"Love+Live+Life"'s official blog. Let our life filled with Love, Hope and Faith. It's all about Positive lifestyle, inner beauty and gratitude.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
I'm Doing it!
Doing is solution. Not Thinking or Planning.
I just read that the planning is only the 5% of process when it comes to solving a problem. The rest is brought by your action. It is so true. Thinking and going over the plan might make you feel like things are already going towards the better way. The problems are to be solved. It makes you feel that way. and planning actually makes you feel better by somehow. Who agree with me??? I do. When I hit a wall and it seems like there's no way out, and I feel like it's the end. After spending so much time there in the bottom, just thinking about the better life will help me be in the better mood. And I forget that that's the only beginning of the end. I forget to take action afterward, which is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. also the HARDEST PART. It takes courage and determintation. and as we grow older, changes don't come as easily as it used to. We tend to make excuses that sounds like making a total sense. Don't be fooled by that!!!! Don't believe in those lies. Those are made by YOU. Meaning, YOU CAN CHANGE THE OUTCOME!!!!
It' so difficult get out your comfort zone, and challenge new things. Especially because the first step is most likely the hardest step. It's not easy to step out. but when you take the step, even you fail after that, you should be proud that you did take the step. YOU DID IT! Most of people are too afraid to do it. and when they're in 80s or 90s, they'll wonder why they didn't take the step, and how it could have been. But You did it.You took that step. So, you already know how it's like. If you didn't like the outcome, find some other ways, or something else. I'm not telling you to be a quitter. I'm just saying that there are so many other options for you to try!
So, take action! dont' just think in your head and think that it's all happening. it's not. you're only fantasizing the story that you made up. By taking action, you'll open up more options. A lot could happen, most of them might be the things you never thought of before. Take a risk, without it you are limitting your infinite possibility.
Say it out loud with me. Look at the bright broad sky and say,
"I'm taking the action. Because I deserve more."
You have that power to change your life. Love,
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Be the bigger, better person.
Life is about choice. Some are conscious choices, some are not. When it comes to how to live your life, things will go so much easier when you make a better choice. And we should always take the positive choice. To the point it comes to you automatically.
When you're tired or upset, or even sad, it's not easy to bring positive thought into your life. Negative energy will try to get hold of you. And it's easier for them to sneak up on you when you're like that. It makes you wanna take things in a negative way, or personally, or it makes you feel like there's nowhere else to go. Like the whole universe is going against you. But you have to believe that is not true. Those are the time you have to show your strength and love.
"The problem is there if you see it as a problem. Take it as a challenge, and it will help you grow".
And if the universe thinks that you can't overcome whatever you're facing, you won't be there in the first place. You're there because you're strong enough to handle it. Because you deserve the better and brighter life ahead of you. Life is actually pretty simple. Joel Osteen says in his book,
"Nothing happens TO you. Everything happens FOR you."
Everything is gift for you. Sure being rejected from the college, getting fired, losing your loved ones, those won't seem like one. But the things you learn from the experience, those are the gift for you. You might wanna see it in overnight. Most of the things won't happen over night as the law of attraction has its time delay depends on your energy flow.
If someone says bad thing about you, instead of getting upset just feel bad for them. They are not as good as you are. They can't see the good in you. If someone gives you a hard time, be extra nice to them, and be glad that you're NOTHING like them.
You are better than that!
You have so much more to offer to the universe. You have so much more beauty in you. Embrace that about you.
If someone can't see that and don't treat you the way you deserve, that's their loss. Not yours.
So, make positive choices. Find what you can appreciate. You can do it. Because you're wonderful.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Everyday is Happy Birthday!
It was my birthday yesterday. It's the day of celebration!!!! What does your birthday mean to you? Presents? Cake? Champagne? Spending time with your family and friends? How and more importantly, what do you celebrate?
I think of birthday as a day of celebration and appreciation. As we should appreciate every morning for the brand new day given to you, we should appreciate the whole new year ahead of you.
