Wednesday, July 31, 2013


You know that LOVE NEVER DIES. And if you didn't know, you better start knowing that. Because Love NEVER Dies. Never. Because Love is the source of all energy in this universe. It's like the air we breathe. Love is everywhere, if only we decide to realize it's there. A lots of us get caught up in the reality that's obsessed with materials and your social status. We often forget to see what's more important, or what's true. So, let's stop for a moment and take a BIG breathe. No one can keep running forever. You have to stop, take a break, recharge yourself, and then get back on your feet. Even machines can't keep going. They need to be maintained, fueled, and fixed when they're needed. You might think you're super strong and not gonna break down like all the rest of the world. But you will have time that you might feel weak or fragile. It's only natural. In times like that, just take a moment. We are not meant to live alone. We're suppose to feel love. We're suppose to breathe in love, and exhale love.

I'm not really talking about love in relationship. It can be any type of love. Love for your family, friends, yourself, your pets, your passion, your future..... Everything and everyone feel stronger when they feel the presence and the power of Love around them. Everyone is going through something all the time. The only difference is how they see it. Do you see it from the perspective of love or suffering? When you see things from the point of love, you give people the benefit of doubt. You think before you get upset. The sales clerk made a mistake maybe because she had a very rough time at home and wasn't able to concentrate at their job. And when you see things from the point of love, you see good in people and in your situation. There's always something you can learn and be glad for. When you meet people you don't appreciate the behavior, just be glad that you're nothing like them. When you're struggling with your financial situation and don't have a job, be glad that you're still alive. That might be difficult, at the moment. But everything is happening because you're alive. My mother always tell me that as long as you can complain, you're good. The moment you can't even complain about something, that's the time you need to take a deep breath. Also that's the moment, you need to ask some help. There's nothing to be ashamed to ask for help. Be glad that you have something to ask for help. It might not make any sense at the point. But, you'll get it whenever the time comes. When you're bullied, you might wanna kill yourself. But, when you pass that and look back, you might be able to forgive and be grateful because you understand other people's pain more. You are stronger and more caring person than before. Be grateful for that.

Love never dies. It's an absolute true. If there's anything that never dies, that's love. Love is energy. Love is powerful. Love doesn't need anything to prove it to others. Love doesn't need anything in return. Love is there for you to realize, feel and embrace. Love is in you. You are LOVE. Love makes you stronger and weaker at the same time. You have to share love with the Universe in however form you can. There's no boarder. There's no language required. Love is there. Love is here. Love is everywhere. You just need to realize it's there. So, take a moment. You'll feel the difference. You'll love more. You'll love your life. You'll love yourself. You'll always be LOVE. You are LOVE.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

People I love

I wrote the other day about my boyfriend. And I wanna tell you something about my parents.


There's no other way to discribe how amazing they are. They are the best. I can't say it any better. They are most loving, caring, and humble people who love to enjoy their life. You hear that parents want you to go to college, get a degree or two and become a doctor or a teacher, or get a stable job... so on and so on..... Not, my parents. They always told me that as long as you're happy and do what you love to do, that's all that matters. And they do believe in me and love me to death. My mother believed that I would go compete in Olympic, when I didn't even make it to the finals in the regional. That's how much they love me. To be honest, they are just a bit, LOL, crazy in a sense. But, I can not be more grateful to be their daughter.

They say that children reflects their parents. And I wish I am their reflection or at least close to it. They showed me how to love, how to care and how to respect. They taught me how to be honest, modest and sincere. Every parents has expectation for their children and that's only natural. They want their children to do great at school, make great friends and be happy. They want what's best for their children. My parents really showed me that. When I told them what I want to do, they didn't shutter my dream. They encouraged me to pursue and make it happen. They didn't care what other people might say about me. They didn't care what other people DID say about me. They just love me for who I am and who I will and can become. Without any judgement or doubt. They want me to be happy and make my dreams come true. The values I learned from them is undiscribable.

