Thursday, May 29, 2014

There's always something better

Do not get blinded by your current situation. The pain, the ache, frustrations, sadness... All those things will blind you from clearly seeing the truth. Most of the time we are not even capable of seeing things clearly to begin with. We are just not. We are blinded by our own belief or ideas of how it should be. So it's almost impossible for us to think through even in the clear mind!

It does hurt to get rejected in any situation. You didn't get the job you wanted. You didn't get into the college you've studied so hard for. The person you love doesn't love you the way you do. The bank is telling you that you didn't get the loan.... Any types of rejections can bring you down emotionally so much. It just hurts so much. And we often cry and feel the pain. No matter how much we try to talk ourselves out of that state, it might not seem to work. "it's gonna be ok. It's gonna be fine. Everything happens for a reason, there's something better waiting for me... " You try again and again. And sometimes, it just makes things worse, doesn't it?!

It doesn't happen right away. Even if you have the "Ah-HA" moment, you have to be strong. No matter what to keep the faith. "THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING BETER FOR YOU!". It just is. Things happen for reasons. It's up to us to see that through. First, you have to realize that situation. Things are not in your control. You are in charge of how you see and perceive things. THAT we have. And let's do that. Let's talk ourselves out of that self-pity. And years from now, maybe you get to laugh at the situation and say "I can't believe I cried so much over this!". So, let's make the choice. We have to move forward. We have to take charge of our mind set and positive attitude. It's not gonna be easy. But, we can do this. You can do this.


Friday, May 23, 2014

1+1=more than 2

Every relationship has its ups and downs, beginning and ending. In order to have ANY relationship, family, friends, professional, love, ANY relationship needs more than 2 people. And both of them have to have willingness, effort and commitment to stay in that relationship. 0.5+0.5=1. That's not how relationship should be. Other people cannot fill what you are missing within yourself. You have to be whole as who you are first. Any relationship should be 1+1= more than 2.

It says "Love your neighbors as you love yourself." You have to LOVE YOURSELF first before you love someone else. That's the bottom line. You have to love yourself first! You have to have a great relationship with yourself. We'd talked about how you have to be your own best friend, your own best supporter, and not to be your own worst enemy. There are already so many people who will judge and criticize you. Why do it to yourself?! You have to know what's your strength and weakness in order for you to be "better self". But that's analyzing and knowing. What do you love?! What do you want to do?! What makes you happy!? Who are you!?

Throughout the years, we build layers and layers of walls. Some to protect ourselves from getting hurt. Some to protect ourselves from even feeling anything. And the longer you have the walls, the more difficult for you to know who you truly are. We put on a happy face, pretend that everything is good and happy, act as if there's no worries in the world. Are you avoiding to hear what you're feeling?! Are you pretending not to realize what's really going on?! But inside that wall, what are you feeling?! Are you feeling upset?! Frustrated?! Concerned?! Worried?! Happy?! Loved?! Joyful?!

I'm firm believer of "Fake it till you make it". especially when it comes to smile. You don't smile because you are happy. You are happy because you smile. It's scientifically proven that way! And I love the song "Pretend" and "Smile". Both are amazing songs. But the fact is that you have to know that you are sad or upset or hurt. You have to accept what you are feeling first!

I want you to be happy.
I want you to love yourself.
I want you to be loved.
I want you to be able to give love.
I want you to be able to accept love.
I want you to be able to feel what you feel.
I want you to be able to appreciate life.

Just because you are alive. Just for that simple reason, you have something to celebrate. And it is amazing. Shift your thoughts. We have so much more than we think.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It's not about "Starting", it's about "Finishing".

My boyfriend and I went to see "ROCKY" the musical the other day. Being a daughter of "ROCKY" movie fan, I was skeptical about this from the beginning, but they proved me wrong. The story of "ROCKY" is a classic tale of american dreams and an underdog making his way up to success. Everyone can relate to that character on some level. Everyone has been rejected, being told that you're not good enough, and feeling like it's "me against the world". We pray for the once chance to come, the one person to show you the way, the one blink of sign that you are good enough. We all expect that, don't we?! And it's not easy to keep your faith and be strong all the time, especially when you have been in that state for who knows how long. People say that you just have to keep working hard, just keep believing in yourself, just don't give up, tomorrow is the new day, tomorrow can be that one day, keep opening your eyes for every opportunities..... and there are so many things people can tell you. and guess what?! We all know that in our head. Logically, we do understand that idea. And yet, how many people do you know who are actually pursuing that?! Are you one of them!? or are you on the verge of calling it a quit? Are you starting to doubt that this might not be the path you are suppose to follow?

People change and we learn things. There is a lesson in everything, in every single moment, if you choose to see it that way. So, it is only natural that our path/dream/goal might have changed from the time you were in the preschool. You might wanted to be a baseball player back then. And as time goes by and you learn more, you might wanna be a baseball coach, or a sports analyst, or a broadcaster, or a sports doctor.... It is ok to change your path. You never know what'll happen. But the important thing is not about "STARTING". It's about "FINISHING".

When you plant seeds, you just wish that you'll see the flower or the harvest the next day. Basically, we want things to happen on our time, ideally simultaneously, or even overnight. But the reality is different. We have to wait and be patient. We have to nourish and work hard on our mission. We have to love what we do and why we do. Things won't happen according to our timeline. For example, when babies are born, they are not conceived and born the next day. They have to wait in the womb of their mother for 9 months till they are ready to be born into this world. Think about it. When they come out early, they are not strong enough, capable enough to even breathe on their own. You have to take that time, the painful time, to get to where you want to go and to get what you want. It takes time.

"The greater the difficulties are, the greater the harvest will be".