Appreciate that you're alive and well.
Appreciate that your family love you...
Appreciate that you're here, right at this moment.
Celebrate your brand new day/year.
Celebrate the beginning of a new journey.
Celebrate your infinite possibility.
Happiness starts within you.
When you can appreciate what you already have, the universe will give you more for you. Don't take anything for granted. Everything is precious. Every moment is precious. And you are pecious.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Don't Underestimate How Amazing You Are
A lot of people underestimate their own value. You're amazing, beutiful, and talented person. But they tend to put yourself down, or don't believe in themselves.
Is it because you care about what other people qould say? Are you afraid of being too different? Are you afraid of rejection? Are you afraid to get out the comfort area? Did someone tell you that you're not good enough?
There are many reasons why people don't value themselves. Whatever happened in the past, it happened. We can't change the past. What we can do is to change the attitude.
A kid might called you names in the past. You didn't feel like your parents loved you growing up. Your loved one might have betrayed you. Perhaps you didn't get the promotion that you worked so hard for.
It's not you that missing out. It's the other way around. They don't know what they are missing out. They don't know how awesome you are.
Believe in yourself. Please know that you're amazing person. The hardship you face will make you stronger, wiser, and kinder. It'll make you a better person. And that's who you are. You're better than all those people who made you feel like nothing. You're so much better than that. It's just what THEY think. It's not who you are. Don't let others decide your value. You are the only person who can value yourself and it's a lot more than what you think you worth. You're wonderful.
You are beautiful, amazing and loving person. Don't underestimate how awesome you are. It doesn't mean you have to be corky or arrogant, or being rude to others. It's a completely different issue. You believe in your value and know who you are. And that's exactly why you should respect other people's value.
You're much more than what you give yourself credit for. Love yourself. Because you're amazing. Don't stop growing. You can be much more. You got all the seeds you need for your future within you.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The Sign
Do you believe in messeges??? And signs that are given from the universe? I do. I do big time.
When I left my house this morning, I saw this little rock hanging in the gate.
"You can Do More"
How incredible is that!? The universe is telling me that I can do more. How can I not believe this?
If you look around, and pay attention, you'll realize that the signs are everywhere. They can be anything, anywhere and anyone.
Do you realize that things show up on its own when it's all perfect?! When you're looking for something and looking for everywhere, you can't find it by somehow. But after a while and you forget about it and BOOM!!!! It shows up right there in your face, right when you needed. When you're desperate, you attract the "Why can't I find-ness". The negative energy and outcome. You're not lookin for the sign with the right attitude. That could have made you missed it. You're being blind-sided. When you're not thinking about it, you're attracting the poositive thoughts, or at least you're Not attracting the negative outcome.
The signs are everywhere. Be open. Be aware of the surrounding. Be positive. Then, you'll know. You'll see the sign and the road ahead of you.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Free Yourself
Who Are You??
Who cares about what other people think or say about you!??? You don't have to. The only thing that matters is what YOU think about yourself.
"You won't feel lonely as long as you love yourself".
I can't remember who said it, but that's a very powerful statement.
People care about how you could fit in, and not to difficult. They tell you to value your originarity and uniqueness. Then they tell you that you're TOO different. What are we suppose to do?
That'll be the answer.
You're too blond. You're too tall. You're too short. You're too cute. Oh, you'll be perfect for this and that. You're this type, or that type.
It's important to see what other people think about your subjectively. But it doesn't mean that you have to listen to or accept that. You can take that as a suggestion or just an idea. Don't let others decide who you are or who you can be or what you can do. It's not their life. It's yours!!!!
You can be whatever you want. You're your own canvas. Paint it as you want. Shape it as you want. Be what you are. Explore who you can be. If you don't limit yourself, there's infinite possibility. Don't underestimate how awesome you are.
