Someone just told me today something wonderful.
"The things you do seems like coming out from the place of LOVE".
WOW!!!! Can this be any better!? It made me so happy because that's exactly how I want people to see me. That's what this blog is about. Everything we do, should come from the place of love. Everything we feel should come from the place of love.
There are so many distractions in this life. So many things can take over our life in a split second. Our cellphones/smart phones are one thing. We're completely taken over by that little device. Remember the day that we used to call land-line and talked quietly so that your parents won't hear you? that we used to fight with your siblings over who gets to use the phone? Remember the day that there was no Internet or social networking site?! How did we live our lives back then?! Many of us are obsessed by those. We feel naked when we forget our phone. That's how obsessed we are. Time changes, things changes, and that's how it is in this time period. There are also a lots of plus side. You can ask for a help right away when you get a flat tire. You can check in your kids when you have to go on a business trip. Your business becomes easier thanks to that device. You are able to access more information right away. You can self-produce/promote.. so on and so on. So, I'm not against that. What I'm against is to be taken over by them. You can use them, but don't be used.
Same thing goes to money. It is very difficult not to think about money. Unfortunately, you have to pay your rent, the bill, the food... It does take very important part of our life. However, we have to remember that money is something that's created by human beings. The value was determined by human beings. The use was invented by human beings. It is managed by human beings. It's not going to define who you are or how happy you are. It doesn't. For god's sake, bills are just a paper which can easily ripped apart. Who you are and how happy you are, the only thing that can define that is YOU and YOUR LOVE.
My amazing mother always told me that "Anything that has a shape will break". Your phone will break one day. Your computer will break one day. Your favorite cup will break one day. If you think of yourself as a thing with shape, yes, your body will stop breathing one day and it'll stop functioning as a person. So why would you want to let yourself, and your life taken over by something that'll break!? And we don't know WHEN it'll break. Not so reliable, is it?! But, LOVE?! we can always count on it. Love is a feeling. Love is a power. Love is a source of all living things. Love is EVERYTHING. it's me, it's you, and it's your friends and family. It doesn't have any expiration, boarders, or limitation. You can create love anytime. You can feel love any time. It's not always easy to take love over your material situations. Trust me, we all do. How many times have you walked pass homeless people when you actually do have some spare change or a dollar to gve? Maybe you were on the way to the bar that'll only take cash and you needed that extra dollar.... You know that the right thing to do, the action comes from the place of love, is to give a dollar.
It's not easy to take the way of love all the time. But when you start following the way of love, you'll start seeing so much more. You'll start listening your inner voice more. Things will become easy. You'll see that your life is so much more. You'll smile more. You'll love more. You'll enjoy your life more. You'll live more. And that's the truth.
Start doing one thing out of love. Not because so that you can get something out of it. Just because you are alive from the place of love. Remember, we all are love. We didn't create that. It was there way before we were born.
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