The only reason we stress is something is happening that we decided should not be happening. It is not the circumstance that is the problem. It is our resistance to it.
Kyle Cease
Last night, I went to see
Kyle Cease's show "Evolving Out Loud". It was amazing. "Amazing" might not even be a sufficient word to describe this event. I just loved every moment of it.
So, the whole miracle happened in the morning. I wasn't even aware of this event. A beautiful friend texted me and she said "Someone cancelled the plan, if you wanna go see the show with us, the ticket is yours. And we're also meeting up for a dinner before hand. ". Old me would say "NO", or "I won't be able to make it to the dinner, but will join you for a show". I met her pretty recently and don't know her quit well yet. I would probably start feeling awkward and feeling the need to "fill" the awkward silence. So I wasn't gonna say yes. But something in me called me out. "hey, that's your old pattern. Start saying yes NOW". So, I said yes. Boy am I glad that I said yes. Group of us had an amazing conversation about spirituality and growing as a person, about "The Untethered Soul", etc.. I was able to connect with them so easily. That surprised me.
So, the show started. To be honest, I had no idea who he was or what this show was about. But within 3 minutes, I knew I was in the right place. It was all about transformation, being in the moment, becoming authentic you, being the amazing vessel that you are... My mind was completely blown away. 2 things stuck with me the most.
1) Your heart is never broken. Only your expectation gets broken.
Wow. That's true. Because we put expectations on others and results.. things are not in our control. We are not in charge of how others feel or how others make decisions. We are not. We are not in control of how they should treat you or how they should respect you. Their reaction and feelings for you is theirs and theirs only. You are not saying in that. But we do build expectations don't we? We expect people to know how you are feeling without telling them. You expect the certain results to happen at the certain time. You expect certain response or the words from others and you get upset when you don't get what you want. "Why can't you understand me"? Well, you didn't explained what you want in the first place. They are not you. Why not tell them what you want? Or just tell the Universe what you want. It must be the theme of the past few days. "ask and it shall be given". you see, in order for you to get something, first you have to ASK for it. You have to be bold enough to ask for what you want. How often do you ask what you want? We often limit ourselves. We often see ourself us unworthy. But we are not. We are worthy. We are worthy of being happy and being loved, and being successful. And there's a second part. Once you ask, you have to let go. You have to let it go. You have to act as if it has already happened. You have to trust that it's already in the process of manifesting. You have to KNOW that it's happening. You have to FEEL that it's happening. Part of the conversation I had with a friend was exactly about that. He said he doesn't like the saying "fake it till you make it". To be honest, I had resistance towards it too. Faking it doesn't seem right to me. It made me aware even more that whatever it is that I wanted, I actually don't have it. I wasn't in alignment with that. But the expectation is there. I expect the thing to happen. I expect to get the certain thing. But as long as I was "faking" it, I wasn't completely in alignment with that. So, I still had the expectation within me. The moment you are in alignment with what you want, without any awareness of lack of it, you'll be free from the expectation. Because you already know it's in process. You already know that it's happening. So you don't have to worry about how or when that's going to happen.
2)When everything is about giving, you have unlimited resources
I believe that we are all the vessels to the Universe's greater good. The more we evolve as who we are, the more we are true to who we are, the more we are committed to our purpose, the better the Universe gets. Think about the popcorns. When we are born into this world, we were the corns before being popped. But the moment we pop them, the whole thing changes. right? The tiny corns are popped and become bigger and lighter and delicious. The whole container expand as well. The Universe is like that. we are the tiny corns expanding the Universe's unlimited possibilities. The thing is that when it's just about the tiny piece of corn, it doesn't really do anything. There's no excitement. There's no sounds. There's no change in the container. Because it's all about the tiny piece of the corn. Share your gifts with the Universe. Give more, just because you can. The more you give, the more the Universe wants to bless you. After all, we are not gonna be able to survive alone. There's just no way. Absolutely no way we can survive on our own and there's no way we should.
One of the audience, say Micheal, were pulled up on the stage to interact with him for maybe half of the show. He transformed. I witnessed him transform. And it was beautiful. Towards the end of the show, Kyle had us do an exercise. "Partner up with someone you didn't come here with. Imagine that this event was a month ago. You've changed your perspectives and approach. Your life starting to transform. What happened?" Magic happened. Michael wanted to start up as an inspirational/motivational speaker, organizing events and classes. The person who he partnered up with, turned out to be someone who deeply involved with Huffington Post.
The moment you let go of the expectations and get out of your head, the whole world opens up. The moment you are true to who you are, the whole world tells you that you are on the right track. Keep evolving. Keep saying yes. Keep becoming true to who you are. Because you are amazing. You are a gift to this Universe. Don't hide. Don't be afraid. You are already enough. You are already there. Let yourself be you. You are a miracle magnet.