Friday, February 5, 2016

The importance of having a community.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 
― Mother Teresa

I have to be honest, I am a people person by default. I love people, I love being around people, people are just so amazing in general. Yet, I have been terrified to build any actual connections. "DO NOT DEFLECT" that's a note I have been getting from my teachers constantly. I have been terrified to speak up loud in front of people, especially in a bigger group situation. It's such an irony, considering that one of my motivation is to speak at TEDtalk. I guess it's not that unusual to be afraid to speak out in public. Or to be vulnerable in general. But things are changing little by little.

At the end of the day, nobody can live alone. Whether it is an actual in-person connection or not, people are all connected to each other. There's no denial about that. But we all have learned to build walls around you. To protect ourselves from getting hurt, making mistakes, to look stupid, or to avoid admitting the truth. Whatever the reason maybe, we all have built certain walls around us, as protective mechanism. It takes courage to be completely transparent in front of other people. And to share that with others, that's a whole new level of commitment, especially if you think that people around you and you are not on the same page. Some people, you can connect more easily than the others. You know those friends you just click right away and don't really have to explain yourself. You just know how others think and have the same moral value. Those are rare connection. Whenever that happens, do not take that for granted. You have to cherish and embrace those connection. Be grateful for those people and tell them what they mean to you. The thing about us is that we assume that they know without actually communicating. NO. We have to communicate. No matter who you are or who they are, communication is the key to every relationship. Do not assume. Do not expect certain reaction or response from others. They are not you. They don't understand how or what you are thinking like you do. It's important to tell people what you want or what you want to hear. For example, you tell your parents about the promotion you got, expecting that they will congratulate you with open arms. You will get upset or frustrated if their response was "oh, finally" or "Why didn't you get it sooner?" or "You should have a job like such and such".  If that happens, instead of walking out, you could tell them how you feel, "hey, look. I worked hard for this and I would appreciate if you could celebrate this moment with me". They probably didn't know how hard you worked for this. They maybe just want what's best for you. It's important to share how you're feeling, AND what you want from others. You don't know what they are thinking or where they are coming from. You have to communicate.

Also, I am finding the great importance in having a community. It's such an important thing to have a community that you can have the support you need, and people who held you accountable for your action. I started taking C.R.E.A.T.E. Prosperity Workshop with Kristin Hanggi and Natalie Roy. These ladies are true miracle workers and I love them to death. Not only I am learning all these wonderful messages and lessons from the Universe, but these people are filled with such a beautiful soul. They are so supportive of each other and are capable of celebrating every miracles in each other's life. Each success are the proof and the testimony that everyone else's success is getting closer and closer. My accountability partner from the last week sent me this text message today. "When you succeed, everyone succeeds". It's amazing! It's so much easier to be jealous of other people's success and fall into the victim mentality. Why not me? Where's my turn? Where's my success? Instead, these people know that, again, other people's success is the sign of their own success. I am so fortunate to be in the presence of such minded people. To be able to have community like this, is such a blessing. I am learning to speak out about myself, my dreams and struggles.

When it comes to people, I am so blessed. I have met so many great people who love me, inspire me, call out on me when I'm lazy or making excuses, who push me forward.... I am nobody without the help from all these people. Even the ones that gave me sour experiences, they've taught me valuable lessons that I needed to learn. And now, I am learning these new level of human relationships. To have communities, the support system, the team.... You'll never stop learning. You will learn from others. Everybody is your teacher and as long as you have an open mind, you will never stop learning. And it's a beautiful process. I am so grateful to have so many beautiful people who I can call friends, mentors and family. Thank you for being in my life. I am learning to break out of the walls that I've build, to be ok with not being ok, to be ok to rely on people or ask help when I need. And these amazing people around me are teaching me all that. Life is taking a whole new shift again. Everyday I am learning. And it has only just began. Thank you for being amazing love, light and diving being that you are. You are truly wonderful

love, hope, faith.

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