"Love+Live+Life"'s official blog. Let our life filled with Love, Hope and Faith. It's all about Positive lifestyle, inner beauty and gratitude.
Friday, August 29, 2014
any relationship needs work!
Any good relationships take work and commitment, if you want to keep it, that is. We cannot and should not take anyone for granted. Everybody that comes into your life has its own meaning. God has placed them specifically in that timing for a reason. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned. or you are placed there, not for you but for someone else so that they can learn something only you can teach. Whatever the reason maybe, people come in and out of your life.
It seems to be the transition time here in NYC. People are moving in to the city, or moving out to somewhere else. For the next step in their life. Some friends are moving out, some already moved out. They are starting a new chapter in their life, to become better, to pursue they dream, to find a new purpose in their life. Their reasons are all different. I have to say that I've met so many great people ever since I moved here. They've made positive changes in my life and helped me grow. I want to talk about my co-workers. You know you usually have someone that you don't really get along with!? I'm very lucky grateful to say that I haven't have those in a long time. Most of the time, I get along with them very well. I have a great time working with them, and we've become good friends. They are joy to have in my life. Last night we had a farewell party for 2 of them. They're moving out from the city to start a new chapter in their life. Since it's a restaurant, somebody has to work. We can't just close for those people and just hang out. I wish we could though. Anyway... it was amazing. It didn't matter it was almost 1AM. Yes, 1AM. Most of the stuff showed up. Servers, hosts, bartenders, kitchen stuff.... everybody was there to celebrate their new journey. I thought that was incredible. Some of them doesn't even work with us any more. But that's how much they care about people.
I've been a lot about friendship and relationship from them and people I meet. We can never take any relationship for a granted, even your family. Yes, some people might have negative attitude towards you. Some people might not know how to keep healthy relationship with their family. And if some people constantly put you down or give you negative influence, learn to have a healthy (distant) relationship, like work environment or even family. Learn how to be civil with them. But if it doesn't require you to stay there, get out. You don't have to tell them "I'm cutting you out of my life!". You can just simply let go of that person and move on. For the relationship you want to keep, fight for it, work on it and build it. Friends of mine started relationship and they decided to move out of the city. One left first and the other followed. I got to spend time with both of them before leaving. And surprisingly, I had an exact same conversation with both of them. "You have to make an effort to keep a good relationship with anyone". Talking on the phone was never something I was good at. So, keep in touch with people was never my forte either. And I'm guilty for not putting effort to keep good friendship and relationship with my family. I love them, and yet I haven't been talking to them as much as I should. I have to and I want to start doing that. I want to build better relationship with my family and friends. And to be there for them, to actively take parts in their life. I cannot assume or expect them to do the same for me, when I'm not doing it. I want to learn and work on those things.
I hate when people are having meal together but everyone's on the phone and not talking to each other. It's just horrible. You are there to spend time with them. Social Networking has changed everything. For someone who lives far from family and friends, oversea like myself, it's a great way to keep in touch with them. But those thing will just give you the information of what's going on. Your status update is not your relationship with your friends. Try to have face to face conversation with people you care. Stop relying on your phone to do your work for you. Talk anything. Laugh about anything. Enjoy each others company. You have to be willing to make that effort. And the truth is that when you care about that person, you won't even feel like an effort. Because you just want to spend time with them. You will make time to do that. Everyone will show you different things in your life. Everyone is your teacher, your student, your friends, your family... God has placed you and others for a reason. Don't miss out on the moment.
Love, Hope, Faith,
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
You are more than enough
You are anointed to be you.
---Joel Osteen---
Again, the quote from his "Break Out". And it continues like this.
"You're not anointed to be them: you are anointed to be you. When God breathed His life into you, He equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny. You have the talent, the confidence, the strength, and the creativity to fulfill your purpose."
