratitude be seasonal". It sounds almost silly, but let's think about it. During the holiday season, people are more giving, caring and happy. Why? We think about our loved ones, family and friends. We buy gifts for them. We write holiday card for them. We give them a call to see how they are doing. We become more considerate to even strangers. We smile more often. We laugh more often. We spend more time with people in general. Why can't we do that everyday!? Why does it have to be seasonal? Why can't your everyday life be about gratitude and love? The answer is simple, of course we can!

When life is simple, we enjoy things more. When we were little, we played with sand, water, paper and pens, or imaginary items, twigs... The imagination and the creativity of children are so amazing and they don't need fancy things. They are professional make-believer. When they decide that it's true, it IS true. They genuinely believe what they are doing. When they're playing house, they ARE playing house. When they are playing doctors, they ARE doctors and patients. When they are playing fire fighter, they ARE fire fighters.... As we grow older and start having more things, we start losing that ability. Rather say, we start to forget how to use the ability. We start using phones, computer, tablets..... and we become addicted. We let them take over our lives. Think about when we lose electricity.  We can still turn on the candles and talk to each other instead of watching TV forever without talking to each other. We can start telling each other stories like we used to do when we were kids. And it's such a great time! When we have less, we become creative, appreciative. Things become more meaningful. Seriously, we didn't have smartphones and tablets 15 years ago. We had to come up with something to entertain us!!!!

The moment you start appreciating what you have, you start seeing things differently. When you complain, all you see is what we don't like and what we don't have. When we are grateful, you start realizing more things to appreciate. And that's exactly how you attract positive outcomes. There'll always be people who'd die to have the life that you're complaining right now. They'd love to have that job that you hate because they don't have a job. They'd love to have the apartment you can't bare because they don't have a roof over their head. They'd love to have the clothes you're wearing that you said it's too boring and out-of-date because they've been wearing the same thing for a while.  They'd love to have the vision that you're taking for granted. They'd love to have those legs that you said too thick. They'd love to have this day you said it's the worst day because they died yesterday. As long as we can breathe, we'll ALWAYS have something to be grateful for. The gratitude is a mental approach. There's nothing we should be taking it granted for. Everything is amazing. Everything is a gift. Think about something that you can be grateful for today. And one more thing tomorrow. If you keep doing that for a week, that's already 7 things to be grateful for!!! Isn't that amazing!? Even the things you don't like, or people that annoy you, those can give you something to be grateful for. Be grateful that you learned not to be like them and for the things that we just learned.

Thank you,


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Take a leap

"If you're not scared stepping into something then you're not doing the right thing."
-Sandra Bullock-

They say that the first step is the most difficult one. You are stepping into unknown. It is scary when you get out of your comfort zone. But it is a necessary step we must take. It was easier when we were little, because there's more thing that we didn't know. As we grow older we "KNOW" so much more. It's easy when you know what to do, how to do, or when to do. And it gives you confident to the certain level. And once you gain the confidence, that's the time for you to think the next level. You've earned it till that point. Start thinking more, instead of settling down. There's always something new. You have to change your vision to the big ocean, not the familiar pond you're in. 

When we're comfortable, we start making excuses. Because we have that time to think about it. "What if I fail?"  "What if I look stupid?" "What would other people think of me?"  When we're in a place of unknown, we don't have time to think! We're too busy doing what we are facing. So, when things are familiar to us, we stop exploring the options. And we could be soooo good at making those excuses. Sounds familiar?! We can come up with things that seems to make sense, or that justifies the situation, or that tries to convince ourselves. Eventually, other people start to agree with those excuses and we become more and more comfortable with where we are. We lose interest for better. We lose passion and eagerness to improve. Our egos grow, which will start to tell us so many "RIGHT" things. 


Here's a question. 

How can you see the light if you're not in the dark?! 

You can't. We have to be in the dark to see the light. If you're in the bright day light, or in the blindingly bright artificial lighting, how can we notice the little candle light that's miles away!? It'll be so difficult. Seeing the light will guide you. Even in the absolute darkness, eventually our eyes do get use to that darkness. Just like when we go to bed. We turn off light, and it seems pitch black, but soon enough we get use to it. So, even in the darkness, we will find our way. It's different from just doing things blindly, just for the sake of doing it. We do need a mindset or a goal. It takes courage to do so. But the greater the risk is, the greater the reward is. If it doesn't go well? Well, we just learned a way NOT to do and we make less mistakes from now on. Take a chance. If you don't do it, we'll never find out. 


Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's the Holiday.... One of the big ones, it means we're getting close to wrap up the year. All your families get together to have dinner, say thank you to each other and be grateful for the things you missed to announce till today. It's a great reminder for us to be grateful for what we have, what we're given. We might be to busy for work, school, life so on and so on.... It's so easy to get caught up in life and forget what we love the most, what we should be grateful for. It's easy to take things for granted and not appreciate people around you or what you have. It's just so easy. So, it's super great that we have AN OFFICIAL DAY to remind ourselves that.

