Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beautiful hearts.

I just wanna share a story today. I got to witness something very moving. There are so many homeless people here in NYC. And it's sometimes hard to believe who is actually telling the truth. Some people appear to be homeless or struggling, and yet, there might not be telling the truth. You never know, right?! Once a couple approached me and told me that their luggage went missing and don't know how to get back home. I wasn't sure what to expect. They seemed like they might be telling the truth. And yet, I didn't know what to do. Some people just sit on the side of the street and post up a sign explaining how they are broke or being homeless or this and that. You see people on the train explaining how they need money. You hear stories about how some people pretend to be homeless and once they are out of sight, they dress nice and get on their nice shiny Mercedes. It's very sad, isn't it?!

So today, there's a homeless guy, sitting on the edge of the side walk. He had a sign and seemed very out of it. And elder guy was talking to him. The homeless guy seemed to be in his mid 30s or so, the elder guy was probably in his 60s or early 70s.  I didn't hear their whole conversation, or what the elder man was telling him. What I heard was "Don't spend it on one day, k?!". That was it. He hand him the money folded up. And that was $50 bill. Not a dollar or 5 dollars, or even 20 dollars. It was 50 dollar bill. How many people can do that?! People struggle, especially in this city. People need to hustle a lot. Many people have more than one job just to get by. Sure he could have been a tourist. But does that matter?! A) He actually took a time to stop and talk to him. B)He handed him a $50 bill. It almost brought me to tears.

Even though the world seems like a messed up place, there are still people like that left in this Universe. It's not done yet. You might be struggling. You might be having the worst day of your life. But if you can, remember that there are many people who'd die to be where you are at. There are many people who have beautiful heart. And that beautiful heart can bring more happiness in your life. Be beautiful from inside. Smile more often. Be kind to one another. Life is beautiful.


Monday, July 28, 2014

think later

So simple, right?! Just like Nike commercial says "Just Do It". Theoretically we understand that concept. Why do we stop ourselves from doing something?! Most of the time the reason is out of fear.


Just do it. Just decide that you are going to do it. Make a habit of it. When the idea comes up, decide that you are going to do it. You know how you enjoy spontaneous thing a lot more than planned thing?! I think that's why. When you plan something and it doesn't go as you planned, you get frustrated. When you do something spontaneous and just follow your instinct, you don't have an idea of how things should go, so you enjoy it more. I'm not saying that we should always act recklessly. That's completely different thing. You cannot or shouldn't say something to people just because you thought about it. You can't punch people in the face just because you felt like it. Then the world will be a chaos.

I talk to my sister more often than when we used to live as kids. Now that we both have our separate life, we've learned to respect and appreciate each other more. I love her to death. Anyways, I always tell her that I want to go visit her and my family. It's not easy to just go there. Not only it's expensive to go there, it'll be a whole day to just get there. So, I have to REALLY make a decision to go there in advance. And I told her today something that I never told her before. "I'm going to visit you guys. If I keep saying that I wanna go and just talking about that wishful thought, I'm never gonna go there. I have to decide that I'm gonna go and think about how later." It surprised myself, to be honest.

"You have to to decide that you're going to do, and think about how later".

You can even figure out how when you are in the process. Yes, finance can be our biggest concern of all time. But once you decide that you're gonna do, it's gonna be so much easier. Have an accountability partner who can actually push you through. Make sure that you're gonna do it. Not someone who gonna let you get away with things. Say it out loud, or write it down on paper and post it up somewhere you can see it. We can figure out how later. The most important thing is to do. If you fail, great! You learn how NOT to do that. If you fail again, great, you found another way not to do it. As long as you do it, you always learn something. If you don't try, you'll never know anything and keep wondering the same thing "what could have and should have". The action will give you courage, knowledge and strength to move forward. And we all got what it take to take the first step.