We've all heard the saying, you have what it takes. All you have to do is to find it and use it. It's so hard not to compare yourself to other people. Why are they so beautiful?! Why are they so smart? Why are they so talented?! Why are they so successful?! Why are they so different from me?! They are not you. And you are not them. Stop comparing yourself to others. Who says they are better than you?! The society could you give you the false images or the definitions of how things should be, how we should look, or how we should live, or how we should think... And it's not a horrible ideas to take those into consideration, to educate yourself with knowledge. The truth is those are not the definition. There's no definition of how things should be or how we should look or how we all should act. Those are the things that created by people. Those are just the images and ideas of people. That's not what God wants us to live. We're not meant to compare ourselves to others. We are all unique in our own way. We can only do what we can do. And you may have a hard time accepting yourself for who you are. All the insecurity, fear, peer-pressure, expectation from others, this and that and that. But Those don't matter.You may not know what your purpose is. You may not know what God wants you to do. And that's all good. We're not the complete product. We are not. We are still in search throughout our lives. No matter how old you are, no matter how crazy your life has been till today, no matter where you are from... it doesn't matter.
You may lose hope in the friendship. People say things out of their own insecurity and fear. Not to harm you, but to protect themselves. Forgive them and move on. Realize that they might be the ones who's hurting the most. We might get discourage after a series of rejections. You may want to give up after your 100th interviews and tryouts. You may want to call it a quit after so many ups and downs in your relationship. You may want to run away and not to face the reality or the person. All those things could make you want to go back home or go back to when you were a kid when you didn't know anything. But your home is in your heart. God is with in you. Just look deep inside your heart and realize that you are His child. He anointed you with all His heart and love. He wants you to be exactly how you are. You are not a mistake. You are not a rejection. You are not a loser. You are the ONE and the ONLY. The masterpiece of His love and blessing. He created you to be YOU! Other people might scare you or intimidate you or make you feel insecure or even unworthy. Don't listen that voice in you. Because you don't have to. You are beautiful. You are talented. You are smart. You are more than enough. Nobody should make you feel anything. Don't be afraid to accept how amazing you are, and how amazing our GOD created you to be. Listen to His voice. Feel his Love. Embrace the fact that you are His child.
Even when I'm writing this, it almost make me emotional. Because more often than not, I don't feel as beautiful, or talented, or wonderful as He created me to be. I feel like I'm unworthy of His love. I feel insecure or not good enough to do anything and start wondering why I'm even here. Then I have to remind myself that I don't have to focus on those feelings or any doubts, and that I have to focus on GOD. I have to find Him in ME, instead of expecting Him to find me. It has to be the other way around. And I want to NOT to remind myself. I want to know that. It's hard to let go of the ego you've been holding onto for the longest time and just surrender. You want to be in charge of your own destiny or life, or anything. And we all know that we can't. We are not in control of any of it. We are in charge of our action. That's all. And He's anointed all of us to be who we are. So when you are in doubt and not sure what to do, go back and put your focus on GOD. He loves us. He loves us unconditionally. He loves us regardless of our faults and mistakes. Because He knows that we can learn from that. He knows that those are the things that'll let Him do His work through us. He knows what's going on. So, have faith in Him. That's what we need to do. Instead of comparing and complaining our situation or circumstances, build your faith in Him. And I need to do exactly that. I'm gonna let go and shed my ego and need to control things. Instead, I'm gonna have faith in Him.
Love, Hope, Faith
Monday, August 25, 2014
God is love and love is GOD.
Yes, God is love and love is real. When I decided to move to U.S., the advice I got was not to talk about politics and religion. And here I am, talking about GOD. I do think religion could bring some conflicts, or even wars. It's very sad bad true. But I'm not talking about religion. I am talking about God. Knowing that since I started writing this blog, I was avoiding to mention God. instead, I used "the Universe" and "the Higher Spirits". But I do believe in GOD. I believe that He wants what's best for us. He loves us for who you are. He blesses us. He is watching over us. Yes, not everything is life is perfect. But, that's because your focus is in a wrong place. You're not seeing what you already have, how far you've come, how much more you can go.
