Sunday, July 6, 2014

you don't have to do everything all at once

What we can do, what we are capable of, that possibilities and potential could go so much more than we can imagine. We are all born with what we need. Yes. But we cannot do it all. Even if we want to think that we can, and you might actually be able to handle whatever that is on your plate, the point is, you don't have to. Even super moms need some help time to time. Batman has Robin. X-men got their team. So, you don't have to feel like you have to do it all.

Or, you might have interest in many things. You might want to do "A", which you are actually good at. Then, you find "B", which you are interested in. But there's "C", that you've been doing int for a long time. And out of no where, someone tells you that there's an opportunity for "D", that you'll be perfect for! You can try to do everything. You might want to do everything. You are probably good at doing all those. Those "A""B"C""D", can be anything. "A" can be painting. "B" can be doing math. "C" can be organizing. "D" can be running a marathon. Anything! You can try to do all at the same time. But your energy is going all over the place. Or let's set another example. Let's say that you are figuring out what to major in college. You got your GD done, you are interested in Physics, Literature, Dance, and Sociology. After all the thinking, you decided that you're going to double major in Physics and Literature, minor in Dance and Sociology. Do you think you can do it all?! I believe that your head is going to explode!Try to focus on 1 thing for now, at least for now. Imagine how that choice could lead you? You're probably not gonna have enough time to study all of it. You're not gonna be able to sleep that much, because you're to busy. Your focus will be all over the place! So, just for now, let's focus on Physics. You can take some classes as an extra, or start taking classes as a major, but take it slow for the next time around. You can try to through everything and see what's gonna sticks. Something actually might. But you need your focus to actually get things done.

You can do anything, but not everything at once. And you don't have to do everything all at once.


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