Thursday, March 3, 2016

You are so divine.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"
-Marianne Williamson-

Why do we not trust in our own value? More often than not, we doubt ourselves. We believe that we are not worthy.  We have nothing to offer. That leads into fear. Because you are comfortable being there. You got so comfortable sitting in the chair that made you feel home. And stepping out from that means to be uncomfortable, to take responsibilities, and to risk everything basically. So we rather keep brainwashing ourself that we are not good enough. right? It's easier that way. It's easy to stay in the comfort zone and complain that how things are not working for you, or how people are not treating you the way you should be, or how you are not getting what you want. Guess what? If you are the one holding you back from reaching your full potential, how would everyone else treat you better than how you treat yourself? 

To trust in your own value, that takes courage. It takes enormous amount of courage. You might have some people telling you "know your place" or "who do you think you are" while you are growing up. Or you might have been in a circumstance where people constantly brought you down and you started to believe that's your truth. Or you might have listen to someone talk so low of themselves so often and you started to believe that's the way you were suppose to think. But it is not. Your truth is more than you can possibly imagine. You are beautiful, talented, capable, smart and you have so much to offer. That is your truth. Don't let the fear take you over. Fear will always talk to you in the most effective way, because it knows your weak point. Fear and ego conspire together and try to tear you apart. You don't have to be the victim of it. You are worthy. You are the divine creation of this Universe. 

The Workshop I am currently in has a tremendous impact on me. A) to help me realize the great importance of the community that I could rely on. B) to have people who tell me who I really am. If you've read the Untethered Soul by Micheal A Singer, you know how he talk about the voice within you. He explains it as your roommate. The voice will always be there, but it's not you. So the voice inside of us would tell us all the mean things. Imagine you telling that to your own friend? You wouldn't do that, would you? No! Not in a million year. Then, why do we do that to ourselves?  To have people who constantly reminding me who I am, that has been a major change for me. In the beginning, or even still now, I have times that I am not in alignment with that. People tell me things and I cannot accept. People tell me I am beautiful and talented, and I automatically say NO. People tell me how great I am and right away in my head I respond "No, I'm not." Like, we all knew this. we all know somewhere deep down that we are meant for something great. We are meant for something big. And that gut feeling is actually right. We are here for reasons. Our own unique reasons. And no one can take that away from you. The only person who would be in your way is YOU. Don't rob yourself from that great opportunity to become who you truly are. What's wrong with saying, maybe I am good at this, or I look beautiful in this red lipstick, or I am amazing at this job. Why can't we give ourself that credit? Why can't we believe in our true potential? Why can't we be who we truly are? The answer is YES. It has always been yes. Yes, you can give yourself the credit. Yes, You can believe in your true potential. and YES you can be who you truly are. Yes, yes, and YES!!! All those little voices are there just to keep you safe. They just wanna protect you. they just wanna be recognized and heard. Just acknowledge them that they are heard. Their voice doest have to be your truth. You are better than that. You are worth so much more. You are divine. You are truly divine. And I want you to be you, unapologetically you. Because you are beautiful, smart, fun, creative, talented and so much more. Own it. 


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