When I initially started this blog, I simply wanted to spread the idea of positive life style, keep getting inspired and knowing that you are beautiful inside and out. I wanted to share those ideas, and more. Whenever I saw amazing videos or read some inspiring articles, I tried to share and add my opinions. It's been a lot of struggle to take this path. There was a lot of lessons, some were very painful, some were incredibly beautiful. As time goes by, my interests also shifted. The whole idea of spiritualism and mindfulness and all that, yes, I do like the topic they talk about. I love to meditate. I love to be aware of the situation and things that's bigger than me. I love the idea that we're spiritual being experiencing physical life. Then I decided my path. I accepted Jesus as my savior. HE saved me. But lately, I've realized that I didn't surrender completely in his hand. There were parts of me still thinking that I'm not worthy enough. I'm not good enough. I'm not beautiful enough, or talented enough, or I'm not the right nationality, or I'm not tall enough, I made too many mistakes........ All the insecurity and fear, comparison to the others, compromising to others... not knowing my worth was taking me to a whole new place, especially since my move to NYC, I was kinda forced to realize the fact that I didn't really know who I am. I mean, how is it even possible to inspire people when I don't even know who I am, right?! I had an idea of who I wanted to be. So that idea of me was trying to do things. But, God has a bigger plan for me. I realized that. If this sounds like your idea of crazy-Christian and that scares you, by all means, you are more than welcome not to read this.
I am reading Joel Osteen's "Break Out". It made me laugh...
God knows how to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary.
Get in agreement with Him and be confident that you have exactly what you need. Declare
"I am anointed.
I am equipped.
I am empowered.
I am right size.
I am right nationality.
I know the right people.
I have the right amount of talent."
Yup. Exactly what I needed to hear. He always know what I need to hear. I am not afraid of what people might think of me or ashamed to talk about what I believe. I am what I am and I believe in what I believe. That doesn't mean, I'm not gonna change. I will change and what I believe in this world might change. After all we're all hear to grow and excel. But I will always love GOD. Because what I am is because of HIM. The other day, God told me that I need to truly surrender and let him do his work, that my ego is/was still too big. Let that go. When I worship, tears came out. That wasn't because I felt his presence(not that I didn't). It was because He wanted me to accept him and surrender even more. He was crying out to reach my heart blocked by the thick wall.
My desire to inspire people hasn't change. If anything, it became stronger. I want to inspire people. And I know that to inspire people is not something you can just do. Because it's not up to you to do that. It's not in your hand. You can only do what you do best and let God do his work. When you are truly authentic to who He created you to be, when you are doing what you are meant to do with all your heart, that's when other people will be touched by GOD, through you. It's not your work. HE's inspiring those people through you. You are HIS vessel. Let Him do his work. Be truly who you are. Don't be afraid to say what He want you to say. You don't have to worry about what other people might say or think. Because it doesn't matter. God's work is greater than anything that they might say or think. You don't know who you are?! Neither do I. I don't know what I am doing. I don't know what I'm even suppose to do. But this, I'm writing it like non stop. Because I just want to spread HIS amazing love. I feel like I'm suppose to write this down. There are still a lot to be done in me. I'm not even close to knowing who I am or what I am. I was so good at pretending that everything is ok, and not talking to anyone about my problem, (no, not even to GOD for a long time). It's gonna take a long time. And I'm excited to get to know me now. God is amazing and I'm not. But He can do amazing work through me. And that's more than enough. I am still going to write what I want to share with you, and what I want you to know. And if you want to take a journey with me, I'd really appreciate that. So thank you. I am grateful that you're in my life. I am grateful to know that GOD is my life. I am grateful to know that HE is Love. Love is everywhere. God is everywhere. that, my idea will not change. Love is everywhere. Love is the source of all energy. I love you.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Get rid of the limitation
We have to shift our mentality. Big time! Because most of the time, our focus is on outside, instead of inside. We have to realize that what you receive in your life is all the mirror of what you expect. You see, even the economy is falling apart, or your bank account is going downhill, that's just your temporary circumstances. God's resource is bigger than that, greater than that, more gracious than that. So, it doesn't matter what you see in this physical realm, you have to see beyond that. See what's inside of you. Know your worth, which you're worth more than you think.
A lot of the time, we often consider ourselves as unworthy of certain things and even of his blessing. "oh, this promotion wasn't meant for me" "It's going to take a long time to pay off this debt." "I'm not even sure if the doctors can heal this sickness". We limit ourselves. We do. It's just our nature. But the truth is that God's resource and his blessing is bigger, better and greater than any limitation that we put on ourselves. So why do we limit ourselves?!