Don't stop in the middle of your journey. Keep walking, you don't have to keep running all the time, you can walk. You can even go back a bit sometimes. But you cannot give up now. Don't give up on your life. Don't give up on your dream. And don't give up on yourself. Finish what you've started. That burning desire of yours to get that one place, that's there for a specific reason.  Don't lose your faith.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What is your WHY!?

Great leaders are those who trust their gut.
 They are those who understand the art before the science. 
They win hearts before minds. 
They are the ones who start with WHY.
Simon Sinek

No matter how much the technology has evolved, I still love the actual books. I just love it. It feels more personal and valuable by somehow. I finally started reading Simon Sinek's "Start with WHY" recently. It's amazing how he puts it. Do you know what your "WHY" is?

Of course it has to be a synchronicity, I've been actually thinking about my "WHY" recently. What is it that I want to do?! How can I improve my life?! You see, I wasn't thinking about my "WHY". Event though this book was primarily based on business subjects, this applies in every aspect of life. We all have something we want, or passionate in our lives. And we love doing whatever that is, because that makes us happy. Because we like doing it. So WHY is it?! "This is not opinion. This is Biology". I love this particular title of this chapter. Because it is. It something we don't even know how to describe. It is our biology. 

It's easy when you are small. Your reasons of doing things, or trying to get better was "because it was fun", "Because it makes my mom smile and she gave me a compliment", "because all my friends were doing it".... something like that. But what is your WHY now?! Why do you work in that company? Why do you started what you're doing? Why do you want to do what you want to do? It might be difficult to actually give an answer. Or it can be just because I needed a job, as simple as that. But when you're actually pursuing what you're passionate about, can you answer your WHY? 

I have not find my WHAT, HOW, or WHY. And I feel like my why is because "I LOVE PEOPLE". I've written so many times that how beautiful everyone is, or how we all have a purpose in our lives and how amazing you are, and all that. Because everyone is different in such a unique way and you might not like whatever it is that about you, but to someone else, that's the exact thing that makes you unique and interesting and amazing about you. Everyone is different for that specific reason, and for that specific purpose. It might even not be about you. You might be there to help someone else. After all, we are all part of this huge, unknown Universe. You might not be what you want to be or, how you want to be but that doesn't matter. Always remember there are millions of people who will die to trade that place with you. You just need to accept, embrace and love who you are. And to be better you every single moment of your life. Trust your gut. Follow your heart. And that's makes you who you are. Your path may take you to somewhere you've never imagined. Your path may change along the way. You might lose your path. But this life is a journey. Think about your WHY. It might take you to a whole different place. 


Saturday, May 10, 2014

be your own best friend

Everybody has some "OFF" days every once in a while. Even though you have whole lot intention of being positive and kind and all that, yet it just doesn't get you anywhere. It's tough and it's not fun. No matter how much you try to be positive and shake off that weird feeling, it's just not working. On top of that everything seems like falling on top of you and collapsing. And just when you thought that the day can't get any worse, BOOM! it turns out that you were wrong. You finally give in and decide that you're gonna take it easy and not force anything that day. But you start feeling guilty for not trying hard enough.

Taking it easy and having that "ME" day is very important. You have to be kind to yourself. It's different from being lazy. You have to know how to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. You have to know that you can't do everything by yourself. You have to realize that you don't have to solve everything on your own. You have to know that sharing your feelings or problem is not the sign of weakness, rather it shows your courage. Because you are breaking the wall and opening up yourself to the Universe. When you just pile up everything and close the top, eventually it's going to explode. It's only natural. You have to let go of those negative things out of you. Breathe, meditate, sing, bake, take a walk, read a book, watch funny movie, lay on the grass, go to the beach, take a nap... do whatever it is that brings you some type of peace, joy and love in you. Relax.

Don't get caught up in the goal, or material things or whatever that is you are doing. If you feel little bit off, you need to stop and realign yourself. There are so many things going on in everybody't life. You have been working too much. You've been going through some relationship struggle. You're having some issue with your family. You're in some financial crisis. You've been kinda lost in the whole thing... anything! Life happens. But it happens FOR you, not TO you. And if you don't take care of yourself enough, there's a great chance that you might not gonna find your way out. And finding the balance when you're off balance is so difficult. It might make things worse. First you have to know how to find your balance, and know the feeling when you're in the place of love, joy and peace.

Love yourself, embrace yourself for who you are and what you are. You are beautiful and worth so much more than you think. When you need to take that day off, and spend "ME" time from all the chaos, do that. be your own best friend. Be your best supporter.


Sunday, May 4, 2014


“We’re the creators of our own experience — remembering this, and living our lives from this perspective, empowers us.” 

~Mike Robbins

What is your passion and what s your purpose?! I believe that people have things that they are passionate about. Some people might have more than one thing and it's all good. somebody told me once that those who say have so many things that they are passionate about, they really don't know what their true calling is. Is that true?! Do you know your purpose?!

I had a very interesting conversation the other day about this topic. It's funny how this thought hasn't occurred to me till that day. He said "Anyone can be passionate about anything. And you know your purpose when you are so passionate about that one thing and you want to teach and share that with everybody. Now, that's your purpose". It was very inspiring and I love that perspective. it's been said that your passion will become your purpose. Bishop T.D. Jakes says 

"If you can't figure out your purpose, figure our your passion. For your passion will lead you right into purpose" 

Some people are lucky enough to know their path. Some people struggle to find the way. Sometimes things might change and you might lose your way. Keep asking yourself questions, We all have purpose whether you know it now or not, we all do have the one things that we're meant to fulfill. So, keep your eyes open, keep your heart open to the possibilities that the Universe is offering you. 
