Monday, June 30, 2014

accept and move on

“Life is not the way it’s supposed to be, it’s the way it is. 
The way you cope with it is what makes the difference
Virginia Satir

"It is what it is". I hated that saying for the longest time. To me, it sounded like giving up, and calling it quit. It seemed like admitting the defeat. But lately, the concept has changed. Because I didn't know the whole concept of it, and what comes next. Life is what it is, not what it should be. How true is that!? We are not in charge of things that happen in this life. Most of the things have nothing have to do with me. We often focus on negative and what's lacking, instead of positive aspects and what we've been given. It's not easy to focus on the positive side especially when you are in the rough situation or things are not what you expected. We have to start realizing that we don't get to decide what's happening and what's going to happen. It might not be what you want it to be or what you think it should be, but it's definitely not what could have been. 

"it is what it is" or "Life is what it is" those are not the statement of giving up or admitting the defeat. It is the statement of surrendering to the bigger things. We have to let go of our ego and power to the Universe. We are part of much bigger picture. Whatever it is, if the Universe wants you to accomplish, it will happen. You will fulfill your purpose. Only when you decide to surrender and let go of the control, start seeing the bigger picture. Let's start seeing our wins and positives.  The path has been laid down for us. We need to follow. Nobody can walk your path for you. You have to walk on your own. How to get there, when to get there, that's on you. It is what it is, not what it should be, or what it could have been. It just is what it is and nothing more. How you see it!? that's up to you. 


Monday, June 23, 2014

finding the balance in your life

How would you describe your life? Is it balanced?! Do you work more than you need to?! Do you enjoy your life as much as you should?! Are you getting caught up with your job that you don't like and not spending much time with your family or friends? Are you spending enough "me" time?

For example, being healthy is difficult. You crave your junk food and sugar. You can't always eat salad and chicken breast all the time. You might want to eat a slice of nice cheesy pizza every once in a while. Sometimes, you might not feel like working out when you now that you should. Sometimes, you might want drink that extra glass of wine because you feel stressed.... But if you see it in a big picture, you will now that you need to balanced it out. You know that every once in a while, you could enjoy that nice slice of cheesecake. Sometimes you don't have to go to gym, instead, you can take a nice walk or shop around the mall with your friends. You need to know when to relax. It doesn't mean that you can slack off. You have to learn the balance in between.

Any car will run out of gas if you keep driving around without filling its tank. You need to know that no matter who you are or what you do, you will need to take a moment to take a break and recharge the energy. And just like a piano. No matter how great quality the piano is, if you don't maintain and don't tune regularly, it will go out of tune eventually. Everything and everyone need that tuning. The only thing is that when you are actually off balance, it's even harder to balance yourself. it's only natural. You try to find your center when you are not centered. but how can you find it?!

We all need to find balance in our lives. Just like everything else that I've been saying, it's easier said than done. Most people know that as a concept. Know when to work and know when to have fun. Absolutely! But the truth is that more often than not, we get caught up in either side. it's not easy. NY is one of the most chaotic city, you might call it. There are so many people. People are too busy minding their own business. There are so many tourists. Busy people and tourists on vacation, those seem like perfect opposite, doesn't it?! And they all exists in the same place at the same time. When I have to walk around the Times Square, I get annoyed by those tourists. Because I have to get to certain place at certain time! I usually don't have time to waste! Then I realized that it's such an amazing thing to have those two completely opposite people in the same place. More often than not, we get stuck in the busy life and forget how to enjoy each moment. To stop and enjoy your surrounding or your company, or things that you've never seen or noticed. Tourists know how to cherish every moment, especially if you are one of those who are on budget. They try to make the most of it, and make every moment counts! So, they pay attention to the details. they breathe, inhale and exhale every moment of their stay. They enjoy every moment and every discovery they make. They are in the moment! You see? For those of us, who are too busy all the time, or those who don't know have fun, or too busy to even breathe, for God sake!, if you can just realize to take a moment and look around, there are many people who are showing you how to have fun and enjoy the moment. Seriously, they are right in front of your face!!!! So, instead of getting annoyed, just breathe that moment and notice that they are people enjoying the same circumstance

We have to have the balance. We have to enjoy every moment. We have to live every moment. And more often than not, you have the best teacher right in front of your face!! And you can be that too. Find that balance. because you can!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

the power of asking what you want

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you"
Matthew 7:7

This is one of my favorite verse from Bible. And "the Law of Attraction" and "The Secret" have been preaching this since the day 1. 