It might be a good idea to turn off your cellphone for a day, (or at least don't be obsessed with it) and spend quality time with your family or your friends. Read books together, talk about things that haven't been brought up, watch movies together, sing together. Enjoy the taste of the wonderful meal prepared for you. It might be fun to plan what you want to get for "black Friday sale". There'll always be someone who'll die to take your place, the place that you might not like. Start appreciating the small things. Start saying thank you to a little things that other people did for you. Start saying thank you and I love you to people you love. It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving or Valentine's day to do that. We might not be able to be there physically for each other. But we can pick up the phone and call them. We can text or email each other. Or it might be a great idea to write a letter, nice old hand writing letter. You'll be surprise how wonderful it is to receive that letter out of nowhere. Someone actually took time to write that letter for you. Isn't that wonderful?!

Everything and every moment is a treasure. Nothing is replaceable. Cherish every moment. Being grateful will help you realize how wonderful and blessed you are. Even the things that frustrates you and annoy you,  if you change the way you see it, you can find something to be grateful out of that circumstances. Life is a gift you were given. Love is a gift you can give.

Love, and Thank you for being you.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

It takes time

No matter who you are or what you do, we always are "Middle-Man" in this Universe. No one can live alone. It's not possible. As long as you are alive, you interact with other people. Whether it's conscious one or not, you sill make some type of connection with someone other than yourself. Somebody had to give birth to you, and somebody had to catch you when you came out from that someone. So there're already 2 people involved in your life. Who built the house you live in!? Where does the electricity come from!? Everyone has a part in this life.  And beyond that everyone has a purpose in their life. Some people know exactly what it is, some people figure out along the way, and some people don't even have a single clue what it might be. But, you're here to serve your purpose. Depends on what it is, you have more interaction with other people than others.

 I believe that the only way to improve our current situation and contribute to the world is by committing to your life 200%.

Some one once told me that your relationship with others is not about what you can get out from them, it's about what you can offer them. You don't go into relationship with someone, or be friends with someone wanting to get something. It happens. But that's not genuine and that's not how true relationship should be. It's easy to talk about the idea of how this should be or that. And like everything else, it's easier said than done. However, when your relationship is not coming from that honest place, you know that that's not going to end up great. Don't you think!? You end up the relationship because you can't get what you wanted?! How about business!? Yes, we go into business with someone hoping that we're gonna make profit out of it. Is it mutual agreement or only one side should get the profit and the other lose everything!?

The more you know about your purpose and the more responsible you are towards that purpose, you see the world differently and clearly. You will start seeing the place for you. You know that your life is meant to do this and that, the Universe will talk to you. And you will start seeing things and people you can help by doing what you do. By you living your life the fullest, you're making the world a better place. You might not affect people in a direct way, you might not even see the people. But somewhere and somehow, you will be touching someone's heart. You're there for others.

“If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”― T.D. Jakes

For some of you, you might not even know what your passion is. Do you have something you like!? Let's start from there. It's never too late. It's better now than never. It's better now than 10 years from now. You are amazing. You have so much more to offer.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's only us, humans that makes things more complicated than what it is...

I've recently became a friend with this girl. She's such an inspiring person who DOES NOT limit herself. She does not put herself into the little box. She just does what has to be done, keep showing up, and does what she loves and does the best. The result might not be where she wants to be, but she knows where that is. And she knows that in order for her to get there, she has to keep going no matter what. No matter how many rejections she get, it won't stop her. Her love for the passion takes her to the places that people might not usually go. And that extra steps are the things that makes difference in the future.

1, She goes after what she wants.
2, She asks for what she want.
3, She steps forward to become better and pushes herself.

So, I know that she'll make it. Then it made me realize that I was also putting myself in the small box. I wasn't pushing myself to be better. I can't complain why I'm not where I want to be.

"You look always happy and seem to be enjoying your life". I take that as a great compliment. And it is such a great quality to be perceived. I'd rather be that than "She's always in a bad mood and complaining something!". Of course! But I realize that that's not enough. There are so much more than that. If you limit yourself, other people will limit you. They already judge you no matter what. So, why do it to yourself?! Give yourself a permission to be free and do more. The moment you realize that you've always had that permission, that's the time to fly! You're free. Fly like a bird!! Do you think that baby birds worry about falling when they make the first attempt to fly? Do you think the migrating fish or birds plan where they to go or when to do it!? NO!! They just follow their natural instinct and do it! They know that they can do it. They are meant to do that! They don't have a slightest clue that they might go to the wrong part of the Earth, or they might fall down to the ground. That's not even an option!