Monday, February 18, 2013
The extra 15%
They say that it's easy to give your 90%. And most of people would think what they can do for the remaining 10%. But those who succeed in what they do, they don't think about the 10%. They think of 15%, 20%. Because they wanna achieve beyond that. They are willing to take a risk. They are challenging themselves to go farther. They can draw a bigger picture. And what makes the biggest differnce is that they take actions. They put those thoughts into reality. They just don't sit around and wait for someone to come help them. They make efforts. Because they know that without any actions, the words don't mean anything.
Are you thinking about going 10%, or the extra 15%?
"If you can see it, it'll become reality".
It's true. You have to see it yourself in order to make it real. Picture how your future would be. What do you need to do to get there? Sadly, picturing your ideal future is just a beginning. We need to take actions. We also need strategy. 3 year plan, 5 year plan. And your daily goal. What's your strength!? What's you weakness? What's your strongest asset?? Break it down.
If you do your part, the door will show up. And if you truly do your part, you can open the door. And you're the only one who can walk through the door. No one else. When you're ready, your vibration attracts right people and right situation. And they will help you go farther. But you have to be ready. Or else, you'll miss it. Grab on to the opportunity and make the most out of it. Stop making excuses, start taking actions.
So, let's get ready and go for the extra 15%, 20% for your future.
My friend Rina is talented, loving and inspiring actress and artist. I'm so blessed to have you in my life. This is her latest work. Isn't this gorgeous!?
Saturday, February 16, 2013
It's not Gameover untill you say it is.
It's a quote from my favorite comic book of all time. Few seconds left in the basketball game, the teacher says to the student,
"It's not over as long as you don't give up."
They win the game. And the student gets MVP.
This philosophy could be applied in life in general. It's not over as long as you keep going. You're your own worst enemy. We keep beating up ourselves. We limit ourself from doing things. From the fear of failing, losing, or rejection. We put ourselves in a protective mode. So we don't have to get hurt. We'd rather not try and keep wondering how it could be. And eventually we're convinced that it's better that way. It's been so long and we start to believe that is the truth. And get comfortable, and lose your path.
It's easy said than done. I know that more than anyone. If my action were to go with my words, I wouldn't be where I am now. But what's done is done. I can only change the future. Not the past. Because of that I am who I am and learned the lessons. So, I should be grateful for that.
All I know is that even though I'm scared of failing, "or even trying" to be honest, I don't wanna give up on my dreams. This is all I know. I have to start somewhere. Because I want to. I may cry, I may fall, I may say I'm gonna quit. But I won't, not now anyway. I've learned to stand back on my feet. And that's gonna make me stronger. So it's not gameover yet!!!
Law of Attraction
This is my favorite magazine.
Last year when I was kinda down, they came into my life with the exact contents that I needed. The universe knows what we need, you know.
It's filled with love and wonderful messeges, lessons and power. I love it!!!!
Be a happiness magnet!! Attract what you love. We have that power. As they say,
There's nothing you can't Be, Do or Have.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentine!!!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!! Do you know what is the most powerful thing in the world?
It's everywhere.
It's Universal.
It's unlimited.
It's everything.
It's power.
And it's YOU. And it's US.
You're love. You're loved. And love yourself. No matter what happened in the past or what you're doing right now. Love yourself. Truely Love yourself, even the things that you might think it's your flaw. For others it might be exactly what they want. Tell yourself that you love yourself. You have so much within you.
Thank you for being you. There's no one else. There's only you who can be you.
Love is everywhere and in everyone, only when you decide to realize it.
Tell people you love that you love them, especially to your family. Don't assume they know. Just tell them!! It doesn't have to be Valentine's-Day to do that. Everyday can be Valentine's-Day for that!!!! And when someone tells you that they love you, treasure it.
Love what you do. It's gonna give you a strength to keep going. Do what you love. That's gonna give you faith to believe in yourself and in your future.
