“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
― Helen Keller
You don't have to do anything alone. That is something I am learning the great value of lately. Even better, trying to everything is rather selfish, as my mentor say. Can you imagine and understand that concept? I wouldn't even have been able to understand that concept a year ago. Why would doing everything would be selfish? Why would being responsible be selfish? Why would taking care of myself completely would be selfish? I am not bothering anyone, if anything, I AM HELPING OTHER PEOPLE! right? But, the answer is NO. Because you are not giving other people an opportunity to love you. Because you are saying NO to other people's kindness and love. Because you are shutting yourself out from the rest of the world. You are not even acknowledging their existence. And THAT is selfish.
We often think that asking help is a sign of weakness, that we are not capable, that we are incompetent, that we are not good enough. Because of the idea that we have to be perfect or independent. Because we think as an adult, "we should be able to take care of ourselves". And a lot of us tend to be a giver. We give, give, give and not allowing ourself to receive. Giving is great, by serving others, we shift our focus to what's more than our ego. Serving for others gives us the great deal of kindness and gratitude. At the same time, ask yourself. What else are we getting from? Are we making ourselves feel better only by serving others? or by making ourselves believe that because we are a giver, we are better than them? Are we building the false idea that as long as we give, people won't reject us? It's great to feel being needed, being relied on.. because it gives you the sense of purpose, something to live for, right? Brene Brown talks about this in one of her talk. She said, "As long as we can't ask for help without judgement, we are always helping others with judgement". It blew my mind. And that is true, at least to me.
Do you remember the first time when your parents asked you to help them? Taking your dishes to the sink or, helping the bag from the market, or doing anything, because you are big enough to help them. Do you remember how that made you feel? It made you feel like you are being acknowledged, or believing in you, or being encouraged even. And that made us feel good, didn't it? Whether we actually were helping them or not, at least it made us feel like they found value in us. It empowered us. That's still the same. Even though we are grown up, we can still have that same effect on other people. The fact that we don't ask for help, it means we are not acknowledging other people around you and their strength. You could be even robbing the opportunity for them to grow. Imagine, if your parents kept brushing your teeth, you would never learn how to brush your teeth on your own. It's the same thing. People say a good leader knows how to find value in others and delicate the task. It doesn't mean that you can just drop everything on them. That's a different story. The point is, we don't have to do everything all on our own. We can do it together. We can lean in and create something even better. We can feed off of each other and make things more powerful. That's the beauty of co-creation. We are all different, have unique skills and that is exactly why when we work together we can create something more powerful. A piano player can create a beautiful music on her own, yet, when that pianist join force with the whole orchestra, that multiplies the scale, add some choir, then that'll add more power, add the audience.... It doesn't mean what that pianist created isn't good enough. It's beautiful. And there are much more possibilities all around the world.
We all want the same thing. Not being alone. We want someone to listen to us, someone to hold us and say "Everything is gonna be ok, I got your back." And you are not alone. So, you don't have to do it alone. Ask for help. If you are so uncomfortable ask for help, start from something small, like "can you please pass that salt for me?" It doesn't matter. Start from somewhere. And practice. You are not alone.
Love, Hope, Faith