Friday, March 14, 2014

be honest with what you're feeling

to be honest with who you are is not easy, if anything, it's one of the most difficult things to do in the life. We often cover up our real feeling and act based on your idea of how you suppose to feel. Or you might be at the point that you've been covering up and piling up what you've been feeling for such a long time and becoming a second nature. You don't even realize you're doing it. You don't realize how you're actually feeling. You don't even realize that there are protective wall that you've built over the years. You don't actually know how to get in contact with your true feeling. if you think that's you, it's time to change.

To do that, we have to truly be in the moment. We have to live and be present at every moment in our lives. When things are good, be grateful for what you have and what you've been given. When things are not so great and you want to vent a little, that's ok. You have to accept what you are feeling. It's different from saying things without thinking. You can't say something very mean and hurt people. You can't always complain. Being happy, being true to who you are, being honest with what you're feeling, those won't make you a selfish person. If anything, that should make you more lovable person. You will realize your surrounding more, you will appreciate little things in life more, you will find life much more colorful and happy place. You will find that life isn't about what you can get, but it's about what you can do for others.

You are more than good enough. You don't have to pretend that you are someone else. You don't have to act or be what other people want you to. When you hit a wall and have some rough patch, take a deep breath. You don't have to be running all the time. You don't have to be someone's perfect image. Being honest with who you and what you're feeling might be scary, especially if you weren't in touch with that for a long time. You might not know how to handle most of the things for a while. When you don't even know how you're feeling, that's ok too. Write it down, talk to people, or meditate. Whatever it is that you need to do, do it. Everyone has different way of processing it. The key is to enjoy every moment of it. Be present. Nothing is stopping you. Be you.


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