There are many types of love. It has no shape. It's energy. Love for people, animals, nature, material things, career etc. etc..... Every moment, every people, everything is precious. There's nothing, absolutely NOTHING we should take granted for.
Remember, Love is everywhere.
Love, with all my heart.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Quote Quote Quote
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
"If you're waiting for the right time, it may never come. So, right now is a good time to start."
Well said!!!! How many of us have heard people say "oh, I'm waiting for the right moment." ? If you have the courage to do so, you'd have done it a long time ago. All it takes is the one step to move out from where you are. The first step is always the most difficult one. You're stepping into a whole new world.
"Making mistakes is good. Because that means YOU TRIED".
"Don't expect different result if you're living the same way."
So let's just start.
"Other than 10years ago, when is the best time to start? RIGHT NOW."
It doesn't have to be a drastic change. You can start from something small. And then move on to next. It's still better than not doing anything at all. The result you expect won't happen overnight most likely. But don't let that discourage you from doing what you're doing, or what you want to do. The result comes with effort and faith.
Love what you do.
Hope what you want will come to you and never let go of the hope.
Faith will take you where you wanna go when you're in doubt.
"Don't underestimate how awesome you are."
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The giving keys
Pay it forward. Their concept is so beautiful. Founded by Miss Caitlin Crosby. They've been featured in many TVs, Magazines.....
I've been loving their work ever since I saw this on TV.
Congrats to all your beautiful love!!!!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Which door should I choose!?
"Everything has more than one way of looking at it."
We all see things in subjective point of view. What if you see it from different point of view? More Objectively perhaps. Do you think you'll find a new perspective?
My mother always told me that there's more than one knob in each door that's in front of us. Which one should you choose, is all up to you. You can see the heavy door knob with lots of hardships, stress, and negativity. Or, you can choose the light one with compassion, love, and positivity. If the situation can't be changed, how would you like to see?
Say, you had a customer who gave you a hard time. Your reaction?
A: you can get upset, and give a bad service. Or you might even snap at him/her.
B: you can take a few breath and be objective. Maybe the customer had a really bad day. Maybe his/her boss had given a difficult time. Maybe, maybe... the list could go on and on.
When you put yourself in thier shoes, you might change how you approach the issue. As my friend says, this is "Paradigm Shift".
Today, at my work, there was this lady who ordered a wrong thing thinking it was something else. On her way out, her server came up to her and said "thank you and I'm sorry about earlier." Her reply was unbelievable."well, you should be." I couldn't believe my ear. How can you say that to someone!? Don't you think it's sad that she can't care about other people? Wouldn't you get upset if someone treat you that way? We all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. The difference is if you can care about other than yourself, even strangers. Can you?
I kinda got off the track. But in every situation, there's a lesson. You can learn from everyone, and everything if you are willing to do so. Imagine the life that's nothing else to learn from, how boring that will be.
Don't forget to breathe. Love is everywhere if you decided to see. Look at the situation, see what you can learn from it. Every moment is your chance to grow. Doesn't that excite you?
Saturday, February 9, 2013
What if Money was no object?
Watch "What if Money Was No Object - Alan Watts [HD] (Legendado pt-BR)" on YouTube
This video came across while ago. And again, today. It must mean something. Sure we live in a world money is kinda object. We pay rent, morgage, bills... etc, etc. Sure people say love doesn't pay the bills. What do you think?? What will you do if money wasn't truely an object??? What do you desire? What do you pursue? How will you live?
We all have a purpose in this life. Maybe more than one. Some might know what it is. Some don't. It might change along the way. What can you do for the world? Whay is your part in this universe? It might not only about what you want. It might be more than that.
What does your heart tell you?
It might be time to take a good look at your life.
Between Living and End are filled with IFs. How you fill those "IFs", are all up to you. So, how will you live your life?
Friday, February 8, 2013
Don't be a Dreamer, be a Dreammaker.
