Sunday, July 12, 2015

be the best rose as it can be

“I love flowers for being flowers, directly.
And I love trees for being trees without my thought.” 
― Alberto CaeiroThe Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro

You can only live your own life. No matter how you wish you can live someone else's life, that's something you cannot have. You are not Oprah, or Madonna, or David Beckham. You are who you are.

As media exposes the luxurious and fancy life of celebrities, we fantasize how it'll be like to live that life. We imagine that we're the ones with those huge houses and cars. And we've created the false idea that that's what happiness looks like. That's what it means to succeed. That's the definition of "made it". But is it true? Are all those celebrities happy? If they were, then how about those who overdoes or commit suicide? If they are so happy with their success, why do they kill themselves? Because happiness is not defined by how big the house is, how many cars you own, or how much money you make. Yes, we need a house. We need a car. We need money to survive. There's no doubt. We need that. Unless you were born into the rich family, we all have seen and experienced the scarcity, where our survival instinct kicks in. We've heard our parents say "oh, we can't afford that" or "we are not that rich". So, it's not our fault that those ideas were planted into our head. All these medias, movies and tv and video games. Those have brainwashed our mind in one way or the other. So, how do we change that? And what's the definition of our happiness anyways?

Psychology Today has written an article about this. according to their research, only a third of people had claimed that they are "very happy". I don't know what makes you happy. I don't know what happened in your life. and I didn't go through the same thing as you did. And I will never understand what you feel or how you feel. Because we are not the same person.

I consider myself a very happy person. I am truly blessed in many ways. It doesn't mean my life doesn't have any struggles. I was fortunate to have a family who loves me and supports me unconditionally. I am fortunate to have friends who love me support me. I have my ups and downs. And so do you. So, why not make the best out of what you already got? You can't control what's going on outside out your life. You can't make other people to love you. You can't other people to live your life for you. You can't only be happy when something good happens to you. You have to choose to be happy now. They say that there's no way to happiness, happiness is the way. I believe that's true.
Tomatoes can't be watermelons no matter how much they want to. A rose can't be a tulip no matter how much they want. All they can do is to be the best tomato or the best rose they can ever be. So, why don't we do the same? You are already enough, more than enough. Don't shut yourself out from all the thing you can achieve. Be one of the kind. Be who you are. Be the best version of you. And be happy. Not when something happens, Right this moment, right now. Just because you are who you are. And that's already a miracle. You are a miracle. Please embrace that.

Love, Hope, Faith

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