Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happiness is the state of mind

Happiness is life style. It's not something materials can give you. Sure, your birthday presents could give you happiness, but it's actually not the gifts. it's the fact that it was given to you by those who care about you. That's what makes you happy. At least that's what I believe.

I truely believe that money and success are the result of your hard work and determination. It just comes along on the way. It's optional. It might be a good motivation for you to move forward, but I don't think that should be the goal. If you keep working on what makes you happy, the result will come with you along the way. That's my belief. When you are working hard to get to the better place, that shouldn't feel like a burden at all. Why should it??? I mean, you're working on what you love, spending time doing what you love. Of course, when you don't see the result as you expected, that might frustrate you. I understand that. But still, it should make you happy at the end of the day. You're not doing it for money, or social standard. You do it, because you love it.

So, think positive. Be glad that you know what you love. Be grateful that you are able to do what you love. Be happy that you're alive and well.

I decided that I am a happy person long time ago. I just am. I get upset, frustrated, and sad, just like everyone else. I am human being, nothing more. And I love being that way. I love that I am a positive and happy person. I don't let other people bring me down. If anything, it motivates me to be a more positive person. And made me realize how blessed my life is!!!! 

My mother always says, "Find a good thing in everyone, even in your enemies".

Hating something or someone take so much energy out of you. Why waste your precious time and energy for that??? It doens't make your life any better or happier. Let just think that


Happiness is a choice. When you see how true that is, your life will be so much better. You get to choose that. You have the power to choose that. It's your life. It's all within you. Decide today, that your life is a happy life!!!!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Explore new things!

It's so easy to stay in your comfort zone. And so difficult to get out of it, especially the first step. But when things are out of that comfort zone, that is the chance to grow. So, we gotta take the initiative to move forward. Usually, your instinct will tell you,

"It's time to take a new step."

We have to do what we love, what makes us happy. We have to be true to who we are, who we're intended to be. It's not always easy. But, when you're in a right path, you will get there. It'll take time, but you will get there. It might not happen when you want it to happen, but you will get there.

3 lessons,
Learn to let go.
Be patient.
Be honest.

If you keep not being honest, it's gonna eat you up. The frustration will get you. Be honest doesn't mean you can be cruel or rude. It means you accept who you're and embrace it. And that's exactly why you can love and respect others for who they are.

Today, I was listening to a new music. My favorite lyric of the day was,

"I'd rather be 9 people's favorite thing than 100 people's 9th favorite thing. "

Not everyone's gonna like you. But you'll be happier.

Love who you are.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Everyday lesson!!!

I love this quote. You need faith. You need  patience. You need to really believe in who you are, and what you are capable of. You're more than you think you are.

When you feel like everything in your life is falling apart, it's gonna be tough, but that's the time your faith will be questioned. You are important. Everyday, you learn something. Apply that into your life.

Love is love. No matter what.
You're love.
You're loved.
We're love.
We're loved.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Laugh a lot!!!

So, you've heard it before.

Laughter is the best medicine.

It is true!!! Sometimes, you don't feel like laughing, or smiling. But sometimes, it's the other way around!! Laughing could make things funnier, easier, and better. At least, it'll bring you a positive energy. Don't you think!? If you're gonna do the same thing, why not have fun!? Why not enjoy it?! As Mary Poppins says,

"Every tasks has elements of fun. And when you find the fun, it'll become a game!!!!"

Sure there're many things that can be boring, frustlating, or upsetting even. Like doing homeworks, or getting your chores done. It's not always fun. Then, make it fun!!

Everything has at least one positive thing in doing it. Let's find it!!! If you can't, make up one. Children are genius when it comes to making up things. Their make-believes are real. They don't need any props. When they believe it's there, it's there. It's all what they want to see. So, let's see all the fun it's there.

Simple life style will teach you what is really important for you. Stop paying attention to unnecessary things. Start appreciating valuable things in our life. Like, freedom, friendship, family, health, love, creativity.....  start laughing. Smile is contagious. Spread happiness. Love life,


Saturday, March 23, 2013


My friend once said that

A real celebrity is a people who can celebrate his/her own life.