Let me just repeat again, I love my parents to death. They are most loving, caring, giving people I know.

I love you and thank you for having me as your child.


Monday, July 29, 2013


 What can inspire people more than people!? The power we held within us, it's beyond our comprehension. It's just amazing how we can inspire each other as a person.

My friend and I went to see "Cinderella" on Broadway. It was AMAZING!!!!! It was such a beautiful production. Congrats to all the cast and creative team of the show!!! It had so much energy and love. Although I admire their work, I was never a huge on R&H musicals. But, this show absolutely blew my mind!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I say AAAAAAmazing!??? I felt so much love. It's love for their work, art and to people. Without it, there's NO WAY it'll make people cry.

We live in the age where so many things are done with computer graphics. I love it, and respect that form of art. and thanks to that, the movie industry has given us so many great movies. But, that is not the only way to entertain and inspire people. Let's not forget that WE, as a person, can inspire other human beings. That's what THEATRE/Live performances do. Theatres touch audience in such a raw emotional realm. Things are done in such a intimate setting, depends on the venue of course,  and there's nothing between the actors and the audiences, other than the orchestra. You can't hide. You feed off each other. And if anyone goes missing, it won't be complete. There are Actors, Director, Music director, Choreographer, Lighting Cordinator, Costumes, Sound Corordinator, Sets, Props..... It's a collaboration of the arts. and to top it off, when audience's reaction is pretty good, that makes you wanna do more. It makes you wanna become better. So, again, you're feeding off each other. It's an art form created by human beings! And it doesn't have to by theatre or live performances. The important thing is that WE HAVE THAT POWER TO INSPIRE OTHER PEOPLE.

When you stop learning, that's the time, you can't grow any more. Open your eyes.Open your mind.  Pick a thing that's gonna inspire you and help you grow.... And don't forget to enjoy the every single moment of your life. That's the beauty of this life. It's all up to you.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

the world needs your awesomeness!

It's kinda same topic, I've been talking in last few posts... But, it keeps coming up to me and I take it that I really need to spread this messege more than anything else. So, let me repeat again,


You can still grow and learn to be a better version of you. But, you don't have to be something else or someone else. You just need to be you.

I realized that every since I moved to NY, and attended all these workshops and forums... people have been saying the same thing.

"You just have to be true to who you are. Don't try to be someone else to impress the other people. Don't be who you think they want you to be".

At first, it didn't sink in quitt. Then, the more I heard, the more it started to sinking in to me. Let's be honest, this business is not your ideal business to be in when you are an ethnic. It's kinda sad, yes. I was probably the one couldn't accept who I am the most in a sense. And I've been hearing this over and over again. It must be a messege for me. The world needs me. This world wants me to be who I am. This worlds loves me for who I am. This world gave me this life as who I am because it's the best thing for me. And my perspective towards life started to change. I was born this way, so that I could enjoy and live this life the fullest. And for that exact reason, you are born the way you are. You have to always improve and grow more everyday as I always say.

But I'm really feeling that this is the messege I need the most personaly and I need to share with you. Start comparing you to yourself from yesterday, not to other people. Forget about other people. Don't worry about what they are gonna say. It doesn't matter. They are gonna judge you and say things they want to say anyways. Does that matter to you!? It shouldn't. It shouldn't matter at all. Let them say whatever they wanna say. They are just jealous of you. Let them be jealous. Let them talk about you.  That only means that you are THAT AMAZING. You caught their eyes for being who you are, the amazing who you are. You don't have to pretend to be someone else. Embrace who you are. Love who you are. Enjoy who you are. Grow as who you are. Live as who you are. That's the best and the only way to FULLY ENJOY THIS LIFE. Love it!!!


Tuesday, July 23, 2013



I love you.
I think you are awesome.
I think you are beautiful.
I think you are smart.
I think you are talented.

No, I actually don't think you are all that. I KNOW YOU ARE ALL THAT and MORE.

Today, as I started writing this blog. I just wasn't sure what to write. There were a few things that I wrote and deleted. Because I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to tell you.