You live only once. Many people say, "I wanna do this" or "oh, I've always wanted to do this". And how many people actually put that into action?!? My guess is NOT EVERYONE. Because I've been like that. There are many reasons why you don't do it. Money? Time? Sure those are good excuse not to do it. Then, what is a good reason why you should put that thouht into action???
Because you wanna do it!!!!!
What else??? If you really want to do whatever that is, you will make time, you will make money. You will make effortd to make it into reality. You WILL. If you don't, you are not that serious about it. Or you're scared, and making excuses justifying why you're not doing it.
As we grow older, or become "adult", we have lots of obligations. Like paying bills, taking care of family, and the list can go on and on. And we also learn how to make those excuses convincing to others, and TO OURSELVES. And some people get very good at it too. After a while, we actually might start believing that those are true. That keeps us away from what we want do farther and farther. Eventually, you stop thinking about it. And when you remember that, you hate yourself for not pursuing it. Or it might be too late.
You live only once. If you believe in spiritual reincarnation, you live once in this physical realm. So why not do it??
Anyone can be a dreamer.
But can you be a dreammaker and pursue what you dream?
It takes courage to do that. It takes commitment, determination, and patience. It'll cost your time and money. And you might not be there at the end of the day. But like every other books say, would you like to keep wondering about "what could be", or "what could have happen"? Would you try it, even if you don't get the result you wanted. Would you rather wanna know how it is, even though you might not like it at all?
If you can dream, you're half way there. Be a dreammaker. Don't be just a dreamer. You already have what it takes within you. You have to believe in yourself. This might be the hardest part of following your dream. But if you don't believe in yourself, nobody will. Take a risk. Take a chance. Pay attention to the messeges around you. As the Law of attraction says, there's nothing you can't be, do, or have. Well, not nothing. I can't be a 7 feet man,since I am 4'10 " female. But as far as your dream goes, the possibility is unlimited. Because your power is unlimited.
Here's a wonderful blog I wanna share.
Marc and Angel Hack Life
They give powerful inspiration and great lessons. Reading it encourages me big time!!!
So, again, let's be a dreammaker. Not a dreamer.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with HimForever in the next.Amen.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
This prayer is often known as "SERENITY PRAYER".
And I love this prayer. It's a funny story. I got a bracelet with this prayer engraved in while back ago. Thinking how beautiful this prayer is. And when I went back to my parents' house this time, in my old room, there it was, this book, talking about this prayer!!! I must have been 12 or 13 years old when I got the book. Please ignore the thought thay I was a weird kid reading self-improvement books instead of comic books like all the other kids. lol.
When I saw the book, I felt stupid. How could I have forgotten about this prayer for such a long time!!!????? How could I? What's done is done. So I decided to let that go.
I think this is a very important prayer to keep in mind. We all know that there are many things that are out of our control. Like traffic, weather, or what country you were born in. We have to accept it, deal with it, and hopefully embrace it.
Let's say you're stuck in a really bad traffic or your car stopped suddenly, and late for your important meeting. Of course you'll be upset and frustrated. It's just natural reaction. You wanna get there on time. I mean, who loves bad traffic? Nobody!! But would you rather be in a accident and hurt yourself or someone else??? Maybe the universe is protecting you from getting hurt. I know it's difficult to think that way when you're in the situation. I have a hard time dealing with that too. So, let's just take deep breaths for few minutes. You can't control what's going on on the freeway. It just doesn't work that way. Does getting upset or frustrated help you get to where you wanna go faster? Or make your day any better?!?
Just breathe. We're not always in charge of what's going on. It doesn't mean you can let go of everything and be lazy. You still have to do your part to be the best version of you. And when you feel like the world turned against you, remember the prayer.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Showing up is the Key.
I was reading this column my friend posted today.
It was about showing up.
You'll never know what the outcome will be unless you show up. If you don't, well, you should know that you're not gonna get anywhere. And when you show up and give your 100%, let's just forget and move on to the next. And the rest!?!? The universe will take care of it.
