Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm Doing it!

Just like "Seeing is Believing."
Doing is solution. Not Thinking or Planning.

I just read that the planning is only the 5% of process when it comes to solving a problem. The rest is brought by your action. It is so true. Thinking and going over the plan might make you feel like things are already going towards the better way. The problems are to be solved. It makes you feel that way. and planning actually makes you feel better by somehow. Who agree with me??? I do. When I hit a wall and it seems like there's no way out, and I feel like it's the end. After spending so much time there in the bottom, just thinking about the better life will help me be in the better mood. And I forget that that's the only beginning of the end. I forget to take action afterward, which is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. also the HARDEST PART. It takes courage and determintation. and as we grow older, changes don't come as easily as it used to. We tend to make excuses that sounds like making a total sense. Don't be fooled by that!!!! Don't believe in those lies. Those are made by YOU. Meaning, YOU CAN CHANGE THE OUTCOME!!!!

It' so difficult get out your comfort zone, and challenge new things. Especially because the first step is most likely the hardest step. It's not easy to step out. but when you take the step, even you fail after that, you should be proud that you did take the step. YOU DID IT! Most of people are too afraid to do it. and when they're in 80s or 90s, they'll wonder why they didn't take the step, and how it could have been. But You did it.You took that step. So, you already know how it's like. If you didn't like the outcome, find some other ways, or something else. I'm not telling you to be a quitter. I'm just saying that there are so many other options for you to try!

So, take action! dont' just think in your head and think that it's all happening. it's not. you're only fantasizing the story that you made up. By taking action, you'll open up more options. A lot could happen, most of them might be the things you never thought of before. Take a risk, without it you are limitting your infinite possibility.

Say it out loud with me. Look at the bright broad sky and say,

"I'm taking the action. Because I deserve more."

You have that power to change your life. Love,

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