It's not someone who's famous or successful. It's someone who can celebrate their own life. Even if you're broke or struggling to survive, you can be grateful for small things, if you choose to. So make the choice. You might not be exactly where you wanna be. You might not be even close to what you dreamed you'll be. And in that situation, it's so easy to get discouraged. It's so easy to hate the situation. It's so easy not to like yourself for who you are. It's just easier.

But you're stronger than that.
You're better than that.
You got more potential than you think.
You got what it takes.
It's all within you.

So, make that choice.
Everyday when you wake up, be grateful that you're up and alive.
Be grateful that you're breathing.
Be grateful that you have a whole new day ahead of you.
The changes might not happen as fast as you want it to be. But it will happen. It will happen for you. Because you made that choice to be a celebrity that you are.

Be a celebrity.
Celebrate your life.
You're a celebrity.


Thursday, March 21, 2013


Believe in who you are.
Believe in who you will become.
Believe in what you can accomplish.
Believe in what you can offer to the world.
Believe in what you can do.

The belief will get you stronger.
The belief will become faith.
The faith will help you grow.
The faith will show you the light in the darkness.
The faith will become reality.

Everything starts within you.
You have what it takes.
You are what you want.


That's the first step.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Beeeee Positive

It's not always easy to see things in a positive way, especially when things look tough. But those are exactly the chance to grow ourself!!! Yes. When you're in those moments, you can really challenge yourself.

See how much strength you have within you. See how much you can learn from that situation. See things from different point of view. Remember I mentioned about "Paradigm Shifts"?

Decide today that you're gonna have a positive attitude towards everything.
Decide that you'll only expect positive outcomes.
Decide that you'll learn from the situation you're in.
Decide that your life is filled with love and happiness.

Yes, be open minded. Be willing to learn. Be open to change.

My friend once told me that she's proud of herself for being able to throw away the pride you've build to creat stronger/better pride. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration. Thank you for being my strength.

So yes. Let's decide to be HAPPY!!!!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Enjoy now!!!

As many people have said, I will say this,

LIVE and ENJOY right at this MOMENT!!!

It'll never happen again. Sure, when you're struggling and frustrated, it seems like the world is turning against you. The life is falling down on you. And no matter what people say to you, it all sounds meaningless to you. Those are the things you already know. Those are the things you've told yourself millions of times. And everything just annoys you and you just want to shut everything out.It hurts. It gives you enormous pain that seems impossible to take out. You've tried and tried everything to be positive. and yet, nothing seems to be working out. You feel like you're stuck in the quicksand. The more you try, the deeper you get sucked in.

Sometimes you just have to surrender yourself to life. I'm in no place to tell you how to live. Even though it seemed rough at times, I haven't experienced the bottom. I have a place to live. I have family and friends who love me. I have a boyfriend who loves me dearly. I have a job that pays enough to survive. I have OK life so far. But I decided to go farther. I decided to live my life the fullest.

I want to challenge more. I want to take more risks. I want to enjoy my life more.

We're meant to be happy. We're meant to live enjoy our lives.

Like they say,

It's not Happy People who are Thankful.
It's a Thankful People who are Happy.

Be grateful that we're alive. If you're not, you can't even complain how bad your life is!!!


Don't EVER forget the importance of Friendship

It is so true that people cannot live alone. It just how it is. It just not possible to live alone. It's not even a matter of question. Sure you can talk about realistic elements of that as well. You won't have any electricity if there's no one working at the electricity company. You won't have any food if there's no farmers or fishermen, or bakers. You won't have any Coffee if nobody started Starbucks or Coffee Been!!!!!!!  But what I'm trying to say right now is  not about that. Let's talk about the importance of friendship.

"Friendship is not what you can get out of the relationship. It is about what you can do for your friends without expecting anything in return.It is your feeling toward them."

