Thursday, November 28, 2013

It takes time

No matter who you are or what you do, we always are "Middle-Man" in this Universe. No one can live alone. It's not possible. As long as you are alive, you interact with other people. Whether it's conscious one or not, you sill make some type of connection with someone other than yourself. Somebody had to give birth to you, and somebody had to catch you when you came out from that someone. So there're already 2 people involved in your life. Who built the house you live in!? Where does the electricity come from!? Everyone has a part in this life.  And beyond that everyone has a purpose in their life. Some people know exactly what it is, some people figure out along the way, and some people don't even have a single clue what it might be. But, you're here to serve your purpose. Depends on what it is, you have more interaction with other people than others.

 I believe that the only way to improve our current situation and contribute to the world is by committing to your life 200%.

Some one once told me that your relationship with others is not about what you can get out from them, it's about what you can offer them. You don't go into relationship with someone, or be friends with someone wanting to get something. It happens. But that's not genuine and that's not how true relationship should be. It's easy to talk about the idea of how this should be or that. And like everything else, it's easier said than done. However, when your relationship is not coming from that honest place, you know that that's not going to end up great. Don't you think!? You end up the relationship because you can't get what you wanted?! How about business!? Yes, we go into business with someone hoping that we're gonna make profit out of it. Is it mutual agreement or only one side should get the profit and the other lose everything!?

The more you know about your purpose and the more responsible you are towards that purpose, you see the world differently and clearly. You will start seeing the place for you. You know that your life is meant to do this and that, the Universe will talk to you. And you will start seeing things and people you can help by doing what you do. By you living your life the fullest, you're making the world a better place. You might not affect people in a direct way, you might not even see the people. But somewhere and somehow, you will be touching someone's heart. You're there for others.

“If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”― T.D. Jakes

For some of you, you might not even know what your passion is. Do you have something you like!? Let's start from there. It's never too late. It's better now than never. It's better now than 10 years from now. You are amazing. You have so much more to offer.


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