So, stop thinking and worrying! If you are meant to do something and know what that is, all you have to do is doing it. That's what you're meant to do. It's just as simple as that. It's only us, humans, that makes things more complicated than it is. So,  follow your heart. Follow your instinct. If it's wrong, oh well. Just try it again. Keep trying. Don't limit yourself. Don't judge yourself. Don't put yourself in a tiny box. You're free.


Friday, November 22, 2013

The wisdom we learn from Yoda

OK.I'm not a crazy Star Wars fun.  But, everyone should know that Yoda is wise. Let's admit it. he just is.  

We all have been there. You want to let go all the fear and do something completely out of your comfort zone. Being uncomfortable is difficult. It puts us in a vulnerable position. It makes us feel weak or foolish. So, instead of just doing it, we "TRY". When we "TRY", we look around and see what others are saying about us, how they are judging us, and how they are looking at us. We get self-conscious. So, our focus is not on the action. We're not committing to it. Meaning, we are not doing it. You go to your head and start thinking "Am I doing this right!?" "Am I looking stupid!?"....so on and so on... STOP THINKING! And what's funny is that the moment we try to get out of our head, we usually end up thinking more and more. Yup. we have to let go, forget about everything else and just be in the moment. As we grow older, we forget how to be in the moment. We have to reset our program and unlearn that. It's either to do or don't. Trying is not the same as doing. Let go and be in the moment.  

Other wise quotes by Yoda....

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”

According to Law of Attraction, you attract what you think. So meaning, the fact that you're thinking so much is attracting the exact thing you fear the most. And by thinking it, you're not focusing on the positive side. The more you fear about losing it, the more likely that's gonna happen. Let it go. Start focusing on what you have and what you want, not the lack of it.  You are what you attract, and what you resist persist. 

“Always pass on what you have learned.”

YES!!! It's always about sharing. Pass it on! That's the best gift to your next generation. Not only that  teaching what you know will teach you even more. Don't keep it to yourself.  Good information, knowledge, education, inspiration.... those must be shared. Maybe you can create something that you've never imagined, because you shared that knowledge. Some people might not agree with you or understand you. But when people are open to it, passing on what you have might give them new perspective. 2 people can always come up with something more than what 1 person can come up with. You can be a part of something greater in this Universe. 

“[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”

You have to believe in what you are doing. You just have to. If you don't believe in yourself, who will!? You have to be your own biggest supporter, not your biggest enemy. Let's say you're an inventor who created this wonderful item. You're having a meeting with your potential investor. If you go into the room not knowing if you can guarantee them any profit, do you think they will invest in you or your product!? NO! They'll see the uncertainty in you. They'll see that you don't believe in what you are selling. So why should they invest in you? You have to believe in who you are and what you are doing.

You see!? Yoda IS wise.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Now is the best time

If you can go back in time and do over, what will you do!?

What will you do!?

We usually have something that's hidden desire or feeling pushed down all the way at the bottom. It's a difficult task to face what you don't want to face. We all keep piling up our emotion on top of each other. Put a lid on it, and pretend that we don't see it. But deep inside, you know better than anyone else that you're aware of that feeling. What's worse is that you hide that so well and keep ignoring it for years, and you don't even realize that it's there. Now that's the problem. Sooner or later, you're gonna have to deal with that one day. And that ONE DAY will come. It's just a matter of when.Once the lid is opened, you'll experience the flood of emotions that you've been ignoring for years! And it's gonna be tough. It's not gonna be easy. That's for sure. But when you're done fighting with all of those, you'll have a whole new life ahead of you! It will be a brand new day.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with feeling insecure or bad about yourself. We're all human beings. In one video, this photographer had an opportunity to shoot Miss Universe. She told him that she can't stand to look at herself in the mirror!! WOW! How many people wish they could look like her! So, it's only natural to feel insecure or afraid of not being accepted by the rest of the world. You're not the only one! And guess what!? You're already having an advantage by knowing that. So let's take it a little bit farther. Talk to yourself, what happened?! What hurt you?! What made you feel ashamed!? What made you feel inferior? What made you want to hate yourself? And how did that feel in that moment!? How do you feel!? If you don't like talking, you can write it down as well.Write down the things you feel. Anything! Not a one thing you write is wrong. Nobody is going to judge you. You're there for you. You have to know who you are. Tap into that.

So, It's not too late to face yourself. The first best time to face yourself was the moment it happened. You can even face what you're feeling while it's happening. But since you've been putting it away for so long, the next best time to deal with that feeling is NOW! yes, NOW! It's scary. It's annoying. It might be painful. But that's what's gonna make you who you are. Whatever you've been hiding, let them out! Let it out of your system. Get to know who you are, for real. Accept who you are to the core! Love who you are. And celebrate who you are. No one can be you. There's no one who can be you. You're beautiful, you're unique, you're smart, you're kind. You have all the great quality about you. So, today is a great day to start celebrating who you are. Let's do it! Now is the best time!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Limitation is not an option

If we are born with everything we need to fulfill our role in this Universe, there shouldn't be any limitations whatsoever. It shouldn't be that way. You have everything you need. So all you need to focus on is your possibilities. Only your mind can tell you what you can or can't do. Some things are out of your control. But, if you are meant to do or be whatever that is, you will do it. It's just a matter of time. All you have to do is to stay focused and keep working hard on your path. As they say "where there's a will, there's a way". It sounds cliche, but I can't agree more.

