Wednesday, August 27, 2014

You are more than enough

You are anointed to be you.
---Joel Osteen---

Again, the quote from his "Break Out". And it continues like this.

"You're not anointed to be them: you are anointed to be you. When God breathed His life into you, He equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny. You have the talent, the confidence, the strength, and the creativity to fulfill your purpose."

We've all heard the saying, you have what it takes. All you have to do is to find it and use it. It's so hard not to compare yourself to other people. Why are they so beautiful?! Why are they so smart? Why are they so talented?! Why are they so successful?! Why are they so different from me?! They are not you. And you are not them. Stop comparing yourself to others. Who says they are better than you?! The society could you give you the false images or the definitions of how things should be, how we should look, or how we should live, or how we should think... And it's not a horrible ideas to take those into consideration, to educate yourself with knowledge. The truth is those are not the definition. There's no definition of how things should be or how we should look or how we all should act. Those are the things that created by people. Those are just the images and ideas of people. That's not what God wants us to live. We're not meant to compare ourselves to others. We are all unique in our own way. We can only do what we can do. And you may have a hard time accepting yourself for who you are. All the insecurity, fear, peer-pressure, expectation from others, this and that and that. But Those don't matter.You may not know what your purpose is. You may not know what God wants you to do. And that's all good. We're not the complete product. We are not. We are still in search throughout our lives. No matter how old you are, no matter how crazy your life has been till today, no matter where you are from... it doesn't matter. 

You may lose hope in the friendship. People say things out of their own insecurity and fear. Not to harm you, but to protect themselves. Forgive them and move on. Realize that they might be the ones who's hurting the most. We might get discourage after a series of rejections. You may want to give up after your 100th interviews and tryouts. You may want to call it a quit after so many ups and downs in your relationship. You may want to run away and not to face the reality or the person. All those things could make you want to go back home or go back to when you were a kid when you didn't know anything. But your home is in your heart. God is with in you. Just look deep inside your heart and realize that you are His child. He anointed you with all His heart and love. He wants you to be exactly how you are. You are not a mistake. You are not a rejection. You are not a loser. You are the ONE and the ONLY. The masterpiece of His love and blessing. He created you to be YOU! Other people might scare you or intimidate you or make you feel insecure or even unworthy. Don't listen that voice in you. Because you don't have to. You are beautiful. You are talented. You are smart. You are more than enough. Nobody should make you feel anything. Don't be afraid to accept how amazing you are, and how amazing our GOD created you to be. Listen to His voice. Feel his Love. Embrace the fact that you are His child. 

Even when I'm writing this, it almost make me emotional. Because more often than not, I don't feel as beautiful, or talented, or wonderful as He created me to be. I feel like I'm unworthy of His love. I feel insecure or not good enough to do anything and start wondering why I'm even here. Then I have to remind myself that I don't have to focus on those feelings or any doubts, and that I have to focus on GOD. I have to find Him in ME, instead of expecting Him to find me. It has to be the other way around. And I want to NOT to remind myself. I want to know that. It's hard to let go of the ego you've been holding onto for the longest time and just surrender. You want to be in charge of your own destiny or life, or anything. And we all know that we can't. We are not in control of any of it. We are in charge of our action. That's all. And He's anointed all of us to be who we are. So when you are in doubt and not sure what to do, go back and put your focus on GOD. He loves us. He loves us unconditionally. He loves us regardless of our faults and mistakes. Because He knows that we can learn from that. He knows that those are the things that'll let Him do His work through us. He knows what's going on. So, have faith in Him. That's what we need to do. Instead of comparing and complaining our situation or circumstances, build your faith in Him. And I need to do exactly that. I'm gonna let go and shed my ego and need to control things. Instead, I'm gonna have faith in Him. 

Love, Hope, Faith

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