Monday, February 11, 2013

Which door should I choose!?

"Everything has more than one way of looking at it."

We all see things in subjective point of view. What if you see it from different point of view? More Objectively perhaps. Do you think you'll find a new perspective?

My mother always told me that there's more than one knob in each door that's in front of us. Which one should you choose, is all up to you. You can see the heavy door knob with lots of hardships, stress, and negativity. Or, you can choose the light one with compassion, love, and positivity. If the situation can't be changed, how would you like to see?

Say, you had a customer who gave you a hard time. Your reaction?

A: you can get upset, and give a bad service. Or you might even snap at him/her.


B: you can take a few breath and be objective. Maybe the customer had a really  bad day. Maybe his/her boss had given a difficult time. Maybe, maybe... the list could go on and on.

When you put yourself in thier shoes, you might change how you approach the issue. As my friend says, this is  "Paradigm Shift".

Today, at my work, there was this lady who ordered a wrong thing thinking it was something else. On her way out, her server came up to her and said "thank you and I'm sorry about earlier." Her reply was unbelievable."well, you should be." I couldn't believe my ear. How can you say that to someone!?  Don't you think it's sad that she can't care about other people? Wouldn't you get upset if someone treat you that way? We all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. The difference is if you can care about other than yourself, even strangers. Can you?

I kinda got off the track. But in every situation, there's a lesson. You can learn from everyone, and everything if you are willing to do so. Imagine the life that's nothing else to learn from, how boring that will be.

Don't forget to breathe. Love is everywhere if you decided to see. Look at the situation, see what you can learn from it. Every moment is your chance to grow. Doesn't that excite you?


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