And I decided that instead of start writing things that I wasn't sure, I'd rather tell you how much "LOVE+HOPE+FAITH" and "Love+Live+Life" mean to me. I'd rather tell you how much I love you.

"Love+Hope+Faith", "Love+Live+Life". both are my motto and my philosophy. Those are my fundamental elements of life. and those are the things that keeps me going. I love the way those words make me stronger and stronger every day.

We have to know that those are in us. We all have what it takes to make it in this world.

 I wish I have more vocabulary so that I can tell you more. But, all I could think right now is how much more you can grow as a person.

You're infinite.
You are limitless.
You are more than you can possibly imagine.
You are love.

So, be Love. Enjoy Love. And share Love.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Know how awesome you are.

Do you have any idea how awesome you are??? If you don't, well, you should. You should know how awesome you are, how amazing you are, how wonderful you are, how important you are, how beautiful you are.......Let me tell you, you are amazing and you are awesome.

I'm gonna be honest with you. For the longest time, I had such a hard time accepting who I am and what I am. I just did. It didn't matter what other people said. I would feel better for few days, or weeks after all the self-improvement-books, but I'd go back and forth and repeat that over and over. I wasn't able to fully embrace who I am. It's very sad, actually.

It's so easy to get sucked into the false definition of "What beauty is", "What you should look like", or "Hollywood's most wanted". It's just so easy to have faulse image when everyone on TV is so skinny, and whenever they cast "PLUS SIZE" people, they are actually standerd of this country. It's just wrong. They are not representing or reflecting the real people. Not everyone is Abacrombie model. Not every girls are Victoria Secret models or Kate Upton. People are different and unique. Most of the people in this country are racially mixed. And this country was founded by immigrants, grown by immigration.  And when they put or not put particular race on TV, they make big deal about it. The other day, I saw a news on TV just because they used an ethnically "Mixed" child on a TV commercial. How stupid is that!???? Have you gone outside lately!???? That's the reality of this country. And the result of people loving each other for who they are, not for what they are

Unless you realize how awesome you are, how precious you are, and how beautiful you are, You will not go anywhere. You just can't. You have to realize your own value. I'm not saying that you don't have to make effort, you still have to make effort to be better, but YOU ARE AWESOME, just the way you are. Bruno Mars is right. YOU ARE AMAZING, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. And when you truely accept who you are and embrace who you are, things are gonna change. You don't have to impress other people. You don't have to pretend that you're someone else. You don't have to lie to who you are. You can improve yourself, better yourself. But, you don't have to compare yourself to other people. No one can become you. You're the only person who can be you. You are who you are and what you are for a reason. You just haven't find out what it is. And when you find out what that is, you're gonna feel so grateful for being the way you are.

My friend posted on Facebook once,

"A Celebrity is a person who knows how to Celebrate being who you are".

So, let's all be a celebrity. Life is a celebration. Don't let all those false information discourage you. You're awesome. Smile more often, Laugh always, and Love every moment.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Live SImply

I haven't posted any pictures in a while... So, hear it goes.

Life could be complicated, it could be rough..... but, you have to remember, Love always wins. Love always gives you strength. Because Love is the source of everything. You are LOVE.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The gift of NOT KNOWING

When was the last time that you relized that you don't know how to do things, or not being able to do things!? And, when you realized that in that moment, what was your reaction!?

Did you get upset and quit?!
Did you just give up and forget about it?
Did you cry and whine that you can't do it?

How about this!?

BE excited that you have something that you can learn how to do.
Be eager to learn the new things in your life.
Be happy that there are so many things that you don't even have a slightest clue that exists.
Be grateful that you are able to grow more.
Be humble about the fact that you don't know everything.

