Will you choose to expose your issues or let the issues expose you?!
It is a big question. Have you asked yourself that question lately, or ever? More often than not, we mask ourselves so well that we don't even remember that we are wearing it. We get used to the title, the social status, the value, and whatever it is that makes us look more valuable than others, or it makes us look more strong. And the truth is that the longer and the stronger we hold on to the mask, the more difficult it gets to face those reality, the fear, the issues that we are avoiding. But the life has already given us those issues, right? So what are we gonna do about it?!
Face it. and don't hide it.
That's the only way. We are gonna have to face it and deal with it sooner or later, why not now?!It's not easy to admit and surrender to the unknown. It never is easy. And as we grow older, we learn how to mask ourselves better and better. We also learn how to justify ourselves for not facing it. We learn to how to make excuses. We learn how to escape from those basically. Think about it, wasn't things easier when you were a kid?! when you didn't know something, you asked. When you didn't like something, you said you don't like it. When you liked something or want something, you said so. So when did we start hiding from the reality?! Most of us don't even know how we come to do any of this. The society, the culture the family, the things we are surrounded formed the illusion of what or how people should be. Like a boy does't cry. A women shouldn't get promoted above man. Or you have to go to a good school to get a good job. Or this is the definition of beauty! or anything. Those things have brainwashed you unconsciously.
Nowadays, more and more people are aware of things that we were not before, I feel like. People talk about Meditation, Mindfulness and higher self, and all sorts of things. Either you are religious or not. Or if you have a certain belief or not, I don't care. all I'm saying is that YOU ARE ENOUGH. and whatever issues maybe that you have, those are a part of who you are. But not a part of who you can be. If it's an issue you want to overcome, work on it. If it's an issue that you can't do anything about it, like an allegy or your height, get over it and move on. But don't be ashamed of who you are or try to hide that you don't have any issues. Everyone has issues. Seriously. Nobody is perfect. You think the wealthiest person on the earth has no worries whatsoever?! I'm pretty sure that he/she has one or two. The more you look away from it, the bigger the issue becomes. You are who you are and you are enough. You are talented, you are beautiful, you are smart. I don't know you but I love you. Don't be afraid to be who you are and who you can be. Don't let those bumps hold you back. Because in the long run, you'll be laughing at those little things and see how far you've come. Seriously, even right now. look how far you've come. You might not be where you want to be, but you are not where you could have been. You are worth it.
Love, Hope, and Faith.
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