Thursday, May 29, 2014

There's always something better

Do not get blinded by your current situation. The pain, the ache, frustrations, sadness... All those things will blind you from clearly seeing the truth. Most of the time we are not even capable of seeing things clearly to begin with. We are just not. We are blinded by our own belief or ideas of how it should be. So it's almost impossible for us to think through even in the clear mind!

It does hurt to get rejected in any situation. You didn't get the job you wanted. You didn't get into the college you've studied so hard for. The person you love doesn't love you the way you do. The bank is telling you that you didn't get the loan.... Any types of rejections can bring you down emotionally so much. It just hurts so much. And we often cry and feel the pain. No matter how much we try to talk ourselves out of that state, it might not seem to work. "it's gonna be ok. It's gonna be fine. Everything happens for a reason, there's something better waiting for me... " You try again and again. And sometimes, it just makes things worse, doesn't it?!

It doesn't happen right away. Even if you have the "Ah-HA" moment, you have to be strong. No matter what to keep the faith. "THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING BETER FOR YOU!". It just is. Things happen for reasons. It's up to us to see that through. First, you have to realize that situation. Things are not in your control. You are in charge of how you see and perceive things. THAT we have. And let's do that. Let's talk ourselves out of that self-pity. And years from now, maybe you get to laugh at the situation and say "I can't believe I cried so much over this!". So, let's make the choice. We have to move forward. We have to take charge of our mind set and positive attitude. It's not gonna be easy. But, we can do this. You can do this.


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