Ask and it shall be given. 

It's a strong statement, isn't it? You just need to ask! The trick is that you can't just ask and expect everything to fall into places. It's not that easy. First you ask, and you have to work for it, and then it shall be given. In the process, you will find more details, the Universe will find more things to place on your path, or to place you on other people's path. At the end of the day, when you do your part and work hard, you will get what you ask or even greater things. Another key element for these miracles to happen, you have to believe that it will going to happen. You have to have a complete faith, without the slightest doubt. It takes a lot of work. But it all start from you asking and knowing what you want. You have to be bold enough to ask the Universe what you want. You have to project your energy towards the world. The louder you speak the better. Speak out! It takes courage to admit and say what you want. But if you don't ask for it, even though the answer might be yes, you will never get it. It all starts from asking. 

How many people have made vision boards?! Put your goals, your visions of how you want, inspirational quotes and pictures... It also helps you realize how much you want those things and the more details of the things you want. It's another way of projecting to the Universe what you want. And when you see that everyday, and keep asking, the vibration will start synchronizing with you. Because you are asking more!!! I've read and heard from people how those things have actually came into their life and achieved those goals. Walt Disney says, 'If you can see it, it shall happen". By creating that vision board, and looking at it, you are envisioning the future. Keep seeing that vision. Keep believing that it is going to happen. And act as if it has already happened. 

The other day, I looked at my vision board which I made almost a year ago. There are specific things written and among 6 of them, 2 of them were nearly happening in my life. It's been only a year! It's not exactly true, but it's pretty close. And it made me feel some type of accomplishment and encouragement. Keep going, you are in the right path.... that's what the Universe is telling me. And looking back, I felt like I took a lot and lots of detour. Still, it was like a flashback happening, it all made sense. Everything was meant to happen for me to meet some people, to learn something, to teach something, to experience something, to be exposed to something,.... everything was meant to happen for me to be here right now. My life isn't perfect, there are problems and things I hope it was different. But I know that I'm not where I could have been. i'm so grateful to have a roof over my head. I have a job allows me to pay bills and pursue my passion. I have family who love me and support me. I have friends all over the place who are on my side. I have dreams that I want to achieve. I have so many things that I can still learn. I am healthy and alive. What more can I ask for?! I can do anything. All it takes it to ask. And I'm asking the Universe to help me get where I'm suppose to be. Help me achieve my goals and be able to serve my part in this Universe. I'd rather ask and not get them. I don't wanna keep thinking what could have or should have. I'd rather ask and try my best. It might take me to different path, but that path might be something greater than I can possibly imagine. And that excites me. Life should be exciting, isn't it?! 


be in the moment

Everyone says "just be in the moment", "enjoy this moment", "cherish this moment".... And we try so hard to be in it, enjoy it, and cherish everything about what's going on. The truth is that that efforts makes you think even more. "I wanna be in it" " I wanna enjoy  this". "I want to be grateful and cherish every moment of my life". I want to, want to.. want to... and you judge yourself, am I doing it right?! am I in the moment?! The moment that thought occurs, you are already not in the moment. Because if you are truly in the moment, you will not be judging yourself, or keep wondering if you are doing it right. It is such a contradiction, isn't it?!

the thought didn't even occur to me until someone told me. She said that she can see me trying so hard to be in the moment, and that actually is the exact thing that's blocking me from truly being in the moment. She even said that sometimes my breathing will show that as well. It's crazy, isn't it?! Breathing is something we do naturally. It shows the state of our mind. When we are nervous, we breathe quickly and shallow. When we are relaxed, we breathe deeply and quietly. When we are excited, that changes our breathing pattern as well. You see, it's all connected. And the fact that she was able to see it through me in that way, amazed me. It made total sense. Indeed, I was trying very hard to be in the moment and engage to that situation. I really was. The only thing is that I didn't realize how hard I was trying. I didn't realize how important it is to take a moment to readjust, find balance, and scan my body, realizing how I'm feeling or reacting. It's easy not to look or acknowledge that. We often turn away from those. Most of the time unconsciously. We are all so used to hiding our true feelings or thoughts to the point we don't even know what we are feeling.

