“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
When I first read Simon Sinek's "Start with WHY" it blew my mind. The mindset he explained, was not something I was familiar with. Until then, my reason for doing anything was the goal I wanted to achieve or accomplish. I wanted to get that part in this play. I wanted X amount of money in my bank account. I want WYZ.... I want, I want, I want....All of those were temporary situations which could lead to the next question, "THEN WHAT?" You hear this all the time, when celebrities win their awards the reporters don't ask "Why do you do what you do?", they ask "What's next for you?" We assume that the next events are in line, that something bigger and better are in line... We never satisfy when our motivations come from the material or social accomplishment. But what if things are different? What if we keep asking ourselves the ultimate question of "WHY?"
What is your why? Have you ever thought about it? Things started to take a huge turn in my life. I was put in the situation I have to constantly remind myself why I do anything I do. It helped to reveal so many limiting beliefs and limiting behaviors. And now that all those patterns are becoming more apparent, I am in a place that requires me to take actions. Actions that will lead me to move forward, to step out of comfort zone, to really dig into why I do anything I do. So, why I do anything I do?
Because I want to encourage and empower people to live up to their fullest potential.
I love people. I love people so much. People are fascinating. People are mysterious. People are love. And as much as I love people, I realize that I am terrified of people. I am constantly worrying about how I would look, or how people would judge me. The more I realize my limiting beliefs, the more I know that the only thing that's stopping me from doing anything has ALWAYS been me. Nobody else. Nothing else, but ME. And that's very frustrating. It really is. Even when you are trying to step out of your comfort zone, you are still judging yourself and doing things only to a certain extent. Not all the way. You are dipping your toe in the water, but not jumping in. All you need to do is just to take a chance and jump. I love when people say, you need to be brave for only 20 seconds. then 20 more seconds, and another 20 seconds and on and on.... We have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. When you know your WHY, things start to change. You realize that your life is not about you. You realize that you are a part of the big pictures. You see that other people have their own stories and you are just translating all those stories from only your perspective. You will not understand fully how to be in other people's shoe. You just won't. And the hardest part is that you can't do any of this just by reading books or listening to all those motivational speeches. You have to apply this into your life. You have to practice what you learn. You have to act upon and LIVE that life. That's what it means to grow and to move forward. You can't just learn all these things intellectually.
Before, I didn't understand what my why was. I didn't even know what I wanted to do. I had so many things that I was curious and wanted to do. My energy was scattered all over the place and I was exhausted. When I started working for this company, things started to change. They encouraged me to tap into my why. They encourage me to get uncomfortable and move forward. They lead me to meet people who'll hold me accountable for my actions. Surround yourself with people who'll lift you up and hold you accountable. Go out in the world and see what's out there. Connect with people without any agenda. Experiment. Don't get stuck in one way or the other. And even though it may sound cliche, BE YOU. You can't be anyone else, no matter how much you wish. Be you, be authentic, be unapologetically who you are and believe in yourself and your why. You are worth it. You are more than enough.
Love, Hope, Faith
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