See things from bigger pictures. Know that you are worthy and get off the limitation that you put on yourself. You are more than that. You are better than that.God wants you to have more.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Expectation VS Hope
"[Loosen] up your life enough to be ready for interruptions.
Don't structure your days so rigidly that you lock out God
from working with you in the middle of them."
— Christine Caine (Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do)
The other day, I got to hear Christine Caine talk. She was very passionate and straight forward. Her message was amazing. "See beyond what you can see. See what God sees".
When you have a dream or goal, you hope that that's going to manifest. And when your hope gets higher and stronger, it could turn into "expectation". You starts to expect that that's going to happen. Does that sound like you?! You have a certain expectation to the outcome which you're usually not in charge of. Some people, including myself, might confuse one to the other. As the Law of Attraction states "act as if it has already happened". How does that different from having expectation?! The answer is that the idea/behavior "acting as if it already happened" would not focus on the fact that it actually hasn't happened. On the other hand, when you are "expecting" a certain outcome, your focus is still on the "lack of " the outcome you want. Make sense?! As I was going to write this blog, I saw this.
According to Wikipedia,
Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation"
expectation is what is considered the most likely to happen. An expectation, which is a belief that is centered on the future, may or may not be realistic. A less advantageous result gives rise to the emotion of disappointment. If something happens that is not at all expected, it is a surprise.
I am still confused with these definitions. Even Shakespeare, again WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE!, said that "Expectation is the root of all heartache". An article I read used the example of a pregnant female. When you hope to get pregnant and when you are expecting are different. Completely different!
Believe in the positive outcome, but don't expect anything to happen according to your vision or the way you want things to happen. Because it won't. I haven't been approaching things in a right way for the longest time! No wonder, it ended up in disappointment!!! It's not easy NOT to expect what you want. We're all human beings, we all have ego. The sooner we let go the ego, the happier you get.
God has a bigger and better plan for us. It all happens in HIS timeline, not ours. HOPE and not EXPECT. ACCEPT, not EXPECT. Then you won't be disappointed, or be discouraged, or be devastated even. GOD is in work. HE is working his miracles through you. Let him do his work.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Happiness is a state of no confusion
God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by the means of opposites
so that you will have two wings to fly, not one.
Friday, August 15, 2014
See it through Serebro
The shift from the ego to the soul happens through love.
You realize that love comes from your soul
and the other emotions come from your ego.
Ram Dass "Be Love Now"
I haven't read his "Be here now" yet. I started with its sequence "Be Love Now", which is an amazing book I highly recommend. Ram Dass's guru Maharaji-ji showed him the way of love. And I believe that the way of love is the way of everything and anything. Because "Love" is the source of everything. You've heard the saying, "we're spiritual being experiencing physical realm". I do believe that's true. And the source of all that is love.
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
Living in the moment. It sounds simple enough and yet, it could be the most difficult thing in the Universe. We have to realize that we are all connected. As ONE, the oneness. In X-men, Dr. Xevier sees thing from Cerebro. You see the World and see people in it. We have to start seeing the world like that. We are a part of the Universe. We have to realize that we all take a part in this Universe and have a purpose to serve. The purpose is bigger than our ego.
I stopped watching news while back ago. Because everything was so negative and depressing. Especially after 9/11 and all the war that's happening. People killing each other for the sake of their personal gain or ignorance or because they think they are better than the other. I also do not like watching or hearing things about Illuminati or any conspiracies or US's plan for Marshall Law or any sorts of that. It just gives me so much negativity and hatred. Why can't we just live in peace and harmony?! Yes, I might be just one of those hippies and idealist who talks about how we should be or how things should be. I might be just one of those people who don't like to face the reality. I am aware of the fact that I have to inform myself well enough to either fight against what's yet to come, or to what I don't like. In whatever case that is, I do like to believe that we are spiritual being experiencing physical realm. I love to think that we can live in Love, Hope and Faith. I do want to believe that if we believe in what our purpose is, and to serve the best we can and contribute to our Universe, this Universe will become the better place.
