The challenge of the unknown future is so much more exciting
than the stories of the accomplished past.
-Simon Sinek-
Let me say this out loud first. I LOVE PEOPLE. If you didn't know. lol. I love people and loving people is my super power. I want in my eulogy that "She was the person who love people so much". That's how I want people to remember. I don't want any title or category. I want people to remember me as a person with love. While back ago, I saw it in the TEDtalk by David Brooks "Should you live for your life for your resume... or your eulogy?" I heard that from all the people you know, when you die, only 5 people would actually cry for your death. Unless you are Micheal Jackson or Prince. That's different. I mean, how many people do you know in your life? How many FB friends or twitter, IG followers do you have? Think about it. If only 5 people cry for your death, and that's if you are lucky, why do you even care about how other people say about you? I'm not saying that just go out and live mindlessly or hurting people intentionally. I'm saying why do you care about how you look or how other people think about you? What we are afraid that if we do this for a certain way, they won't approve of me, or they would hate me, or they will judge me, right? If I don't say the right thing, they would think that I am XYZ... If I don't say yes now, people would think that I am selfish and cruel.... All these thoughts are related to the core fear that "I don't wanna be alone". I don't wanna be alone either. We want connection. We want relationships. We try to fit in. We try to be accepted. We try to wear so many masks so that people can validate you and tell you how amazing you are. Yet you are trying so hard to be the person you are not and after that temporary satisfaction or the fulfillment, you will be left with emptiness. You will be left with the question of "WHO AM I?" So, let's ask yourself now. WHO ARE YOU?
That's the ultimate question, isn't it? At least to me. I remember answering this question to my friend like this "I don't know who I am. I would find out that when I die, I guess". Such a smart ass. lol. i still believe that though. If we know exactly who we are, we are putting ourselves in a box. We are more than that. Don't limit yourself. You are not where you are, or what you've done, or what you do. Those things cannot define you who you are. Don't let anyone or any circumstances define you. You are limitless. Your potentials are beyond your expectation and imagination. You have so much more in you. As they say, live for your WHY. Why do you do anything you do? What do you want to give to the World? What do you want to share? What do you want to be remembered as? Stop limiting yourself. You heard this before. You are not your bank account. You are not your resume. You are not where you are. You are love, light and divine. Dare to dream. Be bold. And dare to thrive for your life not merely to survive. The slight shift in your everyday life will change you in a long run. The "tiny" mindful moment can change your life forever. Be curious. Be a seeker. Stop making excuses. I am listening to "Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. "Things to do in order for your to be successful is easy to do, but also easy not to do. " That's true. You can commit yourself to 10 crunches a day, 10 not 100. That's easy right? As he said in the book, it's easy not to do as well and a day of not doing doesn't seem to make a huge difference either. But when the DAY 100 comes, it'll be either you've done 0 or you've done 1,000. That could make some difference in your life. It's fascinating book and I highly recommend that.
So my point? Start thriving the life. Not because me or somebody else are telling you to do. Do it because you want for yourself. Start taking care of yourself. Start being responsible for your own life. Let'S stop blaming things on others. Start appreciating yourself for who you are and who you are going to be. Start believing in yourself. Start owning the power you have, and you had it all along. Start being you, authentically and unapologetically you. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are divine. And you know that. Start living that way, the way of light and divine. I believe in you. I believe that you can.
Love, Hope, Faith
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