"And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more". Erica Jong

So, say "YES" to the Universe. Just saying "YES" for everything might not be the exact thing to do, but the point is, stop saying no to the possibilities that' the Universe got in store for you. When you start saying YES to your life, it'll open up more doors for you. When you don't think that what you're facing right now is not what you want, then change the perspective. See it from different point of view. Maybe that's what you needed to learn! Maybe that's something you needed to hear. Or that's someone you needed to meet or to help. It's not always about the first impression. When you know more options about how you see the world, your thoughts will change and you will change. That's pretty exciting, don't you think!? Limitation is not an option.


Monday, November 18, 2013

You are creative. Amazing you: Part 2

What a powerful quote by Osho. He's brought so much influence on Spirituality and New Age thoughts.
As he says, "Creativity is the quality that you bring to the activity you are doing.It is an ATTITUDE, and inner approach how you look at things." Meaning, anything can be creative if you decide, and everything is creative when you decide to act that way. It is about mentality. Again, you have to know that your NOW is the only time that you can enjoy. Not tomorrow, not the day after, not yesterday. NO! Now is the time. Treasure that moment! Pay attention to what you have, not what's lacking. And that'll help you see what you can be grateful for. (EVERYTHING! Even in the midst of the hardship. Even when you feel like it's the end of the world!!). Start seeing things inward. You're born with everything you need. All you have to do, is to know that and to use them. Just like love. Love is everywhere when you decide to realize it's there.
I'm reading this book "At Left Brain Turn Right" by Anthony Meindl right now. It's an awesome book! It's written for actors as he's an acting teacher, but you don't have to be an actor to read it. It's about life. It's about you being you. Accepting who you are, knowing who you are and embracing who you are. ENJOYING who you are and more importantly, CELEBRATING WHO YOU ARE. No matter how successful you are or rich you are, if you don't know how to celebrate who you are and enjoy every moment, you won't be happy. You'll always pay attention to what you don't have or what you can't have. Shift your thought! Money or social status, those are not the things that's gonna make you happy. Happiness happens when you choose to live that way. You don't really need anything.  So let's choose to be happy, just because you want to. Let's choose to be grateful for everything, because you want to. And guess what!? That's just the beginning of your wonderful life!
It doesn't mean that your life is perfect. It doesn't mean you don't need anything. It doesn't mean that you should stop there. there'll always be things that'll discourage you, hurt you emotionally, and tempt you to look the other way. The difference is that now you know that you have a choice to do different way. Again, it doesn't mean it's easy. Sometimes it's so difficult and you're gonna think it's not gonna happen. You might ask and shout why this is happening to you. You might say that you're gonna quit and just look the other way. You might think that this life isn't fair. I don't think it's fair. But if we live in the world that everything IS energy, you know this world is filled with more negative than positive now! (Let's face it. How many people are actively aware of all these ideas about "Oneness" or "Energy Being" or "Living in NOW"!? Not enough people. )  You'll just learn how to shift your thought with whatever the circumstance you're given. That's all. You'll learn how to see thing differently. You'll see the positive side of the life more than the negative side. That's all. You'll start paying attention to the details of your life. "About Time". the new movie, starring Rachel McAdams, shows the great example of how to embrace every moment of your life. It's all you.
It's all you!!!!
Be creative. Be happy. Because that's your approach towards life. That's your attitude towards life. If you're doing the same thing, why not have fun!? The answer is simple.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

the amazing you, I mean YOU!

Being able to accept and to embrace who you are, that's not an easy thing. We all have been there. It's not easy. We compare ourselves to others. Too short!? Too tall!? To heavy!? To skinny!? Too dark!? Too light!? Too shy!? Too loud!? The list goes on and on. Because we live in the world that the "IDEAL" image of perfect beauty is created by photoshops and graphics.  We see people on TV and think that that's how we should be. NO! We're not! We are all beautiful in our own way. As long as you are healthy and happy, it doesn't matter how you look. See?! You have to be happy. You HAVE TO BE HAPPY!!! that's the bottom line. The moment you start accepting and embracing yourself, you'll see the world differently. The moment you realize that you don't have to pretend to be someone else, or someone other people want you to be, you'll start seeing what you're suppose to do as a part of this Universe. There are so much more to it than you think. You are born this way to fulfill your part. You were born to this world with everything you need. You have everything you need. It doesn't mean you don't have to get better. we all have to improve ourselves to be better than who we are yesterday. We have to keep working on that. Definitely YES! But all you have to compare to is to yourself. Not to others, but to yourself. If you are better than who you were yesterday, that's all you can ask for and that's all you need to know.