There are people who thinks they know everything. But, seriously, they don't. It's impossible to know everything. there are always new things happening somewhere in this world, in this universe, and of course beyond that. There are too many people for you to meet. There are so many languages for you to master everything. There are so many spiecies, only in this Earth, for you to know.... So, again, it is impossible to know everything. There are more things you don't know than you know. And that should be your great motivation to learn more. It is exciting to know new things. Of course, studying the books wasn't my favorite thing to do. People learn things in their own way. Some people learn by doing, some learn from reading, or some learn from the books..... But you have to always keep that in mind that you don't know everything. Sure, when you're teenager, you might feel like you're the top of the world, or you know it all. Eventually, you WILL find out that you were WRONG and there's a lot more to learn.

You might as well enjoy it. It's fun to learn new things. It should inspire and motivate you to know what you DON'T know. Just that fact will give you an advantage to grow even more. If you're alive, you gotta work anyway. Knowing that fact that you don't know everything, that's gonna help you open your eyes more.

Love the learning process. Enjoy the moment of growth. Don't forget to study. No matter where you are or what you are doing, when you decide to learn, everything and everyone become your teacher. So, be willing to learn. That's gonna make a huge difference in your life. Life is a school. Anybody can be a teacher, and anybody can be a student. You know what?! It's exciting to get better. It's a gift. You GET TO learn more. You GET TO grow more. You GET TO explore more. Let's have fun.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Do not worry about tomorrow.

We all have something to be worry about, especially NOW. When the economy is not that great, the unemployment rates are still high, people losing their jobs and houses, while 1% of the people are handling 35% of wealth in this whole world. Single mothers struggle to raise their children. Race is still an issue. World hunger is still not even close to be solved. People killing each other over stupid things. And People are killing themselves for having tough lives........

And in the time like this, it's not easy to believe this kinda thing. How can you not be worried about paying your ridiculously high rent when you have no jobs, or jobs that pay minimum wage!?? How can you not be worried about your loved one's life when they are in the hospital without insurance!? The questions could go on and on. I totally understand that.

Although this is a quote from Bible, I believe that everyone could apply this messege to your own life in your own way. I belive that your life will be so much better when you focus on TODAY, not tomorrow. You might die tonight in your sleep and never wake up tomorrow. Sure, you might say, "it's even better, now I don't have to worry about paying the bill!!!" or "If I'm dead, I don't have to think about what could have or should have anyway". I get that. I totally get that. My question is,

Will you rather spend your day as a happy life enjoying NOW, or miserable life worrying about tomorrow!?

What is your answer?!?

It's easy said than done. I get that. But you can still make a different choice. You have the power within you to make that choice, to enjoy life in the circumstance you're in. You have the power to love your life, and be grateful that you're alive when you got nothing. You can make the choice to be giving to others when there's nothing for you to give. (Let's just give them a big smile!!!) You have the power to say, I'm done being obsessed with my sad past, so I'm gonna move on.

You have that power. Every one of you. You have that power. And that choice is going to make a shift in your life. You'll have hard time keeping it up for the first few weeks or months or even years. You might wanna go back to your old habit. (being miserable and sorry for yourself) Don't take the easy way out. Make the right choice. Make the move. Make that decision to be happy.

And I'm telling you again.


Even though we've never met, and most likely we'll never do. But, I believe in you. You'll have your own place of happiness within you. You'll have the strength to make the right choice when you're weak. You are capable of making the positive choice in your life.

You might think that I'm a crazy person, I don't care. I just wanna spread LOVE, HOPE, and FAITH to this world that we live in. Because we have that power, you have that power. So, stop worring about tomorrow, and enjoy today.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Love of my life

I love my boyfriend. He's the best. Last night, I was sooooo frustrated with the certain thing. And he gave me the best advice ever.

"If you're gonna have to deal with that anyway, why won't you find the way to enjoy and relax."

