“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
― Narcotics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous
Have you ever wonder why things are not working out for you!? You try so hard, work so hard, and yet no result has been shown. Or it seems like everybody else is getting the result which you could have made, or even better. You compare yourself to the others. You wish those were you. You just wish that things are different. You tell yourself that it wasn't just the right time for you. You congratulate them, tell them that you are happy for them, but deep down inside, you feel jealous and feeling incomplete. You feel like the world is going on, moving on to the next level, except for you. If anything the world is leaving you behind.... Have you ever felt that way?! I have.
Last few days, my head has been overflowing with the endless thoughts. The thoughts that seems to give me no answer or specific ideas. It just goes on and on... The never-ending circle. This isn't how I pictured myself at this age. But what can you do!? You can't go back in time and redo everything, right? And that's not even a point. Once you are in that state, you are stuck. You are trying to "FIGURE IT OUT". And what does that even mean?!
I moved to the new city to pursue my passion. It's been over a year. I might be impatient to expect results to come. And I know I shouldn't do this, but whenever some of my friends their breaks and great news on FB, it gives me this thoughts "What about me?!" "Maybe I'm not good enough." And I am happy for them. I know that they work hard to get there, they have their struggles and I love them all. Then why can't I just be happy for them and not think about myself, or compare myself with them? And it came down to the point, "is this really what I want for my life?!" "Do I want this because I really want it, or because they have it?". Then, I realize that I was doing the same thing, getting on the whole cycle again.
I wasn't showing up for my life.
It seems hard to show up when you don't know what you are doing, or what you want to do. Because you don't really know what to do, you know? But if you keep doing the same thing and expect the results to be different, do you think that's even possible?! You have to change something to get a different result or even to see some different aspect in your life. There are many things that you haven't try. If anything, there are less thing you've tried than you haven't tried. Have you asked help for anybody?! Have you try different approach?! Have you looked at things from the different perspective?! You might not think that way, but you are capable of making those choices. And when you do make that choice, and it doesn't work, you just find out another way "NOT TO" do it. You are not in charge of the result you get, but you are in charge of the action you take. You have to be bold enough to make those changes. You have to be bold enough to ask for the result you want. You have to be bold enough to speak up what you want. You need to send out what you want to the Universe. God has a greater plan for you, more than you can possibly imagine.
I don't write anything productive or profound. whatever it is that I'm struggling with, or facing, I know a lot of you are going through too. It's not easy. But when you do your part, it will be worth it. And I tell that to myself all the time. Life is meant to be lived, not merely to be survived. Everybody is here with their own mission. And it is up to you to fulfill that mission. You are anointed to do so. You are equipped to do what you are meant to do. Find those seeds and nourish it. You are able. We are able. And you are not alone.
Love, Hope and Faith