As we get older, we learn to hide ourselves. We try to act how you should be and  how people want you to be. We put on masks so that your true feeling won't show. We hide and bury our feelings. We pretend not to realize them, but they are there. And the more you hide, the harder your life gets. Maybe not right away. You might pretend that things they tell you don't hurt. You might make a joke out of yourself. We have to realize all the things. NOBODY is better than you for being YOU! You're the best!!! You can still be the best version of the best you, but nothing else! It's easy to hide and avoid all those feelings. But you know that you're gonna have to deal with it eventually. So simply accept that and if it needs to, just let go. You are living in NOW, not 10 seconds ago, not 10 seconds from now. Just NOW! And that itself is a miracle.

Did you see the photos from what's going on in Philippines right now!? My heart and prayer go to them. Please everyone pray with me. Seeing and hearing about such a tragedy make me realize how fortunate it is to be alive. Not only to be alive, to be able to follow my dream, and have great people all around me. I cannot be more grateful for where I am now. So embrace who you are and the life you're given. Today is the day. You get to live today that someone wish they could have. Everyone has problems and baggage. Everyone does. But it shouldn't stop you from being you and being happy. It is your responsibility to live your life the fullest! It is YOUR responsibility to make the best out of what you've given and what you're going to have. As my teacher says,

"TODAY, you are living your dream. not when you have something, not when you have certain money. TODAY, you are living your dream".

Remember, you are amazing. You are alive and well. You get to live today. You don't have to know how the Universe works. Just know! The Universe WORKS!!!!! Maybe not in your timeline. But it works.

You are amazing.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Unbreakable Decision

When was the last time you made the decision to do something and actually took action?
Why did you make that decision!?
What happen to you!? How dd you go about it!?
Did you keep going on with your decision!?
What changed!?

OK... too many questions all at once. But what was your decision!? It doesn't have to be a life changing decision. It can be anything. Say, it can be a decision to eat healthy. A decision to wake up early. A decision to stop drinking. A decision to say thank you to more people. A decision to smile more often... It can be ANYTHING!!!

To make a decision is one thing. And to take that into action is one thing. And to keep that action as your life style is whole another thing. Self-decipline. It's one of the most difficult thing. And getting out of your comfort zone is not a easy task. Especially when you've been there for a long time.  But to get to the next level, you have to put yourself in uncomfortable situation. Even before that you have to realize that you are in a comfortable zone. We all have a life style and things You are happy and content with the situation. And if you want to go farther, you need to realize that you have to get out there. It's scary. It's very uneasy. There might be a failure. There will be bumps. There will be struggles. And it's there for you to be better. Even though you won't see the reasons or the lessons at the moment, you'll grow at the end of the day. You can't keep taking French class and not use that when you're in France. you might sound silly. You might make mistakes. They might not understand you or misunderstand you. But if you don't use it, how do you know!? and why were you taking all the classes!? So, get yourself out of the comfortzone. You can do so much more. You'll learn so much more! Make a choice that's gonna better you. And make the UNBREAKABLE DECISION.


Monday, October 28, 2013


Can I remind you again!? It's all about perspective!!! It is not HAPPY PEOPLE who are THANKFUL. It is THANKFUL PEOPEL who are HAPPY.  You have to accept, embrace and enjoy what you have, what you are given. No matter where you are in your life, there''ll always be something that you can be grateful for. Or rather say, you should always be able to find something to be grateful for. It's so much easier to complain what you don't have. And the moment you start complaining what you don't have and what you don't want, you are attracting that. So, that's the reminder!

You are already blessed. Your life is filled with blessing since the moment you were born. Yet, as we grow and start having the idea of how life should be, or  what you should own. But those are not gonna fill your heart. Those are not the things that's gonna make you happy. There are many people who own lots and lots of things and not happy. They don't have anyone to share with. They have all the materialistic thing that they want. They might have a huge house with no one to live with. Isn't that sad!? They might have money. but people use you or take advantage of you. Isn't that sad!?

The story of Christmas Charol is a great example of that. Your happiness comes from a place of loving and caring. People don't just say "Sharing is Caring". It is true. You care for people. You share your blessing with people. It might not be a big thing. Actually, it doesn't have to be anything big. it can be a small thing. Or tiny moment. You embrace what you have and share that with others. You can be a blessing to others. You don't have to be just on the side of being given. You can also be on the other side. Embrace what you have. When you start doing that, you'll see the world differently. Things you embrace will bring you more and more happiness and blessing. That's the magic and the secret of being happy. You accept and embrace what you have. And show it by the example. By your own doing, you can show the world that it's not the material thing that's gonna fulfill your life. You can be happy only because you're alive and able to embrace the fact that you're alive. Even in the tough time, find something that you can be grateful for. Don't you think it's amazing that you can be blessing to someone!? Embracing game starts right now.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Make the Conscious Choice to Have Faith

I love, love, LOVE this song. Such an encouraging song.

