Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.
---Albert Einstein---
Everything happens for a reason and it is FOR you. Not TO you. Even things you that might make you feel horrible, that's still happening FOR you in God's eye. Because you are meant for something bigger and better. Because of the specific experience you are having, you will be able to something in the future. And you will be able to see that when the time comes. Haven't you had the experience that seemed like the worst thing ever, and few years after, out of nowhere that experience made sense to you!? You were suppose to meet a certain person, or have a certain experience, or sometimes to show someone that only you can show. So, it was all a part of the bigger plan. And the faster you realize that you are a apart of bigger plan and surrender, whatever it is that you are facing, will turn into blessing and a stepping stone for what's about to happen. It will not be a struggle. Yes, of course it's easier to say this idea than actually seeing every event as a blessing. That's only the ideal way of living, at least to me. I struggle all the time. Why is this happening to me?! Why?WHY? why? WHY????? Of course nobody is going to answer that question. And you cannot find the answer either. It's not an easy thing to do.
Let's say that you just got laid off from your job. You have rent to pay, bills to pay, you have no idea where to look. On top of that your doctor just told you that you have cancer, and your spouse left you because you don't have a job anymore. I mean, how can you look at all these as a blessing and embrace that?! For most of us, it's almost impossible! Some people might be strong enough to keep faith and pray that everything is going to work out just fine. You will find a new, even better, job, and your cancer will be healed and your spouse will come back, or you'll find someone you're actually meant to be! Things like that actually do happen. And some people call it "Miracle", some people say it was part of God's bigger plan. Maybe you had to leave that job because it wasn't what you're suppose to be doing. Maybe you needed to find your true passion. You have to give it a time. Time is a big part of this plan that we're not in control of.
Being a part of this particular show has been a dream of mine for over a decade. And I still haven't been able to do it. 10 years. it's a long time. I was desperate of course. I have this burning desire to do this, and I've come close enough few times and yet, it hasn't happened yet. Why?! Why?! WHY?! I've asked God. I've made a vision board. I've imagined that I'm playing my dream role with having my parents in my audience. I've written my bio as if I'm in the show... my desperation became obsession. And that's bad. My ego would say, I deserve to do this! I have to do this! They have to give me this role!!! My ego lost the sight of bigger picture. And I realized that if God placed this burning desire into me, I will do this when the time is right. So, I try to let go of my ego and surrender. Whenever I hear someone else booked the part, my ego wants to fight back to come out again. Why not me?! I should be doing this! So, I tell myself again, this is God's way of telling me that there are still many things that I need to learn, God is preparing me for the right moment. As my friend would say He's "marinating" me. And I started realizing more how and why He made me this way. It's a constant fight against my ego. And I know that at the end, His way will win. "TIME" can be frustrating. Our timeline is not His timeline, or the Universe's timeline. Things won't happen the way we want, it will happen even better than we want it to be. If you've seen Emily Fletcher's video I posted the other day, you know, your desire is already on its way. The desire was seeded in you, because it's already on its way. It's for you to take an action and manifest. We have to do it.
Nothing about this life is coincident, it's all a part of bigger plan. We are all a part of this Universe. And the more you become you and do what you do, you're inspiring other people too. Remember sometimes you're placed where you are so that you can tell/show others something that they don't know. It might not mean a lot to you but for them it could be a life changing moment. Every details in this life mean something. So, pay attention. Don't forget to live in the moment. The more you be you, the more you live in the moment, the more clear you'll see.
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