Notice that you are a part of the bigger picture

Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.
---Albert Einstein---

Everything happens for a reason and it is FOR you. Not TO you. Even things you that might make you feel horrible, that's still happening FOR you in God's eye. Because you are meant for something bigger and better. Because of the specific experience you are having, you will be able to something in the future. And you will be able to see that when the time comes. Haven't you had the experience that seemed like the worst thing ever, and few years after, out of nowhere that experience made sense to you!? You were suppose to meet a certain person, or have a certain experience, or sometimes to show someone that only you can show. So, it was all a part of the bigger plan. And the faster you realize that you are a apart of bigger plan and surrender, whatever it is that you are facing, will turn into blessing and a stepping stone for what's about to happen. It will not be a struggle. Yes, of course it's easier to say this idea than actually seeing every event as a blessing. That's only the ideal way of living, at least to me. I struggle all the time. Why is this happening to me?! Why?WHY? why? WHY????? Of course nobody is going to answer that question. And you cannot find the answer either. It's not an easy thing to do.

Let's say that you just got laid off from your job. You have rent to pay, bills to pay, you have no idea where to look. On top of that your doctor just told you that you have cancer, and your spouse left you because you don't have a job anymore. I mean, how can you look at all these as a blessing and embrace that?! For most of us, it's almost impossible! Some people might be strong enough to keep faith and pray that everything is going to work out just fine. You will find a new, even better, job, and your cancer will be healed and your spouse will come back, or you'll find someone you're actually meant to be! Things like that actually do happen. And some people call it "Miracle", some people say it was part of God's bigger plan. Maybe you had to leave that job because it wasn't what you're suppose to be doing. Maybe you needed to find your true passion. You have to give it a time. Time is a big part of this plan that we're not in control of. 

Being a part of this particular show has been a dream of mine for over a decade. And I still haven't been able to do it. 10 years. it's a long time. I was desperate of course. I have this burning desire to do this, and I've come close enough few times and yet, it hasn't happened yet. Why?! Why?! WHY?! I've asked God. I've made a vision board. I've imagined that I'm playing my dream role with having my parents in my audience. I've written my bio as if I'm in the show... my desperation became obsession. And that's bad. My ego would say, I deserve to do this! I have to do this! They have to give me this role!!! My ego lost the sight of bigger picture. And I realized that if God placed this burning desire into me, I will do this when the time is right. So, I try to let go of my ego and surrender. Whenever I hear someone else booked the part, my ego wants to fight back to come out again. Why not me?! I should be doing this! So, I tell myself again, this is God's way of telling me that there are still many things that I need to learn, God is preparing me for the right moment. As my friend would say He's "marinating" me. And I started realizing more how and why He made me this way. It's a constant fight against my ego. And I know that at the end, His way will win. "TIME" can be frustrating. Our timeline is not His timeline, or the Universe's timeline. Things won't happen the way we want, it will happen even better than we want it to be. If you've seen Emily Fletcher's video I posted the other day, you know, your desire is already on its way. The desire was seeded in you, because it's already on its way. It's for you to take an action and manifest. We have to do it. 

 Nothing about this life is coincident, it's all a part of bigger plan. We are all a part of this Universe. And the more you become you and do what you do, you're inspiring other people too. Remember sometimes you're placed where you are so that you can tell/show others something that they don't know. It might not mean a lot to you but for them it could be a life changing moment. Every details in this life mean something. So, pay attention. Don't forget to live in the moment. The more you be you, the more you live in the moment, the more clear you'll see. 


Saturday, July 26, 2014

surround yourself with people who'll bring you higher

As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. 
Other people and other people's ideas are often better than your own. 
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, 
spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.
Amy Poehler

A friend of mine is very inspirational and passionate about her life. It's amazing, every time I see her, I get inspired and motivated. We can talk about our dreams, hopes and belief. Not only she inspires me, she was the one who helped me when I moved to the city. I cannot be more grateful for all she's done for me.