AMEN!!!!!! I couldn't have been more grateful to hear this. It has been more than a week since I started dealing with this nonsense, and it felt like a befriending frustration. And I've tried my best not to get myself annoyed, upset, or yell at them. But, it was reaching my limit. Even though I don't like complaining, the way they've been handling things were far from being professional. I knew it wasn't personal, or the fault of whoever I was talking to. It's not. It's just the whole system was messed up and lots of miscommunication. Even though I understood all that circumstances, I was THIS close to scream at them. I'm glad that I didn't. Because it wouldn't have been pretty. LOL

I'm grateful that he's my rock in this relationship. He keeps me sane when I'm about to go crazy. He makes me smile and laugh when I'm up or down. He makes me happy no matter what, even at times when he gets on my nerve, at the end of the day, he makes me happy. He supports me to pursue my dream, even though that means we are apart. He taught me to be strong when I'm weak. He gave me courage to go through life when it's rough. And I'm happy to play the same role from his perspective in this relationship.(well, at least I hope I do.)

We've been together for about 10 years now. Some people don't understand why we're not married or how our relationship works. But we take it day by day. We believe that everything happens for a reason. Right now, we're on the each side of this country. And he wants me to follow my dream and goal because he believes in me. I can't be more happier to be with someone like that. We had our ups and downs. And we've learned to respect each other and love each other for who we are and what we are as indivisual and as together. I can't ask for any better partner than him.

Thank you my love for always being there for me. I will always be there for you....

For the readers.... I hope you'll find someone precious in your life. And once you find that person, do not take that person for granted. Relationship has to be worked out both way. You can't force someone to love you the way you want them to. Take time to know that person. Learn what they like and love. Embrace that moment with that person. Respect that person. Treat them with nothing but love. Sometimes, you need tough love too. Find what's best for that person. Learn how to work as a team. It'll take time. But, when you find that person, you'll be so happy and grateful that you're with that person.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Just KNOW that it's gonna happen.

Go in with the BEST INTENTION with ZERO EXPECTATION. .... Stafford Arima

I love it! It's such a great way to present yourself in ANY situation. You should always keep the best intention no matter what. Sure, we always wish for certain results. But often times, it won't go exactly the way you hope it would be. And you have to accept that and live with it. What can you do!? We just gotta let go and keep moving on. That's all we can do. Seriously, we have to just let go what has already happened and move on. No matter how sad you are or disappointed you are, you can't change the outcome. So it'll be so much easier to have ZERO EXPECTATION.

However, having ZERO EXPECTATION is completely different from having NO FAITH. You have to have faith in what you do and what you are. Absolutely. All you can do is to keep that faith and keep going until you get it. Having that faith will help you go forward and open a new path when you get stuck. You have what it takes within you. Everybody does. The difference between the people who make it and who doesn't is that if you work hard and have faith in yourself.

You can't go out there with bad intention or bad attitude thinking "Oh, I'm not gonna make it" or "Oh, it's gonna be the same result as always". When you go in with that mentality, of course that's what's gonna happen. You have the power to change that. Go in with the BEST INTENTION, know that you're gonna make it happen. You don't have to know when or how, just know that you're gonna make it. That's all you need to know.

Sure, other people are making it happen a lot faster than you. They seem to have it all, and have it so easy. You are thinking, why is it not happening to me?! When will be my turn!? How is that gonna happen to me?!?? STOP THINKING THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeat. STOP THINKING THAT WAY!!!!!

You have it all. If they make it before you did, maybe they did some extra work you didn't put in. Maybe they failed few more than you did before you knew them. Maybe they waited as long as you did. Just be Happy for them. Go celebrate with them. By doing that, you're simply attracting more positive thought and energy to yourself. You don't have to worry. Believe and know that it's gonna happen and keep working hard. Yes, you actually have to WORK FOR IT. Don't think people are going to hand you the success without any effort.

So, You're gonna make it happen. and that's all you need to know. The rest, let others do the rest. Go in with the BEST INTENTION, with ZERO EXPECTATION. Because you already know the result. Just believe it.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

The power of Faith

What is faith!? According to Wikipedia.....

Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing, deity, or in the doctrines or teaching of a religion. It is also belief that is not based on proof.

