Friday, July 15, 2016

Be Human BEING

“Each person you meet

is an aspect of yourself,
clamoring for love.” 
― Eric Micha'el Leventhal

First and foremost. I love you. Even though I've never met you, even though I will never meet you, I love you. Because you are who you are, wherever you are. I send my love and prayer for Nice, France. Things keep happening. One after the other. We keep hurting each other and blaming on each other. Why? I don't get it. I am glad that I don't get it.

We all want the same thing, we all want love and to be loved. We all want safety for ourselves and for our family. We all want nice food on our tables and educations for the children. We all want to connect with others and feel equal. Then why do we fight? Why do we put labels on things? Why do we compare and compete with each others? Why one side of the street is the richest area on earth and the other side is complete opposite, struggling to feed the children? 

I stopped watching news while ago. I couldn't watch it. All these crazy and devastating news made me sick to my stomach. So I turned away. Still, the news were keep coming in. The social media feed, people talk about it. But I haven't paid attention. I lived in the bubbles. I lived in the lala land where everything was nice and happy. I lived in the place where things were good because I was happy. I am guilty. I am so guilty for all of these. The other day, when I went to see Marianne Williamson speak, it felt like I was slapped in the face. "As a collective being, if one part of the world is suffering and in pain, we cannot be happy as a whole, because we are all one". We are all one. We are all connected. I cannot ignore and pretend that everything is ok, because it's not. We need to be bold enough to speak our mind. So, I am choosing. I choose to be bold and say, I am against this mess. I choose to say LOVE is my religion and I choose to LOVE. I choose LOVE for myself and for others. I choose LOVE. And I am proud of that. They say if you keep complaining and do nothing to change the situation, you are a part of the problem. The thing is that when the problem is big, we all assume that our small effort is not gonna do anything. We think that we are all so insignificant, what we think or say doesn't matter. But it does. What we say or think does matter indeed. What we put out in the Universe does matter. That's why we need to choose LOVE. That's why I CHOOSE LOVE. As Lin Manuel Miranda said, LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE.....  Yes, I am very fortunate and blessed. I am in the situation where I could write about this and say that I choose LOVE. I have people I love, the roof over my head and I have food on my table. So, YES, I am blessed. It doesn't mean that I don't care. I DO CARE. I do care so much and believe that what we do collectively will make change. If and when we choose to do it together. 

I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU more than you can imagine. And I beg you to join me on this journey. I beg you to choose love. Start choosing love. Be compassionate. Be understanding. Be willing to see  beyond what's on surface. Be brave to speak out. We are all light. We are all human beings. We are all one.  DOn't pretend that everything is ok. Don't be alone. We are all in this together. 

Love, Hope and Faith

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