Sure, it's easier said than done, right?! I get it. And it feels like everyone is saying the same thing everywhere!
Be yourself!
Be who you are and embrace who you are!
Be the best you can be!
But what if you don't think you are not good enough for something!? or anything!!! THAT'S A LIE!!!! LIE, LIE, LIE!!!!
they might be good at something you are not. Then, you are good at something they are not. We are all made differently. ON PURPOSE!!! Imagine, if we were all made the same?! then what's the point of having dream or living life?! How boring that life would be! Everywhere you look, you see the same thing. Everything you hear would be the same. Everything you experience would be same. Do you want that kind of life?!
The grass is always greener on the other side. But if you water your grass and take care of it well, your grass will be even greener than theirs.
I felt like I was getting better at whole "ACCEPTING and EMBRACING who I am" thing. I really thought I was finally on the right track to get to the next level. Boy, was I wrong. It hit me really bad. Everyone else was getting their break! My friends were getting gigs after gigs. They are going somewhere with their career. And I looked at myself and said, "WHAT ABOUT ME?!". Here it goes the EGO again. And the feeling pushed me even more to the edge. It made me feel like I am not good enough for anything at all. Who am I!? What am I doing?! Why am I even here?! The more I asked, the worse I felt. Because I didn't know the answer to it. I thought I knew. But all those seemed be false answers.
“The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.”--Deepak Chopra
He explains perfectly! Ego is not who I really am. It comes out from the place of fear and the desire to control everything. Meaning, Ego comes out when we are not living in the moment, but in the IDEA of what we want our life to be. When we live in the moment, truly, we don't have time to create or acknowledge EGO. Because every moment in our life is gift and we'll be too busy embracing that every single moment. To be in the moment and let it go and not think about how we judge ourselves or how other people judge us are the only way to get those EGO out of your life. Everything that happens in our life are what we attract. It's true. Whatever energy we send out, it will come back to us. It's just a simple physics. So, love yourself and live your life the fullest. Stop limiting yourself from what your heart tells you. Stop comparing yourself to others. Start living life that you are meant to live. We often find something to be excuse not to do it, often "TIME" or "Financial Resources" are the reason. But, what if those aren't the obstacles?! what if you don't have to worry about any of that?! THEN how do you want your life to be?! How would you live your life?! What's your ideal life?! Close your eyes and imagine yourself living that your ideal life! That's how your life will be and, guess what?! it'll be even better if you completely commit yourself to life. Not taking responsibility in your own life is the worst thing. We are not in control of the outcome, but we're in our actions and intentions. This is the second best time to start living your life. Your time is NOW!Love
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