Religion could lead us to the war. Politics could lead us to the hatred. But Love!? Love can't lead us to that. We have to start living in NOW and seeing things from the place of love. Red is the only color that matters. It's not the colors of our skin. It's the color of our blood. We are one, the same species that share the same generic pattern. What we are exposed to create what we become and how we think. We have to be open. We have to let go of the idea of how things should be or what it ought to be. Nobody is better than anyone. We are all the same. Yes, what we are exposed to create and establish who we are. And I want to surround myself with the people who share the same idea. Live in now and see the world from the bigger picture. Realize that you are a part of this Universe. Listen to what the Universe is telling you. We don't pay attention enough to what the world is telling us because we're too caught up with our ego. Do what you're meant to do. We are all created to serve this Universe. Don't be afraid to do that. Don't be hesitated. If you are not sure what that is, keep your eyes open and keep searching till you find out what it is. And when you follow through that path, you'll see that this Universe in a whole new different way. It's a lot more powerful and beautiful. Wouldn't you like to see that?!
Friday, August 8, 2014
Look where you go, and Go where you look.
"Look where you go, and Go where you look"
Hillary Biscay
It's pretty simple, isn't it?! Look where you go. Go where you look. However, it seems to be that we have a hard time doing so.
A friend of mine posted this video on MindBodyGreen. Hillary Biscay, The Ironman and Ultraman World champion talks about "How to believe in yourself when no one else does". Her determination and persistence to get where she wants to go are incredible. I love how she said it, "It might take a long time, but if you keep showing up when everybody else stops, you will get there". She admits herself for being a late bloomer, and that it took almost twice as long to get there compare to others. But the point is she got there. She was determined. She showed up every steps of the way. And she didn't give up when things didn't turn out the way she wanted them to be. She didn't stop showing up when other people stopped. She kept going and going. That's what led her. Her determination and faith for herself. She looked where she wants to go, and she went where she looked.
Everybody is unique in their own way. And yet, it seems like everybody wants the same thing, or the same job, or the same goal in their life. For example, when you go for a job interview, you see other people waiting for their appointment for the interview. They dressed up just like you, or even better. They seem like more qualified than you. They seem more confident than you. They seem more comfortable than you. they seem more eager than you. They seem more experienced than you.... so they seem. But guess what they are looking at you in that way too. It's just the ideas and fear that's inside you are preventing you to see things clearly. Nobody is better than anybody. The moment they call you in, you just have to show up. You are gonna have to be you, and do what you do, and be in the moment. That's all you can do. And if it doesn't work out for you, there'll always be something better waiting for you. There's always something for someone. Maybe the job wasn't meant to be yours. Maybe it was for the person sitting next to you. It doesn't mean you are any less than that person. Or the other way around. You just gonna have to show up to anything that you can. That's all you can do. Stop comparing yourself to other people.You are who you are and that's more than enough.
Remember, things don't always happen in your timeline. But as long as you keep showing up and being prepared for what you are going for, your time will come. There's no easy way or fast way. Keep walking every step of the way. You've heard this before, the amateur players practice till they make a shot, the professionals practice till they don't miss. Do your work. Be persistence. Keep looking where you go. And then you'll get there. It's hard because we want things to happen when we want it to happen. That's our ego. Don't let our ego ruin the best of us. Be humble. Be grateful. Be happy.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Quotes by Bruce Lee
"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of. "
“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done"
“Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime.
In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.”
“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.”
These are all amazing, aren't they?! I love all of them. From fear, we hesitate and procrastinate things all the time. Then time goes by. You keep wondering how things "could have been", "should have been" or "would have been. All it take for you is the one step. It's just the one step. That's all you need. Yes, the first step, that's actually the most difficult one to take. But that's exactly why it's the most important one. We're not suppose to be comfortable with where we are. We are always meant to grow more, try new things, and jump in to unknown. Because we are meant more than where we are now. You might not be where you want to be, but you are better than where you could have been. You could have been homeless or you could have been out of job, or you could have been seriously sick... there are so much possibilities. The situation changes all the time. Your circumstances change all the time. So does other people's.
