Sunday, November 29, 2015

step of faith

“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Happy post Thanksgiving. I hope you all had a great thanksgiving and have a great time with your family and friends. Again, it doesn't have to be Thanksgiving Day to give thanks. You don't have to wait to say thank you or I love you. You can say that everyday, every moments whenever you feel like it and you should. Don't expect anyone to understand how you're feeling without telling them. Don't be like "Oh, she knows that I love her." or "He knows that I care about him and appreciate everything he does." No, tell them how much you love and appreciate whatever or whomever it might be to you.

It has been a little while since my last post. I started a teacher's training for Chakra Yoga in September. Initially, it wasn't my intention to become a yoga teacher. I just wanted to learn more about Chakra system and chakra Yoga. It has been a tremendous help for me. It has given me opportunities to dig deeper into myself, my value and my shadows... It was been a quite a ride. I am feeling so much more emotions and face things that has been blocking me for ages, and to admit the things that I wasn't able to do before. It's definitely a journey. And I have 3 more weeks to go. I am more confused than ever. I am more off balance than ever, especially last few days. However, I am more alive than ever. I didn't even know how much I talk to myself. And yes, I do talk to myself in my head a lot. I don't know what to do or where to go now, especially because before all this, I thought my path was clear. I thought that the fog was finally clearing up and I am seeing the light ahead. But maybe not.

There is no such thing as a small step. There's only A step. Some might have more impact on you than the others. Some might take you further than the others. Some might give you more insight than the others. But all the steps you take is A step. A simple step that leads you to the next one. The collections of steps, one after another. that's what makes your path. You can only see the road by looking back. You can't see what lies ahead. When you move forward and take actions, each step becomes visible. Then one after one after one. It's a simple repetition of this same thing. We just have to keep taking the steps. even those which seems like a set back, it's actually not a set back. it's another step that you're taking. All you have to do is to keep going. Each steps, each events that comes into your life just opens up a whole new world for you, only if you let it happen, only if you allow yourself to see it.

I am so grateful for everyone in my life. I am not great at communicating when it comes to doing it in person. But I am so grateful for everyone. They have taught me so many different lessons. Each one told me something different, something valuable, something that helps me grow. And for that I am forever grateful. I love you all and may your life filled with love, hope and faith.


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