Happiness is life style. It's not something materials can give you. Sure, your birthday presents could give you happiness, but it's actually not the gifts. it's the fact that it was given to you by those who care about you. That's what makes you happy. At least that's what I believe.
I truely believe that money and success are the result of your hard work and determination. It just comes along on the way. It's optional. It might be a good motivation for you to move forward, but I don't think that should be the goal. If you keep working on what makes you happy, the result will come with you along the way. That's my belief. When you are working hard to get to the better place, that shouldn't feel like a burden at all. Why should it??? I mean, you're working on what you love, spending time doing what you love. Of course, when you don't see the result as you expected, that might frustrate you. I understand that. But still, it should make you happy at the end of the day. You're not doing it for money, or social standard. You do it, because you love it.
So, think positive. Be glad that you know what you love. Be grateful that you are able to do what you love. Be happy that you're alive and well.
I decided that I am a happy person long time ago. I just am. I get upset, frustrated, and sad, just like everyone else. I am human being, nothing more. And I love being that way. I love that I am a positive and happy person. I don't let other people bring me down. If anything, it motivates me to be a more positive person. And made me realize how blessed my life is!!!!
My mother always says, "Find a good thing in everyone, even in your enemies".
Hating something or someone take so much energy out of you. Why waste your precious time and energy for that??? It doens't make your life any better or happier. Let just think that
Happiness is a choice. When you see how true that is, your life will be so much better. You get to choose that. You have the power to choose that. It's your life. It's all within you. Decide today, that your life is a happy life!!!!
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