The only thing that's there for sure, that's time. You cannot deny that. No matter who you are or what you do, you still have 24 hours in one day. And you can do only so much in 24 hours. And if you are lucky, you'll be sleeping 8 hours out of those 24 hours.I don't like when they say, "oh, I want to do this, but I don't have time for that right now". I don't have time for that..... Sometimes it's true. You have to work. You have to take care of your children or your parents. You have to do this and that... And the list goes on and on. Everybody's got what they have to do that day. But, how about some people who just do it anyway?! Have you ever seen the movie "I don't know how she does it" with Sarah Jessica Parker?! There are some people like that. A super mom with crazy job and still have time to organize a book club for her friends. I don't know how she does it, but she does it. A lot of people, especially here in NY, have 2 jobs just to make ends meet. But they make time to spend time with their family, with their friends, or with something they are passionate about. How much time do you spend a day using your smartphone when you don't have to?! Checking your email, Facebook status, Instgram, Twitter.... more than you need. Imagine how much more you can do, if you weren't on your phone..... In one TEDtalks, they talked about how much more you can learn in 5 years if you spend an hour a day learning whatever it is that you're interested in. You could be THE MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE person in that subject, in the world!! Amazing, isn't it?!
I always believed in making time to do things. You just gonna have to make time for that. If you're interested in painting, make time to paint. If you are're interested in singing, make time to sing. The bottom line, if you put your mind to it, and you have the specific thing that you want to achieve and be persistent about it, you'd be surprise how much more you can accomplish. Don't cut your sleep though, because you DO need to sleep to be more productive and creative. It's just proven scientifically. Not 5 shots of espresso.
Don't be afraid of doing what you want to do. For those waiting for the "Right timing" to start doing things, that's most likely not happening. We've talked about "I'll be happy WHEN", it's the same thing. I'll do this WHEN.... is not gonna happen. Rather than keep wondering how it could have been, would you rather know how it'll turn out?! People said failure is better than not trying. And when you try and fail, you'll learn how NOT to do it. So, there's always a lesson to that. There are more detours that we want. Sometimes things get in our way. Yes. But I just want to say to you, the moment that you recognize that the desire's there, that's the best time to do it. Those desires were placed into you for a purpose. I've detoured a lot more than I wanted to. But now that I think about it, I do believe that I took that path to meet someone, or to learn something, or to show something to other people. Stop with the hesitation and replace it with an action. Your "Right Timing" is now!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Be inspiration to others.
We're all meant to be happy. That's true. But don't live just so that only you can be happy. Don't bring others down for your own happiness or personal gain. That's actually not happiness. It's just a satisfaction that you gain from the temporary situation. Your happiness should come from your heart, from LOVE.
We're all beings of love. That doesn't mean that we're happy all the time and there's no suffering or struggle in our lives. In order for us to see the happiness, we also need to know the opposite. Just like we have to see the darkness to see the light. It's all the package deal. They say that things happens for a reason, which you might never know. So what if the reason was for you to show other people some light when they are in dark. What if you're experiencing the pain, so that you can be more kind and compassionate to others? What if the story of your struggle can inspire other people?! You see? The God's plan is bigger than you can possibly imagine.
Be kind to each other.
Be honest to each other.
Be faithful to each other.
Be love to each other.
Be grateful for each other.
You can be someone's hero. You can be someone's mentor. You can be someone's dream. You can be someone's student. You can be someone's love. We're not meant to live alone.
Consider your own place in the universal oneness of which we are all a part,
from which we all arise, and to which we all return.”
― David Fontana
When you see things from the different point of view, you realize that what you are facing might have different perspective. You have to distance yourself from the situation and see it through from the bigger picture. Then, you might be able to find the next step to move forward.
OVERVIEW was an amazing short film. It's a documentary about the astronauts who got to witness our planet Earth from the outside. That should totally blow your mind, don't you think?! I can only imagine how amazing that would be. Towards the end of the film, he talks about how we should start acting as ONE spices to protect and preserve the Earth. We all know that this planet is hurting. And it's because of us, the human beings. Cutting down the trees and the forests. Polluting with cars and industrial wastes. Not only that we are killing each other, for the sake of what?! We have to start seeing things from the bigger picture. Bigger than we are currently thinking. This planet is crying.
