"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you"
Matthew 7:7
This is one of my favorite verse from Bible. And "the Law of Attraction" and "The Secret" have been preaching this since the day 1.
Ask and it shall be given.
It's a strong statement, isn't it? You just need to ask! The trick is that you can't just ask and expect everything to fall into places. It's not that easy. First you ask, and you have to work for it, and then it shall be given. In the process, you will find more details, the Universe will find more things to place on your path, or to place you on other people's path. At the end of the day, when you do your part and work hard, you will get what you ask or even greater things. Another key element for these miracles to happen, you have to believe that it will going to happen. You have to have a complete faith, without the slightest doubt. It takes a lot of work. But it all start from you asking and knowing what you want. You have to be bold enough to ask the Universe what you want. You have to project your energy towards the world. The louder you speak the better. Speak out! It takes courage to admit and say what you want. But if you don't ask for it, even though the answer might be yes, you will never get it. It all starts from asking.
How many people have made vision boards?! Put your goals, your visions of how you want, inspirational quotes and pictures... It also helps you realize how much you want those things and the more details of the things you want. It's another way of projecting to the Universe what you want. And when you see that everyday, and keep asking, the vibration will start synchronizing with you. Because you are asking more!!! I've read and heard from people how those things have actually came into their life and achieved those goals. Walt Disney says, 'If you can see it, it shall happen". By creating that vision board, and looking at it, you are envisioning the future. Keep seeing that vision. Keep believing that it is going to happen. And act as if it has already happened.
The other day, I looked at my vision board which I made almost a year ago. There are specific things written and among 6 of them, 2 of them were nearly happening in my life. It's been only a year! It's not exactly true, but it's pretty close. And it made me feel some type of accomplishment and encouragement. Keep going, you are in the right path.... that's what the Universe is telling me. And looking back, I felt like I took a lot and lots of detour. Still, it was like a flashback happening, it all made sense. Everything was meant to happen for me to meet some people, to learn something, to teach something, to experience something, to be exposed to something,.... everything was meant to happen for me to be here right now. My life isn't perfect, there are problems and things I hope it was different. But I know that I'm not where I could have been. i'm so grateful to have a roof over my head. I have a job allows me to pay bills and pursue my passion. I have family who love me and support me. I have friends all over the place who are on my side. I have dreams that I want to achieve. I have so many things that I can still learn. I am healthy and alive. What more can I ask for?! I can do anything. All it takes it to ask. And I'm asking the Universe to help me get where I'm suppose to be. Help me achieve my goals and be able to serve my part in this Universe. I'd rather ask and not get them. I don't wanna keep thinking what could have or should have. I'd rather ask and try my best. It might take me to different path, but that path might be something greater than I can possibly imagine. And that excites me. Life should be exciting, isn't it?!