You see, it's not based on proof. How can you believe something that you can't see, hear, or feel!? How can you believe in the things that there is no proof!? How can you!? Were you ever saved because of your faith!? Were you ever successful because of your faith!? Do you have a faith in something?! And my biggest question to you is... Do you have a faith in yourself!?

The three pillars of this Universe, that's LOVE HOPE and FAITH. There's Love, which gives you Hope, and when the HOPE became so strong and undeniable, it will become Faith. And you keep the faith and go on. That'll lead you to success.

Everything must come from the place of love. Without it, there's no hope, there's no faith.

To be able to believe in something that has no proof takes an effort. I believe that you can do it. I believe that you have that power. As a matter of fact, everyone has that power. It's just a matter of if you know it or not. Once you know that you have that power, you'll see so much more opportunities and potential in this world. You will associate with right people. You will meet new people who will bring you positive attitude and energy. You will challenge things that you won't even dare before. You will be able to be more confident. You will see that you have that power within you the whole time. And that'll become FAITH. When you have that faith, all you have to do is keep going. You know that you have the power. Why and what do you have to worry about!? You might not know when or how, but it doesn't matter.

I have a faith in you. Even though I've never met you, I believe in you. so, keep going. Your time will come.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th!!!

Happy July 4th!!! It is "Independence Day" of the United States of America. The land of opportunities are celebrating its birthday.

As I watched the beautiful fireworks after fireworks, I realized one thing. 

Thid is amazing!!!!

You know why!?
Because the power and love.
Love for the fireworks.
Love for the country.
Love for the people.
Love for freedom.
Love for dreams ......

There's no negativity.

Let your life filled with Love, Hope and Faith. I'm just one person, but my love towards life is more than that. 

I want you to be happy. 

I want you to smile. 

I want you to love and be loved. 

I want you to have faith. 

I want you to be strong.

I want you to believe you're  more than you give yourself a credit for. 

I want you to be kind to others. 

I want you to be honest. 

I want you to love yourself. 

You can do it!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

What's more important!?

What's more important!? Who you are!? or What you did!?

The question might bring different opinions.

Is Steve Jobs famous for his success at Apple or who he is!?
Is Martin Luther King known because of what he did or who he is?!
Is Audrey Hepburn known for her succesful career as an actress or who she is?!
Are the criminals known for their crime or who they are!?

So, which one is it!? I do belive that it comes down to who you are and who you can(could've) become. Those successful people belive who they are and what they are meant to do. I just read a book about Audrey Hepburn. I love her as an actress and her eleganct presence. And through the book, I learned that she had rough childhood, and her dream to be a dancer was shut down at young age because she was too tall. She realized her purpose in life to spread love through charity with UNISEF. She was a person of Love. Her love towards life attracted us.

Most people know in early part of his life, Steve Jobs got kicked out from his own company. But did he quit?! He belived in what he did. And the result came along.

I hope that most of the criminals are like that by their nature. A lot has to do with the way grow up, and the environment they were in. Those things should be learned by somehow. But, do they have a chance to turn their life around!? Of course!!!! Someone's gotta give them a chance to prove. As long as they commit to that choice to make their life better, they will make it happen.

The power of will is unimaginable. It's beyond our imagination. The power that comes from our mind, soul, and spirit can change so many things in so many level. I want you to know that things in the future are undetermined. Nothing in life is set yet. It is there for you to paint however you want. I want you to paint it in your color. I know you have a good soul. I know that you have a beautiful love within you. I know that you can change someone's life just by being you. I know that your life has so much more to offer for this universe. So... BELIVE IN WHO YOU ARE. I want you to believe in who you are and what you're capable of.

Up until this point, your life might not have been what you've picutre. Things might have been tough. Things might been aweful. But, if you have a picture of how you want your life to be, you can do it. Work hard. Don't let other people tell you what you can and what you can't do. Don't pay attention. If you say you can, you can make that life happen. Do your best. Live your life the fullest, and make things happen. Believe in the thought you have. It might not happen as soon as you want it to be, but things will happen. So, belive. Believe in who you are....