We talked about how we need to surround ourselves with people who brings us higher, people who can better us, who are more intelligent and successful than us. Not only for those who are like-minded, but those who will help you become better. People come in and out of our life all the time. In my culture that's a saying, "Every encounter has a meaning and purpose, embrace every moment". Isn't that beautiful?! Sometimes it happens for you to learn, sometimes it happens for somebody to learn from you. But whatever the reasons are, it happens for a reason. It doesn't mean that you have to stick to the relationship till you die. At the end of the day we are still ending our relationship by death. Anyways... we have to be always willing to learn from each other and keep our eyes open for every opportunities to learn. You know when you don't feel like working out, but do it anyway in not full out?! When you do it alone, you might just do it for the sake of doing it, or you might even not finish the work out. How about when you have an accountability partners!? or group of people?! you do it. You are going to do it. You need to surround yourself with people who are going to make you work out with them. You need to surround yourself with people who are going to stop you from eating the last piece of chocolate cake when you are on diet. You need to surround yourself with people who will call you out when you are not doing what you said you are going to do. Get it?! The bottom line is you cannot do it alone and you don't have to. Everybody needs somebody. But those people cannot fill the void for you. What you are missing, you are going to have to fill it yourself. What you want, you are going to have to get it yourself. You are the one who's actually going to do the work. And keep yourself surrounded by people who will life you higher no matter what.

We always think and assume that other people are watching us, judging us, and criticizing us. Right?! The truth is that EVERYBODY IS THINKING THE SAME THING! so, nobody is actually thinking of YOU! so who cares?! You are gonna have to let go of the ego and just be who you are. Be as authentic as possible and keep being motivated, keep learning. I was talking to some talented people the other day and got inspired by how humble they are. Not only they are passionate about what they do, they always want to learn more, improve more and seek for more. And they know that they have to pass it along to the next generations. How beautiful is that?! They are thinking of something bigger than themselves as an individual. They are a part of history, culture and humanity. I want to surround myself with people like that. And hopefully somebody will get inspired by my action, not by my word.

Be with people who will always encourage you, challenge you, and believe in you. And you can be somebody eles's inspiration too...


Monday, July 21, 2014

Be transparent

Be transparent. It's easy to say, isn't it. I mean, everything about life is easier said than done. Thinking it, saying it, telling it to other people that you're gonna do... those are all easy. What does that even mean?! What does being transparent mean to you!?

Does that mean you just say everything you feel?! Does that mean you can just cry over everything?! Does that mean you can just take your anger out to anyone?! does that mean you broadcast your life to the Universe?! What does that mean!?

This is my opinion, it means that you let go of your ego and you have to surrender. This life is way to bigger than our ego. It nothing has to do with that.

We have to let go of those masks, some those might not even know that you're wearing it. But, we all do. We say everything is fine when it's not. We put on the happy face so that other people won't know that you are hurt. And the truth is, we get numb to all those feelings. We forget how to feel, how to explain our feelings, how to talk to people. Let's face it, especially in this age, we are SOOO good at not facing the reality, not talking to each other, not making effort to build relationship with anyone! We are so good at those. We've all seen this family at the restaurant, kids on the phone, baby watching movie on ipad, dad making business email on the phone, mom silent... they don't even talk to each other. Or this group of friends texting to each other when they can actually talk to each other. How sad is that?! We cannot do that to ourselves anymore. We have to learn how to talk to each other. We have to learn how to feel and how to love. We have to admit when we are weak and defeated. We have to learn not to get sucked up in your ego and arrogance. We have to know how to surrender to the bigger Universe that we are all part of.

Be transparent means be authentic, that's what it means to me. Don't wear any masks. Stop hiding behind that mask. Don't wear a mask that doesn't belong to you. Be authentic. Be you. And then, you'll see more clearly what this Universe has to offer, what you're meant to do for the Universe.

Don't be afraid. The time has come. Let's let go of the mask and be you. You are more than good enough. You are wonderful.


Don't miss the moment

I love this lady so much. Emily Fletcher, creator of Zivamind. She's so inspiring and passionate about life. Watch this video. She'll explain better than I can ever do.

What you desire is placed in your heart because it's already in work. You have to act upon your intuition. Don't miss the moment. Live your life.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Just Do It--Art Williams

“Remember, before you can be great, you’ve got to be good.
 Before you can be good, you’ve got to be bad. 

But before you can even be bad, you’ve got to try.” 
― Art WilliamsAll You Can Do is All You Can Do

Have you seen Art Williams's this super inspirational speech? He made this speech back in 1987. And guess what?! we are still talking about the same thing as he said over 20 years ago.  "Just Do It". So simple yet, so difficult. How many of you told someone "just do it". And when it comes to you, you start thinking so much and procrastinate?! You can make so many excuses that sounds so logical and smart. Yet, is it true?! Are you trying to convince yourself from actually making the move?! Are you trying to escape from the fear?! What's stopping you?! 