Let's talk about faith again.

Love is the source of all energy, which gives you HOPE.
HOPE is the vision for your future.
FAITH gives you substance for your vision.
and you have the power to CHOOSE FAITH.

Hope, your vision is more clear when your eyes are closed. What do you see!? As Walt Disney says, if you can see it, you can make it happen. The moment you see it in your mind, the possibility was created into this Universe. And when you choose to have FAITH in that HOPE/VISION, that gives you substance to make things happen. And the miracles would start happening. You'll see that the doors opening up. You'll see that the path is right there in front of you. You just need to, again, choose to WALK that path.

Without faith, nothing will happen. You're not gonna go take your test hoping to fail, are you!? Well, some people might. But most likely, people would take the test to pass. Most people prepare themselves to their most and sometimes, unfortunately we still fail. You see, how can we make things happen without any faith!? So, why can't we just have faith!? it's different from believing in something blindly. You're believing in your own HOPE/VISION. I mean, how can we not have faith in that!? Those visions are not your random thoughts. Those are planted into you for reasons! Especially when you are aching to do that for a long time, when you know that that's your calling, and that's your part in this Universe. So, when you know that, you must have FAITH. And that'll give you more visions for the future. You'll see what you need to do to get there. You think you've had faith, but you're not even close to where you want to be!? Then have even stronger faith! Pay attention to how far you've come so far! You might not be there yet, but you're a lot closer than before. Things won't always happen in your time. But still, have faith that it's gonna happen. The choice is yours. Make that conscious choice to have faith.


Friday, October 18, 2013

SMILE part 2

If you want a quality, act as if you already have it.
-William James-
You don't smile because you are happy, you are happy because you smile. It's scientifically proven that smile and laughter lift up your emotion and improve your mood or even physical condition. You've all heard that the best medicine for hospital patients is good laughter. Even cancer cells can be affected by that.
The As If method is clearly a part of "The Law of Attraction" principal. You act as if you already have it. You act as if it already happened. You act as if you already are what you've wanted. The "As If" mentality can bring you so much. The tricky part of this is that you might start paying attention to the gap between them. You might feel like you are lying to the situation and start paying on the "lack of what you want". It doesn't come naturally in the beginning. But once you master this principal, you'll see the world shifting towards that direction. Start sending the right vibration to the universe. Act as if you've already got it. Smile, not because you are happy. SMILE is the most important element of your happiness!!! Smile attracts positive things! Smile attracts positive people! Smile attracts more smile! Smile and laughter are both contagious! Spread them!!! Who cares if they think you're crazy! If that makes your life more blessed and happy, why not?! Smile because that's the HAPPINESS MAGNET! 
I love smiling and laughing. Because it makes me happy. The moment I stop that, everything seems so blur and boring. You're in that moment anyway, why not enjoy it!? Why not have fun!? As Michael Jackson says, the question is "WHY NOT!?".  Whether you believe in reincarnation or spiritual lives, in this physical realm, you only live once. So, might as well enjoy it. you only get to live NOW.  Even in this moment, what just happened an hour ago, that was already past.  We can't rewind the clock. We don't have time machine. We wish we do, but we don't. And that's good. There are many things I wish I've done differently. But without that, I wouldn't be who I am now. or met so many of my good friends, or my beloved boyfriend. So, I was there for those reasons. And I didn't know that when it was happening. People say everything happens for reasons and most of the time we don't get to know the reasons. At least not right away anyway. But the Universe has bigger plan for us. All we can do right now, is to have fun and SMILE. that's it. We might not have a huge house, or fancy car, or a huge saving account. But those are not the things that's gonna make us happy. It might to the certain degree, but at the end of the day, what makes you happy isn't that. I'm no one to tell you this, and I have my ups and downs just like everyone. I complain and cry out to my boyfriend very often. But  I try to remember that I'm happy because I'm alive and well,  my family is alive, I have friends I can count on, I have a boyfriend who loves me and support me so much, and I get to follow my dream. That's more than I can wish for. Gratitude is another thing that's important. I will talk about that some other time. My life is not perfect. And I don't think anyone's life is perfect. We all have something to complain about. But, I want you to smile. Smile is the best makeup you can wear. Smile is the best dress you can wear. Smile is the best jewelry you can wear. Smile doesn't charge you anything. Smile is what makes us happy. So, let's smile. because we can. because we decided to. Because with smile, YOU ARE HAPPY.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I'd rather give my life than be afraid to give it.
Lyndon B. Johnson

