Monday, October 12, 2015

Everyone's story.

“But what's real? You can't find the truth. You just pick the lie you like best. As long as you know that everything's a lie, you can't hurt yourself.” 
― Marilyn Manson

When you look at this picture, do you see a rabbit, or a duck? That's a paradigm shift. There're always more than one side to a story. The one you actually experience, the one that you tell yourself that's the truth, the one other people tell. And depending on the situation, there could be more stories. The more people are involved, the more stories there will be. Any stories can be told from the hero's point of vies, the villain's point of view, or a trapped princess's point of view, or a passerby's point of view. Which story are you telling it to yourself? 

I am so fortunate to have a wise mom. She always told me to see the other sides of the stories, the situations, and the people. "If people are acting in the ways you don't like, instead of getting upset over it, be sorry for them or be grateful that you're not like them, or realize that they are just jealous of you." I always thought this was a genius idea. And when you start seeing from this perspective, you start see people in different ways. It's different from thinking "Oh I am better than you". That's not the case. There are ways to express your truth. And if people are hurting you, maybe they are just afraid, maybe they feel threatened by you, maybe they are seeing what they want in you. But the moment you change your perspective, you see different stories. 

I have been doing lots of digging lately and it has been pretty intense. My teachers are amazing and help me tap into the things that's deep down both from physical and mental aspects. I couldn't ask for better teachers. All those things that's coming up, there are truth and lies. some are very ugly. Some are very sad. Some are very upsetting. Some are very shameful. Some are lovely. Some are wonderful... And we might not find out the truth ever. What's true and what's real might not be the same. Again, the same event, a villain and a hero tell different stories. We only remember our stories, don't we? And the older we get, we tend to convince ourselves to believe OUR stories, how it should be, what should happen, how you should feel. All the "should"s and conscious choices start to take over our feelings, analyze the event, and create a story so called "truth". It's all controlled. We all learn to do these things. And we start to believe that's the TRUTH. Again, the older we get, the more clever we get, the more protective we get, the more analytical we get. And guess what, we also become numb to our own true feelings. That habit becomes automatic. Every stories are filtered and "should" based. And why do we do that? I think it all started from the defense mechanism, one way or the other. But to protect ourselves from getting hurt, seeing the truth, admitting our wrongs, feeling ashamed... It's time for us to start telling the truth. All those feelings are there for a reason. And the moment you acknowledge that fact that those feelings are there, you will start seeing things differently. Because you are more honest to your true self. And being able to let yourself feel all that takes enormous amount of courage. But if we let ourselves feel all those things we've been avoiding, we might be able to see the truth eventually. We might be able to peel off all the layers of lies and emphasized details and fixated stories. And why do we want to do that? It's rough. It's too much. it's going to make us crazy... True. But you will be able to see things from the place of love and light. You will understand others better. You will see the stories better.

I barely started stepping on to this journey and it's already been crazy. It's not the overnight fix. It's a life time journey that everyone go through. And I understand that this is totally my opinion and some of you might not even understand or agree with this. And that's ok. Everyone's journey is different. And that's the beauty of it. Everyone's story is different. It's all unique, beautiful and perfect in its own way. Embrace your journey. Enjoy the ride. Whatever that means to you.

love, hope, faith. 

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