I love how he said. 

Before you can be great, you've got to be good. 
Before you can be good, you've got to be bad.
Before you can even be bad, you've got to try. 

Again, he didn't say it's gonna be easy. He said, it's going to worth it. Before we can ride a bike, we have to fall. We have to start riding on a bike with training wheels. Then, we have to learn how to ride without it. Again, something we can't learn without falling down, at least, few times. There's no easy way. It's not like the movie "Matrix", that you can plug into the program and master Karate in few seconds. It's not like that. (or is it?!) We have to fall.  But in order for us to fall, we have to start it. When we are young, we don't know anything. That's why we don't have any fear towards anything. As we grow, we learn fear. We learn how to be scared and how to make excuses not to do certain things. We learn to make great excuses. But sooner or later, we gonna have to face the reality. We just gonna have to do it. What do we need to do?! Just do it. I love the end part of this speech. He's so passionate and know what he's talking about. You can tell that it's coming from his heart. I think especially smart people have even more difficult time putting things to action. They are good at thinking logically, making clever excuses that convince others. They get caught up in their thoughts and plans and all the crazy ideas. So, when they FINALLY decide to put into action, it takes more than others to get rid of those ideas that you've built inside of your head. It's definitely not an easy process to go through. I think they have lots and lots of potential that they don't even know that they have. To get out from your head is difficult as we get older. But, we have to. We have to learn how to disengage from our own curse and brainwash.  We have to redo the magical spell now. "Just do it!" as simple as that. Even when you don't know where to start, what to start, it doesn't matter. We have to learn from our mistakes and experience. Reading books/articles, and listening to seminars and inspirational speeches wont' give you any answers that you're looking for. You have to learn from those lessons and experiences. The fact that you are reading this, or wanting to become better, that itself proves that your heart is in a right place. So, let's just do it. Just Do It. Just because we can. Just because we want to. 


Saturday, July 12, 2014

so it's another form of energy

Money is such a tricky thing. Wouldn't you agree?! I think lots of people have heard and sorta aware of the concept of "Money is another form of energy" thing. We've all been there, struggling to make ends meet, trying to convince yourself how fortunate you are to at least have a job, or trying to make yourself listen to the whole idea of "money can't buy happiness" thing. Not only it's tricky, it's also very contradicting. We know that we have to pay bills, spend money on food, education, clothes.... we do need money to survive. What we need to understand is that in order for you to be happy, you actually don't need money. Because money won't buy that status. It is not possible. It might help you get something that will bring you joy or excitement, but money will not bring you happiness. It might be a tool, but not an element.

Especially when you live in a big city like NY, the struggle becomes even worse. The need for money significantly increases. People want to be rich. "Being Rich" is your social statue, it doesn't equal to your spiritual/emotional state. Happiness is something that come from within, not from something outside.

Nowadays, so many people talk about being rich and famous. But there are many people who had all that and end their lives so soon. Those people had fame and money. For everyone, their life looked perfect. But most of those people took their own lives. For what!? Why?! Because they were not happy. I mean, I can't really talk for them, since they are dead. You could have 10 huge houses. A), You are not gonna be there most of the time. and B) if you have nobody to live with, what's the point of it?! I get that you need your own space, blah, blah, blah... but you need your own space, only when you live with someone. If you are there by yourself for the whole time, you won't even need that. Suppose you have a collection of 15 cars. Why do you even need it for?! For their value?! For the sake of just collecting?! When you are looking at those beautiful cars, that might make you feel good. But does that bring you happiness?! Those people who took their own life, i don't think they were happy. I don't think they felt loved. I think they lost the sight of who they are.

Money can buy things, provide what you want, and pay your bills. But having money doesn't equal to your happiness. It's such a hard concept to understand. Because when we don't have money, we feel like things are falling apart, can't pay the bills, or sometimes not even being able to eat. And in that kind of situation, how are we suppose to make ourselves understand that money isn't happiness? Money is needed for survival. But, it's not the magic potion that can bring you happiness. It doesn't promise you happily ever after. The moment you realize that money is just another form of energy, and it is for you to use, the weight on money will decrease little by little. You don't have to hold on to them as much as you did. It's just a form of energy. that's it. Use it. you don't have to hold on to it with your life.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Life: filled with IFs

it's easy to have faith or say that you have faith when things are going well and you are surrounded by so many positive things. But the true question rises, when things are hard, when you feel like you want to call it a quit, or when you feel like there's no point in even living. That's when you know how strong your faith is. so, let me ask you a question... How strong is your faith?!

