"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable"
I don't think anyone likes to put themselves in uncomfortable situations. Being comfortable means stability, safety, and contentment. When things get tough and messy, it's easy to call it a quit, give up on things, or choose to stay where you are comfortable. Our life is a continuous journey. It's not a destination. When we are young things are easy. Because we don't know the differences. Everything we encounter is new and uncomfortable, well, we won't even know that it's "uncomfortable" to begin with. We were just excited to experience something you've never experienced!!!! When was the last time you got excited over something that you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar?! I don't even remember! The "UNKNOWN" is what'll help us go to the next step, don't you think?! As we grow we learn to judge ourselves, criticize ourselves, and care about what other people tell about you. Then our everyday struggle starts. But remember, our everyday struggles are there only because there is an everyday Savior. God didn't created you by mistakes. You are created with everything you need in your life. You already have everything in you. You need to find it and cultivate that.Allow me to confess something. There were times that I've ran away from those uncomfortable situations before. I didn't wanna be there. It scared me and made me feel worth nothing. I compared myself with others and thought that I wasn't good enough, or beautiful enough or didn't belong there. It became to the point that thinking about it made me physically sick. So, I decided not to show up any more. I ran away because I was scared. Last night, the same situation occurred. My inner critique was telling me that I wasn't good enough. I had no confidence or strength to move forward. I knew that I've worked for it. It was a completely new material and I had to work extra hard. yup, I had to break it down all the pronunciations and such. This song that was assigned is something I won't pick for myself. I asked my friend to see if he can understand what I was singing and he said he didn't for a couple of times. It was 5 minutes before I had to leave the house it made me burst into tears. It really did. I totally broke down and got upset for what was going on. And I knew that there was no time to give a second thought, at that point I only had less than 5 minutes. He said "if this class made you so upset and uncomfortable, just don't go". Then what came out from my mouth surprised me.
"I don't want to run away anymore."
Not only that I said it, also that made me realize that I was running away from the uncomfortable situations before. Things I told others were lies that I made myself believe. How could I not notice?! It was me, who wasn't being responsible for my own life.
So, I went and put myself out there. I said screw it and just did it. I admitted my teacher that I was nervous. I was still holding back to certain level, but I did it. I finally faced the fear after all these years.
Self worth and self critique, confidence.. there are all something that I need to work on. I
have to put God before me. I have to build more faith in Him, not to me. This was just one
break through. It's just the first step. It only just began. Imagine, for running away for
this much time, I have so much things to work on! I wish I had this breakthrough way earlier.
But the most important thing is that I admitted that I was afraid and I was running away. At
least I made a crack to the heavy thick wall. I just gotta keep attacking it till it breaks
down. I have to keep working on it. The journey will not be easy or short. All I could do is
to put my faith and confidence in God and keep going. But I know that if I decided to go for
it, I could do it. And this is only the beginning.