Is you glass half full?!
or half empty?!
or full-full with half water and half air?!
or full-full with half water and half air?!
or are you just grateful that you simply have a glass?!
When you see this glass with water half way, will you say, "I only have a half left". or "I have a room to fill more"? Are you able to realize that there's a glass, without it no water shall be stored. Now that you see it that way, will you be able to be grateful for the fact that we even have a glass?! When we get used to what we have, it's so easy to take those for granted, instead of appreciating or even realizing it. And when we are used to certain way, we forget to realize that there are other ways, or neglect to see the other ways. It might be different from being ignorant, but it's being able to see what we're given, like a glass to fill water, might not be something we do naturally. And I believe that it's time to start seeing things differently.
We are like a half-filled glass. And we are the glass. We are not perfect, nor we ever will be. We're all work-in-progress. We change our way of life everyday. We change our way to think everyday. One day you might be one thing, and the next day, you might be something completely different. But, you're still you. There's no way right way or wrong way. you are you, no matter what. You change within you to be better, or to be more open to something new. Being open-minded is very important. You don't agree with some things, and that's ok too. As long as you are open to listen to that idea, that's what's important. And when you see/hear something new, you take those ideas in to be better. You have to make a room for something better to come into your life. You cannot just take, take, take everything. You also need to take a part in GIVING. What will happen when you keep pouring in to the glass!? It'll overflow, and something it could have been used for others will go waste. When your glass is about to be full, get rid of the old way that's not serving you any more, so that you can accept something new.
At the same time, I don't want us to limit ourselves at all. Please don't think that there's a limitation in what we can be, do or have. Because there isn't. There's no shortcut. Some people get there faster than the others. Some people just might have that naturally. Some people might have to work at it more than the others.When you have something that you want to accomplish, do it. Keep working on it. Be patient. Be open minded. Be humble. Know that there's always a room to grow. Really love what you do. And know that you can. We all still have a lot to learn. So, let's enjoy.