What does faith mean?! According to Oxford Dictionary, the word "faith" has two meanings

1: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something
2: Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

I don't know what you believe in, it could be something spiritual, or your dream or goal. or even yourself, that's your choice. But, once you make that decision to believe in something, you will have more strength to move forward. and it's just because you believe in it. It's simple as that. To have faith, to believe/trust in something that's unseen or yet to come, it requires a lot of strength and commitment, especially when things are rough. And the fact is, we will never know what will happen to us. Again, we want to have that control in our lives, and want to be in charge of what's happening in our lives, but we don't and we never will be. We are only in charge of our action and the way we see the world/Universe for what it is and how it is. Because this place is so much bigger than us. 

Life is a mystery. It's been that way and it will be. There are more things we don't know than we know. there are more people we'll never meet than we could possibly imagine. Life is filled with "IF"s. 


Everything that we have in common is the fact that we are born into this world, and we will eventually die and end our lives. That's it. Everything in between, is the collection of "IF"s. We don't know. And the best part is that we get to write it however we want! We can take actions in however way we want. We can enjoy life as much as we want. Not only that we need to have faith in the middle of the storm when things are tough, we are always living in the middle. We always need to have faith no matter what.Then the next question will be this, How strong is your faith?! Can you lay down on the boat in the middle of the storm when the waves are going nuts, believing that this too shall pass?! Can you keep your faith when everything and everyone else is against you? 

It's struggle, isn't it?! It's a life work. It's not easy. So whatever it is that you believe in, you better believe it. Because life is going to challenge you in the way you might not be prepared for. So, have a strong faith in something. You are amazing. and you are stronger than you can imagine. You are capable of fighting things that's against you. You are great.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Being mindful

Along with the "Law of Attraction" magazine, "mindful" magazine has become one of my favorite read. Apparently, they talk about "mindful", taking time for what matters. This was the most favorite part from this issue.

"RAIN of Self-Compassion"
Recognize what is going on
Allow the experience to be there, just as it is
Investigate with kindness
Natural awareness which comes from not identifying with the experience. 
--finding peace through self-acceptance by Tara Brach--

We are all being of love. And yet, until we truly accept and embrace ourselves as who we are, we are not gonna go anywhere. It is the most difficult and crucial part of this journey. It's not easy. But we can do this. 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

you don't have to do everything all at once

What we can do, what we are capable of, that possibilities and potential could go so much more than we can imagine. We are all born with what we need. Yes. But we cannot do it all. Even if we want to think that we can, and you might actually be able to handle whatever that is on your plate, the point is, you don't have to. Even super moms need some help time to time. Batman has Robin. X-men got their team. So, you don't have to feel like you have to do it all.

Or, you might have interest in many things. You might want to do "A", which you are actually good at. Then, you find "B", which you are interested in. But there's "C", that you've been doing int for a long time. And out of no where, someone tells you that there's an opportunity for "D", that you'll be perfect for! You can try to do everything. You might want to do everything. You are probably good at doing all those. Those "A""B"C""D", can be anything. "A" can be painting. "B" can be doing math. "C" can be organizing. "D" can be running a marathon. Anything! You can try to do all at the same time. But your energy is going all over the place. Or let's set another example. Let's say that you are figuring out what to major in college. You got your GD done, you are interested in Physics, Literature, Dance, and Sociology. After all the thinking, you decided that you're going to double major in Physics and Literature, minor in Dance and Sociology. Do you think you can do it all?! I believe that your head is going to explode!Try to focus on 1 thing for now, at least for now. Imagine how that choice could lead you? You're probably not gonna have enough time to study all of it. You're not gonna be able to sleep that much, because you're to busy. Your focus will be all over the place! So, just for now, let's focus on Physics. You can take some classes as an extra, or start taking classes as a major, but take it slow for the next time around. You can try to through everything and see what's gonna sticks. Something actually might. But you need your focus to actually get things done.

