“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”
To thrive is to grow or develop well or vigorously. Arianna Huffngton is one of the most successful and influential women nowadays. It is amazing to hear even she had to redefine what success is in her own way. You see, we only know her cover story not the entire stories.
We are meant to grow and be better, not compare to others, but to yourself. We don't have to compare and define the meaning of success based on what people see or might think. It's all irrelevant. We all grow up in different circumstances and experience different things. Your idea of success might not be someone else's idea of success. We live in the age that our success/achievement can be perceived as equivalent of your material possession. Higher bank account=Happier the person?! no! plenty of rich people are not happy. Higher social status=Happier person? no, so many "Famous" people are not happy. (if you think, this isn't true, ask all the "Celebrities" who've been to rehab). It's time for us to redefine what success is.
Everyone's success is different. What's your idea of success? What do you want in your life?! Do you do things just to impress other people?! Do you show off certain things to others so that you might be able to feel more successful? What is it that you truly want in your life?! What it is that makes you truly happy? What is it that you can offer to the Universe?! A lot of us might not even know the answer. We might pretend to know the answer. You can't keep living in the facade and drawn in to it. Start asking yourself questions more often. What are you really feeling?! What do you really want to do?! What is your definition of success and happiness?! After all, we all want to be happy and successful. Are you still in the "I'll be happy WHEN.... "syndrome?! Are you trying to posses all the materialistic things to prove others something?! We don't have to do anything to prove other people anything. You don't have to do what other people might think is the right thing. Right now, what I'm saying might not make any sense at all. But that's ok too. We all have to figure out our path eventually. So, let's THRIVE. not merely survive. It doesn't have to be the same all the time. We can change our mind about certain things any moment. That's the beauty of it. We grow more and more every moment. We THRIVE to be better. Thrive.