When you surrender to what is and so become fully present,
the past ceases to have any power.
You do not need it anymore. Presence is the key
Eckhart Tolle
I'm a true believer of "the power of NOW". I believe that you must live in present and do whatever it is that you do best and what makes you happy. And that's the one and only way to manifest whatever you are looking for in your life. That's my personal belief. When we get stuck with our past, trauma, or things that's not happening for you yet, and focus on that, that's the exact thing you are attracting. That negative focus is the exact thing that's preventing you from the thing you want. Your body produces the same hormones whether it's anxiety or excitement. And your brain will determine what emotion you're currently experiencing based on the event you're facing. So, why not take that as an excitement?
It's is not like I'm living the perfect life. I'm not successful by the standard of this business. I'm not rich. I do not live in the pent house on the luxurious building. But I am happy. I choose to be happy because I'm alive. I have a roof over my head. I'm not starving. I have a job that helps me pay my bill. I have friends who love me and support me. I have family who love me and wish nothing but the best for me. And they are alive. I have a boyfriend who loves me dearly and want nothing but the best for me. I have dreams that I want to pursue and make it happen. So, the rest?! that should just fall into the places. All I can do is be grateful for the things that I've been given. Be grateful for the small things and for the fact that I get to focus on what's coming and what's going to happen. And that's what makes me happy. They say that the if you can imagine it, that means it's already on its way somewhere. So just have faith. Just know that it's going to happen. The truth is that no one knows when or how that's gonna happen. But I refuse to focus on the negative. Why am I not this and that. why is this not this and that. why not..... It just makes me depressed even more. The moment you start paying attention to what's lacking in your life, you can never stop. There are millions of things that you don't have right now and you won't have in the future. Yes, things are not the way you want it to be. Life is not a torture. It's a beautiful gift from the Universe. You're not here only for yourself. You're serving the greater things. And to be able to be a part of that is a precious thing. And please remember that you are not the extra piece or the spare piece in the puzzle.You're a significant part of this big Universe. Without you, something will collapse. You are made for a purpose. You're here for a reason. You might not see it now, but surrender. You're very important in this Universe. And Love is what makes this Universe go around. Be love, Be you. Be in NOW.
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