Sometimes, I would actually say MOST of tha time, the result you want won't happen right away. It will take time. But if you keep showing up, you'll have more chance of getting where you wanna be.
I'm in no position to say "just keep working hard and you'll get there." Or "believe in your dream, believe in yourself, and know that you're gonna get there." You've heard millions of those by now. And I'm still in a process of going somewhere. I got stuck in the weird funk for a long time that I'm barely getting out. I'm nowhere near where I wanna be or should be. And sometimes, it feels like the time is running out. I have to keep reminding myself that IT'S NOT FOR ME TO DECIDE.
All the self-improvement books and quotes say the right things. If you apply something and it works for you, Great. If it doesn't, try another one. Or make up a new one!! It doesn't matter. As long as you show up in your life, that's what matters. And you can't just show up half way. You gotta go show up 100% or 120%!!!. That's all you can do. That's all I can do. I really hope that the rest is also up to me. How I wish that's how it is.
But, I'll show up. As long as I'm alive and pursuing my career, I will show up. Because I'd like the possibility to be 1, rather than zero. Even if there're 99 reasons for them to say no, I will refuse to let them say I didn't get it because I didn't show up. It may take you to the place you weren't expected. It may take you farther than you've imagined. As long as you show up, there's that 1% chance that someone might see what you got and who you are.
Will you take that chance???
I will. I'll keep showing up. Because that's all I can do.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
I am who I am.
A very good friend of mine told me about this song, "I am who I am". This song is performed by an artist who I don't usually listen to. So when she told me about this song, I was a bit skeptical. How good can that be?!? That was my initial thought.
Ooooo my god.
And I repeat. Oh My God!!!!
I didn't know why all those tears were coming from. Really!
This song is about a girl, who's following her dream. She knows how blessed she is to be able to pursuit that dream, and given that opportunity. And because she knows that it hurts when she wants to stop and think about giving up. She knows if she stops now, she'll never be able to start again. All her friends who started out together has gotten their shots. The are ahead of her, in a way. She felt left behind and lonely.
Everyone has their own path and lown moment to shine. That's what the song is about.
No matter where you are right now,
no matter how hard it seems right now,
no matter how rough the situation is right now,
Keep your faith.
Follow your dream.
Believe in who you are.
We all lose our sight or path to follow. And that's ok. We're not perfect. We're not meant to be perfect. We're here to learn, fall, and stand back up. And be the best version of who you are. It doesn't matter what others think of you. Sure, there are times that you're not in controll of the situation. And most of the time that's the case. The important thing is that you did your best. You give your best. And when you do that, someone will see that.
You are who you are.
I am who I am.
Stop comparing yourself to others. It's never gonna end.
Just be the best version of you.
And I'm telling that to myself as well.
Friday, February 1, 2013
You're never fully dressed without a smile
My mom loves Annie. It's one of her most favorite movie of all time. Although she's only seen it in Japanese dubbed version. So, she has no clue how the whole thing would sound in English. Well, except for "TOMORROW" part. She is not a fashionista. She doesn't really dress up for herself. She'd rather have us take extra classes or get something for me and my sister. That's the kinda person she is. And I love her to death. And even, now when we tell her to wear something nice for herself, she'd say, of course in Japanese,
"you're never fully dressed without a smile!!!!".
And she'll do her cute little dance. Because that's how she dress herself. It's not a high-end name brand dress or bag. With her Big smile. That's the best way to dress yourself. She taught me that.
It's important to dress for yourself to make you feel good, or presentable. People will see that. But even when you're dressed in perfect outfit, without a smile, people will forget you. They might remember your outfit, but they will forget you as a person, underneath the expensive or colorful clothes. It doesn't mean that you don't have to dress up. It's fun!!!!!
But what's more important is
that you are smiling.
That you're enjoying the moment.
That you're living in this moment.
That you're who you are.
That's what my mom told me. I love you mom with all my heart!!!