Tuesday, July 7, 2015

You are the MAGIC

Photo - Svetlana Belyaeva

“To live, to TRULY live, we must be willing to RISK. 
To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.” 
― Mandy Hale

Our past cannot be altered, no matter how much we want it. Our future is unknown, no matter how much we want to know. We can only experience what's happening NOW. And even that we have different perspectives and ideas, and expectations and doubts, all sorts of elements to dictate our thoughts. There are things that we wish we could have experienced when we are in a good mood, when we were younger, or when we were older. There are many "ifs" and "should have"s and "could have"s. And we are all in this particular condition at this particular time for a reason. Again, that reason might not be obvious to us most of the time, but that's the truth. We are often too afraid to take the leap of faith. To jump into uncertainty. To take an action without expecting certain results. To have a faith in ourselves. To do it, just because we want to.

We don't know what's gonna happen until we try, right? That's a fact. And yet, most of us fail to do so. Because we are often too afraid or too comfortable. We complain and yet stay in the same situation, without taking any action to change.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." 
-Albert Einstein
This is one of my favorite quote. We are all insane, aren't we? In one way or the other. We want things to happen for us, instead of making things happen. We want someone to come knock on our door and hand you the life of opportunity. We want the one person to come in and ask you to marry you. We want magic to happen. And we think that when that magic happens, we'll live happily ever after and have no worries in the world. But the magic doesn't happen for you. The magic is YOU. You have to make the magic happen. Remember in the Wizard of OZ, Dorothy had what she needed from the very beginning. As the good witch said, "you just had to learn it yourself". And only with the knowledge and experiences you earned, you can gain the opportunities and rewards that's been there the whole time. We have to let ourselves experience whatever it is you're facing and whatever the feeling you're having. Because that's what makes us who we are, what helps us grow. 

Don't be a dreamer, be a dream maker. 

Your dream is there for you to be fulfilled. Not for you to day dream or keep imagining. They say that whatever you can imagine and see in your eyes, you can make it happen? That is your magic. And guess what? Everything is a miracle. The air you are breathing. The trouble that you're facing. The agony you are in. The joy you're having. The love you're feeling. The dream that's about to come to life.... Those are all miracles. We just don't see it that way. Count your blessings. Experience each moment the fullest. Let yourself feel what you want to ignore. Everything is easier said than done. But it's worth doing it. Take the leap of faith. Taking actions is the only thing that opens up the path. Be the best magician you can ever be. Be the best blessing beyond your imagination. Be the love that knows no boundary. Be you, the most authentic you that you are meant to be. 

Love, Hope, Faith

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