Don't you agree??? If you expect certain things in return, there're many businesses do that for you. That's what they're for. And there are people who will take advantage of you for your kindness. Don't let them do that to you. You're better than that. You deserve more.

It's not easy to find those who you can call true friends. it's just not. People will come and go. It's just how it is. Every encounter has its importance and meaning. Even those who you won't like are there for you to learn something. It could be as simple as "OH, I will NEVER want to be like that!!!!". Even a brief encouter can give you a huge influence. You'll never know. And it goes the same to everyone else. You might give someone a huge impression or influence. You meet so many people throughout your life. Just remember everything happens for a reason.

I am very grateful to have people who I can call true friends. They've known me for good and bad, and trust me, my bad days are nothing near pretty!!!!!  I can call them in the middle of the night and they'll listen to what I have to say. When I need their help, they are there for me. And they truely believe in my dream as I do for them. I believe in their dreams and I'll do what I can do to support them. I will be there as soon as I can if they need me. They are not there because I do something for them. I can't speak for them. But I am truely grateful to be able to have them in my life. They inspire me. They encourage me. They say things that's not easy but need to be said. They give me advice. They love me.

As you grow older, trusting people can be more difficult. Over the years, you've learned how to protect yourself from getting hurt. And in many occasion, you forget how to open up to others. You creat illusion of who you are and hide in the back. People flake out on you. People betray you. It happens so very often. You have to remember, you deserve better than that. You will have someone or some people who will be there for you no matter what. They will be there for who you are. And to improve you. To inspire you.You might have arguments, then that'll give you better understanding of each other and who you are. They will bring out the talent in you that you didn't even know you had!!

And when you meet those people, don't take them for granted. Don't ever do that. They will help you grow. They will help you in time of need. Always be grateful for them. And treat them with respect. You might get second chance with them, but hardly the third one.

I love my friends. and they are very important part of my life. So, Thank you. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being amazing friends.


Monday, March 11, 2013

We all got what it takes

We all got what it takes with in us. We have all the tools. The question is if we use those to the full extent. Do we?

What do we need to go forward?

Love, Hope, Faith.

Other material issues come after that. Like, Photographers need their cameras. Musicians need their instruments. But without you passion and heart, even if you have an expensive camera, your pictures will be empty. People won't be moved by the expensive sound system, without passon and soul. Your heart comes first.

Your faith/heart is the most important element for your future.

You have what it takes ever since the moment you came into this life. Love it, embrace it.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Never back down.

It's not about how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back on your feet and start walking again.

In the movie "Pursuit of Happiness", he says

"Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do. If you want it, go get it. Period."

That's exactly how it should be. There are and will be people who tell you negative things, including yourself. Don't ever let them convince you.

Ask your heart. And I mean it. Really, ask yourself. What do you want? If you know your answer, even in those difficult times, that's what you're meant to do. You know what it is. Your guts will tell you. There'll always be people who will quit, even though they know the truth. They just can't bare it. They let the difficulties and negativity take over. You're stronger.

What did you learn from the rejection you went through?
What do you need to do to get better result?
What can you do to improve?
How can we change this into positive?
How can I improve?

Again, ask questions. When you really want something, those questions should excite you. Think about it, you got so much more to go on, and make yourself better!!!!! And the better you get, the more closer you get to your goal.

Enjoy the negative experience. It will teach you a great value. And turn that into positive asset of yours. Never back down. Changing negative thoughts into positive requires commitment. And throughout the experience, you'll gain more confidence and faith in yourself. Never back down. You're stronger. Get back up on your feet. Keep walking. The sky is the limit.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Love, ,Hope, Faith

People say that when one door closes, another one opens. Do you think it's true??

I believe it is. I know it!!! And the one that just open? That's usually the better one. But you have to have the right mentality for it. Or else you won't see it. You'll be just staring at the two closed door. Let's change that point of view and see the wide opened door, just for you.

