Monday, June 23, 2014

finding the balance in your life

How would you describe your life? Is it balanced?! Do you work more than you need to?! Do you enjoy your life as much as you should?! Are you getting caught up with your job that you don't like and not spending much time with your family or friends? Are you spending enough "me" time?

For example, being healthy is difficult. You crave your junk food and sugar. You can't always eat salad and chicken breast all the time. You might want to eat a slice of nice cheesy pizza every once in a while. Sometimes, you might not feel like working out when you now that you should. Sometimes, you might want drink that extra glass of wine because you feel stressed.... But if you see it in a big picture, you will now that you need to balanced it out. You know that every once in a while, you could enjoy that nice slice of cheesecake. Sometimes you don't have to go to gym, instead, you can take a nice walk or shop around the mall with your friends. You need to know when to relax. It doesn't mean that you can slack off. You have to learn the balance in between.

Any car will run out of gas if you keep driving around without filling its tank. You need to know that no matter who you are or what you do, you will need to take a moment to take a break and recharge the energy. And just like a piano. No matter how great quality the piano is, if you don't maintain and don't tune regularly, it will go out of tune eventually. Everything and everyone need that tuning. The only thing is that when you are actually off balance, it's even harder to balance yourself. it's only natural. You try to find your center when you are not centered. but how can you find it?!

We all need to find balance in our lives. Just like everything else that I've been saying, it's easier said than done. Most people know that as a concept. Know when to work and know when to have fun. Absolutely! But the truth is that more often than not, we get caught up in either side. it's not easy. NY is one of the most chaotic city, you might call it. There are so many people. People are too busy minding their own business. There are so many tourists. Busy people and tourists on vacation, those seem like perfect opposite, doesn't it?! And they all exists in the same place at the same time. When I have to walk around the Times Square, I get annoyed by those tourists. Because I have to get to certain place at certain time! I usually don't have time to waste! Then I realized that it's such an amazing thing to have those two completely opposite people in the same place. More often than not, we get stuck in the busy life and forget how to enjoy each moment. To stop and enjoy your surrounding or your company, or things that you've never seen or noticed. Tourists know how to cherish every moment, especially if you are one of those who are on budget. They try to make the most of it, and make every moment counts! So, they pay attention to the details. they breathe, inhale and exhale every moment of their stay. They enjoy every moment and every discovery they make. They are in the moment! You see? For those of us, who are too busy all the time, or those who don't know have fun, or too busy to even breathe, for God sake!, if you can just realize to take a moment and look around, there are many people who are showing you how to have fun and enjoy the moment. Seriously, they are right in front of your face!!!! So, instead of getting annoyed, just breathe that moment and notice that they are people enjoying the same circumstance

We have to have the balance. We have to enjoy every moment. We have to live every moment. And more often than not, you have the best teacher right in front of your face!! And you can be that too. Find that balance. because you can!


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