OK. so, let's talk about FEAR. I love this Face Everything And Rise idea. Everyone must have some type of fear. I don't think there's anyone who doesn't have any fear at all. It can be anything. Fear of going into the ocean, or heights, or closed place. Fear of losing the one you love. Fear of failing. Fear of what other people might think of you.... And guess what!? It doesn't matter. Fear is something you've created consicously or not. It could be something that triggered you long long time ago, and you don't even realize what it is. It could be a family thing. Or it could be anything. Fear can be born at any circumstances. And I don't blame you for that. We live in the society that creats fear at any moment and any situations, if you let it. You see? only if you let it.
We think that fear just appears out of no where. But there are a reason or two. Nobody's going to blame you for that. You are who you are. We are who we are and we only are trying to get better. The question is ARE YOU WILLING TO CHANGE!? We have choices. We can choose to let those fears take us over. Or we can choose to face that fear and overcome that. Which do you prefer!?
The reason I'm writing this is very simple. Because I have something that I need to overcome. And since I know that this has been an issue for a long time, I really need to work on this with an enormous amount of effort. It's not going to be easy, that I already know. I can't remember when or how this fear was planted in me. And I know that I really don't like this "Fear". So, I only know that I need to work extra hard to get rid of those fear. It's not gonna happen overnight like magic. But I do know that if we keep working and working on those fear, we'll be able to overcome that. We'll be able to be free from that and have more and more opportunites to grow and rise. We can do this. First, Believe in what we are capable of. Second, have a courage to do so. Three know that you can. Got inspired!?

Monday, October 14, 2013

A part of the masterplan

So it is true. GOD uses ordinary people to carry out HIS extraordinary plans. It amazing how HE does it.

We all have a part in this Universe. and let's be honest, most of us don't have a clue what that is! However, we're in the generation that more and more people are starting to realize what it is. Things are changing. More people are spiritualy awaken than before. People talk about New Ages and Spiritualizem a lot more often. There are some people take advantage of the genuin wishes of those who are willing to open up to the new possibilities. Sadly but true. After 12/21/12, stars have shifted towards the new era. I'm not trying to bring you into cult or anything like that. Even though if you don't believe in GOD or particular religion, you might believe in the higher power that's above us. The Universe, some people might say. It doesn't matter what it is to you. But to me, it is power of GOD.

It says that we're part of bigger plans. Things might not go the way we plan, or we exected to be. We get upset over that. But we're put there to be a part of something bigger and greater. It might disappoint you, discourage you, or upset you for that moment. But, there will always be a better day. Your days will get better. You might be stuck in the traffic and being late for your meeting, but that traffic could be protecting you from a big car accident that could have killed you. You might be experiencing the toughest break up ever, but the next person might be the ONE, the love of your life. You might be feeling like worthless for not getting the promotion when everybody else got something going on in their career. But because you didn't get this promotion, there might be a bigger and better opportunity waiting for you. I will say it again, it's the matter of your perspective. We're a part of a bigger plan. So, don't lose hope.Keep faith. Whatever it is that you want to succed, keep working on it! You might be there for somebody else. Help people. When you recieve something good, spread out. Share with people. Pay it forward. We can't live alone. You CAN'T live alone. Just as somebody was there for you in your life, be there for other people as well when you can.

We're all ordinary people with infinite possibilities. You might be feeling not enthusiastic right now. But, remember, you are a part of bigger and better LIFE. So, be true to yourself and know that you have all the seeds you need already planted.

You don't know what's inside, untill you draw them out. 

The life is a huge party. Have fun!


Monday, October 7, 2013

the gift

We often forget that life is a gift. It's not a right to live today. We get to live today. Today is a day someone didn't get to live. So, ask yourself.

"If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I'm about to do today!?
-Steve Jobs.

Do you thing you've been living your life the fullest?! Putting effort into what you want to do!? Telling people you love that you love them? and appreciating what you already have and achieved?!

Take initiative. Start talking responsibility to your own life.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Everybody gets their turn!

Have you ever feel like you're left out?! All your friends seem like they have it all. They are moving forward in their life. Or your friend just got a big break or a promotion. You are happy for your friend but at the same time you're kinda sad because you're not getting that opportunity!? Have you ever feel like that!?

It's not easy when you have to realize that you are not where you want to be or where you ought to be. It does get you eventually, which also means that you have a high standard in your life, and that you have a will to improve your life. The definition can be anything. You have the right mindset. You have the right mentality. You want more in your life. You know that you are meant to be more. The fact that your friends are getting their breaks, that means that your turn is coming soon. You ARE going to get the big break you've been waiting for. Everyone has their time. Each one of them are meant to help them grow. Their chances are there because they are ready for it, asked for it, and worked for it. They might have been putting effort that you didn't even know. They might have been sleeping a lot less and working on the project. You just wasn't aware of that. Everyone's time is different. I mean, if everyone's break happens at the same time, don't you think it's gonna creat a chaos?! It's just not how it works. Depends on where you are in your life, the possibility of having that chance changes. My friend told me once. "There are opportunities and chances everywhere. But, only those who are ready for can see them.