You can do anything, but not everything at once. And you don't have to do everything all at once.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Be excited about life

"how wonderful if something that only be existed in wishful thinking, 
comes and expresses themselves without being asked forcefully;
 but alas, i'm too immersed in the excitement
 until i don't realize that it's only temporarily, not forever"

 Be excited about life. Truly excited about life. Celebrate your life. Being unknown makes you vulnerable. There's no doubt about it. People love to be in control and to know what's going on. I was able to attend this workshop the other day. It was very interesting. Brian Patacca, the owner of Actor Salon, he was very excited about his life and what to come, the unknown. He made things clear for me. Things that I was wondering and struggling to find out. It was so easy. Why do we struggle so much?! Why do we put ourselves down?! what's the between being modest and not being grateful!? We could celebrate every single moment of our life, when we choose to! 

The one thing that strike me the most was this. "When you are talking about what makes you excited, genuinely excited, it's different from bragging." Some people might think that announcing what's good about your life, what's great about your life might come across as bragging, and not being modest. But, when you are truly excited and being enthusiastic about what you are doing or working on, that is not bragging. You are celebrating! You are spreading the positive energy to the Universe! Because that's what makes you happy! Because that's what makes you who you are! Isn't it?! it only becomes "bragging" when you are trying to impress others. You are thinking about what those people would think of you, or judge you. That's completely different than celebrating your life. It's ok to announce to the world how excited you are. It feels amazing to celebrate your life. It feels great to be excited about what's about to happen. And don't forget to be grateful for those things. A great friend of mine told me this yesterday, when you talk down about what you are doing, it makes you sound not being grateful, or you don't care. It doesn't matter how small it might seem. It doesn't matter how other people will see. It doesn't matter if it's a compliment from someone, or new book you got, or even about the job you don't like for at least you have a job, I mean, for anything!! just be excited! the more you celebrate the better! 

I feel like I'm being crazy sometimes. it might be an effect from caffeine, lol, but I feel so excited about everything. Getting out from your comfort zone takes you to a new places. And there are more things you don't know than you know. And that itself, should make you feel excited about life. 


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Be Here Now

I started reading Ram Dass's "be love now". it's a sequence to "be here now". I'm barely at the beginning, and it's already giving me so much new aspects. "Love is the source of all energy". Yes. But what if love is what all there is?! And what if nothing else existed?! It's hypothetical idea. But what if?! What is unconditional love?! What does is mean to be in love?! What is love, in the first place?!

We are all love. you know that. At least, you should know that. beyond anything, you are a being of love. Beyond your thought, beyond your looks, belief, history, flaw, mistakes or problems that you are facing now... beyond all that you are a being of love. And you are capable of loving. You deserve to be loved unconditionally. You must love yourself for simply just being here.

There was something that it says "Life is your screenplay. You are the lead. But the reason that it doesn't go as it's written is that you've forgotten to give them the script". Isn't that interesting?! It was a brand new idea. True, we think we are the main character in our own lives. And we want things to happen according to our own time table. We want things to happen as we exactly planed. We get caught up in the ideas and images of how things should be and how people should be, and what we should have, or what we should be doing and... all the ideas of what "SHOULD" have been blinding us from seeing the truth and what/how it is now. As Ram Dass says "As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is". We might be missing opportunities that's bigger and better than we could possibly imagine. We might be missing our your "THE ONE" because you are getting caught up in YOUR idea of who or how this person should be. It's great to have desire to be better and be ambitious. But we cannot get stuck with those ideas. Those are just your ideas. again, the Universe has something bigger and better planed for you.

To truly be in the moment is not easy. To get rid of the ideas of what/how things should be, it's not easy. To simply just be in the moment that takes courage. To submit and surrender to unknown, that's very vulnerable thing.  We all love to control our situation. We have certain expectations to our lives. We have lots of hopes and desires. Do not let those things blind you from seeing what it is. It's a decision you have to make. It's a commitment that you have to make. It's a progress that you have to make. And it's not easy. But we are all capable of doing this. Be in the moment. Be love. Be honest. Be. Just because you can.
