Wednesday, July 31, 2013


You know that LOVE NEVER DIES. And if you didn't know, you better start knowing that. Because Love NEVER Dies. Never. Because Love is the source of all energy in this universe. It's like the air we breathe. Love is everywhere, if only we decide to realize it's there. A lots of us get caught up in the reality that's obsessed with materials and your social status. We often forget to see what's more important, or what's true. So, let's stop for a moment and take a BIG breathe. No one can keep running forever. You have to stop, take a break, recharge yourself, and then get back on your feet. Even machines can't keep going. They need to be maintained, fueled, and fixed when they're needed. You might think you're super strong and not gonna break down like all the rest of the world. But you will have time that you might feel weak or fragile. It's only natural. In times like that, just take a moment. We are not meant to live alone. We're suppose to feel love. We're suppose to breathe in love, and exhale love.

I'm not really talking about love in relationship. It can be any type of love. Love for your family, friends, yourself, your pets, your passion, your future..... Everything and everyone feel stronger when they feel the presence and the power of Love around them. Everyone is going through something all the time. The only difference is how they see it. Do you see it from the perspective of love or suffering? When you see things from the point of love, you give people the benefit of doubt. You think before you get upset. The sales clerk made a mistake maybe because she had a very rough time at home and wasn't able to concentrate at their job. And when you see things from the point of love, you see good in people and in your situation. There's always something you can learn and be glad for. When you meet people you don't appreciate the behavior, just be glad that you're nothing like them. When you're struggling with your financial situation and don't have a job, be glad that you're still alive. That might be difficult, at the moment. But everything is happening because you're alive. My mother always tell me that as long as you can complain, you're good. The moment you can't even complain about something, that's the time you need to take a deep breath. Also that's the moment, you need to ask some help. There's nothing to be ashamed to ask for help. Be glad that you have something to ask for help. It might not make any sense at the point. But, you'll get it whenever the time comes. When you're bullied, you might wanna kill yourself. But, when you pass that and look back, you might be able to forgive and be grateful because you understand other people's pain more. You are stronger and more caring person than before. Be grateful for that.

Love never dies. It's an absolute true. If there's anything that never dies, that's love. Love is energy. Love is powerful. Love doesn't need anything to prove it to others. Love doesn't need anything in return. Love is there for you to realize, feel and embrace. Love is in you. You are LOVE. Love makes you stronger and weaker at the same time. You have to share love with the Universe in however form you can. There's no boarder. There's no language required. Love is there. Love is here. Love is everywhere. You just need to realize it's there. So, take a moment. You'll feel the difference. You'll love more. You'll love your life. You'll love yourself. You'll always be LOVE. You are LOVE.


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