Sunday, December 1, 2013

Take a leap

"If you're not scared stepping into something then you're not doing the right thing."
-Sandra Bullock-

They say that the first step is the most difficult one. You are stepping into unknown. It is scary when you get out of your comfort zone. But it is a necessary step we must take. It was easier when we were little, because there's more thing that we didn't know. As we grow older we "KNOW" so much more. It's easy when you know what to do, how to do, or when to do. And it gives you confident to the certain level. And once you gain the confidence, that's the time for you to think the next level. You've earned it till that point. Start thinking more, instead of settling down. There's always something new. You have to change your vision to the big ocean, not the familiar pond you're in. 

When we're comfortable, we start making excuses. Because we have that time to think about it. "What if I fail?"  "What if I look stupid?" "What would other people think of me?"  When we're in a place of unknown, we don't have time to think! We're too busy doing what we are facing. So, when things are familiar to us, we stop exploring the options. And we could be soooo good at making those excuses. Sounds familiar?! We can come up with things that seems to make sense, or that justifies the situation, or that tries to convince ourselves. Eventually, other people start to agree with those excuses and we become more and more comfortable with where we are. We lose interest for better. We lose passion and eagerness to improve. Our egos grow, which will start to tell us so many "RIGHT" things. 


Here's a question. 

How can you see the light if you're not in the dark?! 

You can't. We have to be in the dark to see the light. If you're in the bright day light, or in the blindingly bright artificial lighting, how can we notice the little candle light that's miles away!? It'll be so difficult. Seeing the light will guide you. Even in the absolute darkness, eventually our eyes do get use to that darkness. Just like when we go to bed. We turn off light, and it seems pitch black, but soon enough we get use to it. So, even in the darkness, we will find our way. It's different from just doing things blindly, just for the sake of doing it. We do need a mindset or a goal. It takes courage to do so. But the greater the risk is, the greater the reward is. If it doesn't go well? Well, we just learned a way NOT to do and we make less mistakes from now on. Take a chance. If you don't do it, we'll never find out. 


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