Friday, January 8, 2016

Small step at a time

“you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” 
― Stephen KingOn Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Nowadays, people talk about being authentic and being transparent. I believe that's absolutely essential in out life. All the spiritual teachers around the world, ever since the long time ago, they've actually been talking about the same thing. I hope this is one of the trend that comes and goes. Our differences, our abilities to be different, everything and anything that we were born with. It's all there for reasons. And if it's already there, why should we deny it? 

It's only been a week since the year has started, and it feels like more than that already. A lot of drama has been happening at my survival job. Even though I love my co-workers to death, I feel like it might be a time for me to move on to the next chapter. Some of my close friends are leaving this place. I am so proud of them and cannot be happier for the beginning of their new chapter. How do you know when to move on? How do you know when you're not just running away? How do you know that if you haven't fought your battles to the most or not? We'll never know until we take the leap of faith, won't we? That's the thing about us. We want to know the answer. We want to know the results right away. We want the assurance that if we act XYZ, this will happen. The sense of security and stability, that's what makes us want to take the leap. What if we take the leap of faith without all those assurances and certainties? Is it even possible? 

I think it's possible. Why? Because it actually works the other way around. Again, many teachers around the world have been preaching this. Change your inside and what's going on around you will change. You can't just wait for your circumstances to change your inner happiness. What's going around you won't change unless you change your inside. It's like a trick question. When you hear about the Law of Attraction, it says "there's nothing you can't be, do or have. Act as if it's already there.", right? Some people might say, "well, how can I be grateful for what I don't have?" Because the moment you start focusing on what you want, you realize the lack of it. You realized that it's actually not there. That brings your the negative awareness, the void in your life. You could try to be in the mentality of having the "perfect job", or "perfect partner"(What does "perfect" even mean anyways?), but the moment you start meditating on these things, you realize that your current job is NOT your "perfect job", your partner, if you have one, is NOT your "perfect partner". And that little tiny gap between your idea and the reality can bring some disconnect in your mind. "I DON'T HAVE THAT". So the trick is not to focus on the lack of it. How can you change that? PRACTICE. That's the only way. You can't form a new habit overnight. You can't just shift your old pattern in a blink of an eye. You just gonna have to commit to changing your old patterning. Realizing the lack of anything, is not actually a bad thing. It's actually a lightbulb moment. Because if you were comfortable and have no desire to move forward, you won't even recognize that the lack is there. You are not in tune with your true potential and possibilities. So, let's play this game. Whenever you feel the lack of it or feeling of void, turn it around. Say "THANK YOU. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see that I can have more than this. Thank you for opening my eyes to see that I can be more." It takes repetition and practices to form a new habit. The question is would you like to take that step? Are you willing to make the shift in your life? Are you willing to admit that where you are right now is not where you are meant to stay? Are you willing to accept what the Universe might throw at you? Are you willing to jump into unknown without any guarantee? Are you willing to live up to your true potential? If the answer is yes, TAKE that leap of faith. I encourage you to take the step. It doesn't have to be a huge step like moving abroad or quitting your job. It can be as simple as I'm gonna sit in silence for 5 minutes a day, or I'm gonna start taking coffee from home instead of buying it all the time. 

Actively surrender. When you are disconnected from your true potential and divine love, you will feel that. You feel intuitively that there's something wrong. It could be the pre perceptions or the ideas. But when you feel something intuitively, pay attention. Start paying attention to the detail. What might that be that's causing you the disconnect? And notice the pattern that might be there. And when you notice the pattern, ask yourself. Is it empowering or disempowering? The moment you notice the pattern, the choice becomes yours. It's up to you how to react from there. A lot of our patterns are already auto-pilot. It has become our second nature. But if you are willing to break the pattern and form a new one to reach your full potential, beyond what you can possibly imagine, that's when things start to change. Doesn't that excite you? It sure does to me. 

Love, Hope, Faith

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