“There's no such thing as complete when it comes to stories. Stories are infinite. They are as infinite as worlds.”
― Kelly Barnhill, Iron Hearted Violet
― Kelly Barnhill, Iron Hearted Violet
We know that we are not finish products. There are many places for growth, improvements and filling the blank. As a concept at least anyways. And time to time we feel incomplete as a person. Maybe I am not good enough. Maybe I am not capable of loving people. Maybe I am not capable of being loved. Or maybe you are surrounded by many people, and yet feel so lost and alone, can't help but feeling like you don't belong there. Maybe you don't even want to be around the people and shut them out. We all have one of those days, don't we? And what we do when that happens? Do you talk to your friends or family that you trust? Do you write down on your journal? Do you meditate? Do you go out and drink or smoke? Do you have an affair with someone just so that you don't feel lonely? Are you still in a relationship just because you're afraid of being alone?
How do you fill your incompleteness, or your loneliness? Why do we feel that we need to fill the void with something or someone else?
We all have everything that we need to be who we are. Think about the puzzles. You are the complete package of the puzzle box. The moment we were born, the box was opened. You still have all the pieces in there. But as you started playing this puzzle, you got side tracked, you lost your pieces somewhere, you kinda messed up the piece by accident.... But at the end, you are the complete puzzle. The only question is "Will you finish it?". And yes, our life is not as simple as completing a set of puzzle, not even close. We get side tracked, by life events. Sometimes we need to stop from trying so that we can get the fresh perspective. We get hurt and closed off more often that we want. You might lose piece of you along the way. But you were born with everything you need. And to complete the puzzle is your journey. You can't put someone else's puzzle piece to complete yours, it won't work that way, even though you might want to. You can't fill your missing part with other people, or alcohol, drugs, or whatever that may be. Those are just temporary. The moment the effect wears out, you're gonna feel worse than before. And make you want to go back to the temporary or imaginary fix. The only person that can fill your missing part is YOU and LOVE. Why do we even think that we are not good enough? Why do we think that we are not enough for anything? Why should we think that way? We are all perfectly imperfect in very own way. Because, again, we are not a finish product. We are always work in progress. It's ok to feel incomplete. You don't have to shut down because you feel alone or messed up. You are good enough. You are strong enough. You need to find your own pieces that went somewhere. Start looking. It's in you. It always has been.