Don't hate your friends because you haven't gotten your turn. Be happy for them. Send out positive thoughts! Be grateful that your time is near. It's almost there. Don't quit right now. the next try might be the one that'll get you there. But how can you know if you stop trying now!? Everything happens for reasons. And Everything happens at the right time. So, be ready. Your time is coming!


Monday, September 30, 2013


I'm reading this book "The Law of Attraction in Action" by Deanna Davis, PhD. See, don't forget. The law of attraction only works when it's in ACTION!!! Don't expect because your mentality is in the "right" place, things will just happen for you. You have to put action with the right intention! Sometimes things do happen over night, or what seems like a miracle will happen. But, the chance is that you have to work for it.

I love how she says in the book.

Intention is more appropriately refered to, though as one or more of what I reher to as the Three Ds: desire, determination and decision. The first idea is that intention s a desire to manifest a certain outcome- a matter of truly wanting something to come to pass in your life. Desire includes both hope and eager anticipation. The second idea is the dictionary classic, which reads that intentions is "a determination to act in a certain way." This brings asn element of both conviction and action into the picture-a sense that intention isn't just about wishful thinking, it's about creating focus and momentum.

Intention is steeped in certainty -it is a decision to manifest something meaningful in your life. A decision that things will be different in the future. A dicision that you will focus your mental and behavioral resources to achieve a worthwhile outcome in your life.

Unless you make the decision that things will be different, they most decidedly won't be.


When your mind is in the right place, it should change your attitude and action to want to do more. The shift in your mind changes your behavior. That means, you will act more productively, efficiently and with more purpose. I belive that everyone is capable of doing that. Maybe not right way, it might take a while till you fnd more productive way. but you will find it eventually. The bottom line is that you have to be aware of the intention.

What is your intention!? Why is it that you want what you want?!

I was told once that you should try to figure out the answer for "7 LAYERS OF WHYS". Be specific. Be more detailed. If you know why you want what you want, ask your self another WHY. It's interesting. I dont' think I know all whys. The more you know the detail, the more clear it should get what you should be doing.

So, start asking yourself questions. Why do you want to do what you want to do!? What are your answers!?


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rocky says it bette than I do.

Reminder to everyone. When things seems like falling down on you, that means that you're getting stronger and better. This life wants to make you even more strong and tough. What life has been giving you, you passed that part. Not you have to move on to the next part, to the next level. You deserve that chance. THat's why things are tough for you now. That's why there are so many challenges. And you are strong. As long as you put your mind to it, do your work, and do the best you can do, you will get there. You will. But, you gotta go the extra miles when other people don't go. You have to push yourself more when others don't. You have to tell yourself that you can do it when others tell you that you are not good enough. You have to be tough. You just gotta.

You can do this!


Sunday, September 22, 2013

If you can dream it, you can do it.

I must say that this is one of my most favorite quote. Do you understand how strong this is!? It simple means that you have all the power to achieve what you want. Everything is placed within you. How incredible is that!??

We all have something we are passionate about, or something we like. If you haven't find what you are passionate about, you will find eventually. You will. Because you are brought into this life for a reason. And when you find that, you will face obstacles, challenges, rejections... everything you can possible think of that stops you from keep going. The thing is that that's the time you have to keep going. You just have to. Some people say it's important to know when to quit. I don't quite agree with that. You know more than anyone. It's your life. It's your decision. You know your life and yourself better than anyone! You are in charge of your life. So, whether if you keep going or not, it's completely up to you. I'm not saying that taking different path is wrong. if you find something else that's more important to you, great!! Follow that path! If you find out what you've been doing isn't the right path, find another one!!! It's all your choice! And you know what's the best for you! When you have something so passionate about, that means something. That means you ought to follow that path. The burning feeling wasn't planted into you for nothing. It's there for a reason. and you know that. Some temporary "interests" might occur here and there. But the ones that's rooted in you, that's gotta mean something.

And for those who know what that is, keep dreaming everyday! Keep picturing everyday! Keep expecting that's gonna happen everyday! Keep telling people that you're gonna make it one day! Keep believing that you're gonna make it happen one day! Keep that burning passion inside you! Keep following your words! Just keep loving what you love. Because you are amazing! It gets to the point that you might feel like you are obsessed with it. And you are not. It's part of you. Be grateful that you have something that you can be so passionate about. Be grateful that you love what you love. Be happy that you are alive and able to follow that passion. And be hard on yourself sometimes. Not always, but you know when to push yourself to go that extra miles that other people won't. Invest in yourself.

Nothing happens over night. I love this story I was told the other day. It takes several years for bamboos to grow until they come out from underground. And the moment, that happens, they can grow so much in over night. So, if you are still underground, be patient. You will get there. Keep dreaming. Keep picturing. Keep believing in yourself.
