Passion leads to action, which results in Success. A lot of us are so afraid of "Not making it" and won't even try. You know how they say "If you don't answer, the answer will always will be NO."? It's the same thing. We're afraid and thinking that maybe we are not good enough, so let's not even bother. Or there are enough people who are trying to do what I want to do, what's the odd of me making it!? I'm too old. I'm not educated enough. I'm not talented enough.... the lists go on and on. And We don't even start. So, of course the answer will always be no. If you don't go to that interview, there's absolutely no way that they are going to offer you a job. The results of not showing up are these,
A) they don't know who you are, so you don't get it.
B) they don't know that you want that job, so you don't get it.
It's that simple. If you don't go for what you want, you'll never get it. It doesn't mean that you'll always get the job only because you show up. When you show up, your options are these...
A) You get the job.
B) You won't get the job.
C) they might consider you for something else that might be even better.
So, you will have one extra option that's positive compare to when you don't show up. There's no guarantee in life. But you have to not to be afraid of not getting it. You have to be afraid of not even trying to go get it. Because you might be exactly what they want. You might not have the skill, or experiences, or the education they want. But they might want you just because you showed up. That's all we could ask, don't you think?! Would you regret not doing what you've always be wanted to do if you just not wake up tomorrow?! It might be kinda cliche, but the ultimate question will be,
"Would you be happy if today is your last day?!".
We are meant to live and take action fueled by our passion. Your passion will lead you to take action. Whether you take it or not, that's your choice. If you let go of the fear of being rejected not making it, you will take that action. Making mistakes or taking the wrong path will teach you not to make that mistake again, or not to take that path. It was all just a learning experiences. We all learn through out in our lives, don't we?! We have to always keep in mind that there are more things that we know. There are also things that we know that we don't know. THEN there are thing that we don't know that we don't know. Be open to it. There are millions and billions of possibility if you decide to open up and give it a chance. If the results come out not exactly as you want!? great! at least you know now! move on to the next thing in your life.
Our life is created by series and series of many many small events. So, don't let that one moments ruin your whole life. It's just like a huge puzzle. Everyday you fill a piece. One piece a day. And when you leave this Earth to be with the Lord, your puzzle will be complete. The only tricky thing is that you don't get to see how your puzzle looks like when it's completed. It's not for you to see. It's for others to see. That puzzle you just completed, that's a piece to a even bigger puzzle that's orchestrated by God. Only He knows how it looks like. And He knows exactly how it looks like. We are creating the pedestal for others. We are here to leave something for the generations to come. So don't be afraid of making the mistakes or not making it. Don't. No matter where you are in your life right now, your puzzle is going to be beautiful, just because you LIVED your life the fullest. You know how they say life is your canvas?! So, painted colorfully! Make a beautiful art! It's yours to make it, it's others to see.
Again, your passion will show you what actions to take. It's your choice to take that action.
Love, Hope, Faith
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