When your hope is shut down, like didn't get the promotion you worked hard for, or you didn't get in to the college, or you didn't get the part you wanted so badly. What's your reaction? It's just natural that you get upset. Who wouldn't? And the question is, what would you do after that??

I went to this audition today. It was for my dream show. I've been obsessed with this show for who knows how long. Then, I finally made a choice to push myself. Then, they didn't even see me. I was typed out before the audition. It shuttered my heart so bad. I wad crying in the cornor of 34th and 6th street. If they could have only see me, then I would have been fine for getting cut. I'll still be sad, but at least then I would know I did what I could. But that wasn't the case.

My wonderful boyfriend kept telling me not to be a quitter. But all i wanted to do was to runaway. It made me feel like I wasn't good enough. Not even close.  But, that's not true. The truth is I AM Good ENOUGH. I just wasn't what they were looking for. That's all. It's hard to get that through my thick head. But I managed to do that.

I'm so grateful that I have such an amazing boyfriend and wonderful friends who support me no matter what, especially in time like this. They all told me that they are proud of me for taking the risk. Thank you.

It's constant rejection that we have to face. And it's so easy to get discouraged and lose faith. And if we let that, cities like LA or NY would be a deadzone. But people are strong. Those who believe in themselves, in their passion, they have love for that. And the love won't let the negative energy take over. And it will give you lots of hope. And with your love, the hope will turn into faith. And it will help you go farther, to achieve your goal, to get what you want. Of course you have to do your part. You have to work hard. But the faith will help you. It'll help your vision turn into the reality eventually.

Once you quit, it's over. A lot of people pursue the same, or similar, dream as you do. And not everyone makes it. Because when the time comes, most of them decide NOT to continue. When you truely have the faith, that shouldn't even be an option. It shouldn't even cross your mind!!!!!! Well, sadly, you might have to face that timw to time. Don't be the majority. Don't listen to them say "this is too difficult". You're stronger than them. When those people quit, there're more opportunities for you. Of course there always will be new people coming in.

When the new opportunity opens up, go for it. Take a risk. Take chances. Take in charge of your own life. You are in charge of your life.

Keep in mind.

Love, Hope, Faith.

You can do it.

Love is your resource.
Hope is your energy.
Faith is your strength.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Step by step

Right now, I took a huge step. For some, this is not even considered to be a step. For some, it comes so naturally. And for me, this is a huge one. It took me almost 10 years. Without a doubt, I am nervous. But, I did make this choice. And with good intention to move forward in my life.

They say that the first step is always the most difficult one. To be honest, I am truely overwhelmed by the situation. I'm proud of myself for finally taking this action. I'm proud of myself for finally put investment on myself. I am proud of myself for being me.

I didn't do it all by myself. People helped me. People pushed me to step up. People helped me to go on. And I am not alone.

I'm grateful for my life, blessing, and future that's full of happiness.

Thank you. And take a step with me. Even a half step. Take a risk with me, at least you won't wonder what it could have been.

You're full of life.
You're life.
You're love.
You're loved.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Every sinner has a future, every saints has their past.

Isn't that  beautiful quote?

Everyone deserves a 2nd chance. Nobody is perfect, and nobody ever will be perfect. It's just not how it is. Everyone has thier flaw and past. Everyone has made mistakes that they wish they could take it back. And sadly, we can't change the past. There's no rewind button in the real life.

One of my most favorite musical, and now also a movie, is Les Miserables. It's about the second chance. Jean Valjean lived his life based on how he wanted to live. His past didn't decide who he is. There might be people who will judge you for your past, like Javert did to Jean Valjean. But that wasn't who Jean Valjean was. Don't let your past defy who you are. If other people deny that, prove them wrong by your doing. But it's for yourself.

And when you get the second chance, don't take that for granted. Some might give you another chance, some won't. Make the best out of it. Apply the lessons you learned. Life is a lesson. Anyone and anything can be your teacher when you're open minded. A child teaches you how to play, your enermy can teach you how not to be like them. This whole universe is your textbook.

Learn more, live more. Tomorrow is for you to decide.