We're actually in such a transitional time. Either people are aware of those problem, willing to work for a better future, and opening up to oneness, or still stupidly blinded by their own benefit, income, or material gaining. I do feel like more and more people are talking about oneness and love and being the change. So we're kinda in an either-or, type of situation. I want more and more people to start seeing the bigger picture.
You don't have to be an activist to make changes. A small change can sum up to a huge change if more people start doing it. You have to realize that this planet doesn't belong to us. We are a spices that resides in this planet. We have to take care of each other. We cannot live only for our benefit. We cannot keep destroying things because we want something better. Don't just throw away trash anywhere. Recycle more. Turn off the light when you are not using. Don't just let the water run endlessly. Be kind to one another. Try to understand one another.
Watch this amazing documentary. It'll tell you what I wanna say much better than I can.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
there's always time for a glass of wine with your friends
If you think that the priority in your life is wrong, please watch this video. This is a great way to demonstrate how it should work. It's just genius!
"I just don't have any time for it." Do you remember the last time you said that?! And why didn't you have time?! You had to work?! You had to run some errands?! You had to watch your tv shows?! Why didn't you have time?! We all have 24 hours a day. No matter who you are, what you do, or how you live, we all have 24 hours in 1 day. It seems like some people does everything, and some people don't?! Some people go to gym, cook, work, spend time with friends and still have some time to read! On the other hand, some people don't have time to cook, or to read, or to go to gym. What's the difference?!
The difference is how your prioritize everything, how to manage your time. My mother often said, it's not that you don't have time, you just don't know how to make time. Yes. this is true. So, you gonna have to make time, or rather say, find time to do whatever it is that needs to be done. Especially if that's something that's important to you, you are gonna have to make some time to do that. The good news is, that we can manage to find time. And the bad news is that you're gonna have to do all the work. You actually might have to change your life style, change the way you think, or stop doing something you are accustomed to. But what's more important!? To get what needs to be done!? or To live the way you want? The choice is yours.
the moment you realize what's your priority is, your mentality automatically changes. It just has to. There'll be shifts. You'll see things differently and more productively. Only when you truly realize what's the most important thing is. So, let's reevaluate your life. What is your priority?! What is your leisure? What's your hobby?! What's your goal?! Ask yourself those questions. Maybe you'll start seeing some changes. slowly but steadily. It's gonna be amazing.
to meditatate
“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”
― Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation
Do you meditate!? What does "meditation" mean to you!? According to Google, to meditate means
"to think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purpose or as a method of relaxation".
When we talk about meditation, we think of a monk sitting his leg crossed, open palms, eyes closed, and chanting something that doesn't make sense to you. right?! Or when you actually tried to meditate, you try to clear your mind and silence the nonsense that keeps popping up in your head. Right?! You try for 5 minutes and then, you start thinking something else, and start wondering if you're doing it right or now. Then you remember something else. Then another thing... by the end of your so called "meditation", you feel like your whole attempt has failed. Does that sound familiar?!
"there's no right or wrong in meditation". My meditation teacher says. She also says that it's IMPOSSIBLE to silence your mind. Of course. We all think about something all the time! Yes!!! Finally someone understood me, that was my thought. It's like breathing, our thought just happens regardless. Just the image of "Meditation" made it seem like that we are not suppose to think. or suppose to not have any thought.
We all live in the chaotic life. I do believe that we need to center ourselves and focus what's in front of you. We need to give ourselves a permission to let go and move forward. We need to live in now. And realize that the the whole purpose and the resource of our lives are love. Live in the moment and be love. Feel love and surround yourself with love. Don't let yourself sucked into your ego. Meditate. Let go of your ego. Be Love. Whatever it is, let your thoughts be.
We all live in the chaotic life. I do believe that we need to center ourselves and focus what's in front of you. We need to give ourselves a permission to let go and move forward. We need to live in now. And realize that the the whole purpose and the resource of our lives are love. Live in the moment and be love. Feel love and surround yourself with love. Don't let yourself sucked into your ego. Meditate. Let go of your ego. Be Love. Whatever it is, let your thoughts be.
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