It's not easy process to comprehend or to adjust. But the fact that now I know that I was still trying and not actually being in the moment, that was a light bulb moment. When you are kid, you don't think about any of this. Because they are too busy living their life and every moment! Everything is precious. Remember the night before your field trip and you couldn't fall asleep?! Were you thinking if you are in the moment!? NO! because you WERE in the moment, not trying to be in the moment. There's no trying. Just like YODA says. Don't be afraid of what other people might think of you or what you are doing. They are too busy thinking about themselves, just like the way you are afraid of their judgement or criticism. So, don't let those fear ruin you from enjoying this life.

So, let's be in the moment, instead of trying to be in the moment.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

After all they all say the same thing

I feel like at the end of the day, they all say the same thing. Be true to who you are, you are more than enough. Be in the moment, there's no other time. Be prepared no matter what. Be kind to yourself. Know what is and is not in your control and don't take it personally. It all comes down to the same thing. No matter what area you are in, these ideas still applies to you. It applies to life. That's what it is. You cannot be anybody else. No matter how much you wish you could, you just can't. And you have everything you need within you. Don't forget to breathe. Don't forget to center yourself and meditate. Don't be afraid to be who you are. And believe in that.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

being ambitious

If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.

Being grateful for what we have is might be the topic that's been mentioned here the most. Seriously, it's just how it is. Without being grateful for what you have, you will not see how blessed you are. You are blessed, no matter where you are, what you are, or what state you are in, you are blessed in so many ways. Remember, there'll always be someone who'll die to be in where you are now. 

One question though, being grateful for what you got and being ambitious, do they contradict each other?! The feeling of wanting more, to be better and to achieve more, does that bring you "ungrateful feeling"? it's a difficult question, isn't it?! It seems like this is a transition time for many people. people finishing school, starting new jobs, moving to different places... it just seems that way. Some close friends of mine are moving in to a new apartment. it's beautiful. It got elevators, water view, huge windows, high ceiling, nice flooring... It's just like how I want my place to look like. Please don't get me wrong. I love my place. A) I have a roof over my head. B) I get to live in the city where I've dreamed of. C) It's huge for this location. D) So many people have helped me to get here. I do understand all that, and I am truly grateful for what I have. And yet, seeing that beautiful apartment made me want more. I know that I will get there eventually. I just do. And if GOD wants me to be there, I will be there. And yet having the feeling of "wanting more" made me feel like I'm ungrateful for what I have. And the fact is that I have more than I deserve!!! 

Everybody wants what they don't have. The grass is always greener on the other side. Yes. Not only the apartment, I feel like I haven't been grateful for enough for what's going on in my life lately.... I'm aware of the situation. And the fact that I know that and I don't feel like the way I want to feel, that frustrates me even more. See, there's a control issue, isn't there?! I want to just be grateful for everything in my life. I just want to say "Thank you for my wonderful life!" and have no "buts" after that. I've been given more than I deserve. Being ambitious and wanting more are not bad things. I think that those motivation and inspiration will take you to the next level of greatness. Want more, be humble and never forget to that there's more to be learn. You are there, because you are meant to be there. You haven't gotten to "where you want to be", because you're simply just not ready yet. When you are ready to see/be/have what you ought to have, it will happen regardless. You will be in that situation and that'll make you feel happy. 

I don't want to be ungrateful, but I want always have ambition to be better and to be more. Because I believe that I've been given those feelings for reasons. I wouldn't have felt so strongly about any of this if it weren't meant to happen. I want to be grateful and thankful instead of paying attention to "What I don't have". I am who I am and what I am. I cannot change that. But how I approach to this life, it's up to me. and I decide that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I decide that I'll be grateful for everything and anything. I decide that I'll be happy no matter what. Just because I can. 
