"Love+Live+Life"'s official blog. Let our life filled with Love, Hope and Faith. It's all about Positive lifestyle, inner beauty and gratitude.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's the Holiday.... One of the big ones, it means we're getting close to wrap up the year. All your families get together to have dinner, say thank you to each other and be grateful for the things you missed to announce till today. It's a great reminder for us to be grateful for what we have, what we're given. We might be to busy for work, school, life so on and so on.... It's so easy to get caught up in life and forget what we love the most, what we should be grateful for. It's easy to take things for granted and not appreciate people around you or what you have. It's just so easy. So, it's super great that we have AN OFFICIAL DAY to remind ourselves that.
It might be a good idea to turn off your cellphone for a day, (or at least don't be obsessed with it) and spend quality time with your family or your friends. Read books together, talk about things that haven't been brought up, watch movies together, sing together. Enjoy the taste of the wonderful meal prepared for you. It might be fun to plan what you want to get for "black Friday sale". There'll always be someone who'll die to take your place, the place that you might not like. Start appreciating the small things. Start saying thank you to a little things that other people did for you. Start saying thank you and I love you to people you love. It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving or Valentine's day to do that. We might not be able to be there physically for each other. But we can pick up the phone and call them. We can text or email each other. Or it might be a great idea to write a letter, nice old hand writing letter. You'll be surprise how wonderful it is to receive that letter out of nowhere. Someone actually took time to write that letter for you. Isn't that wonderful?!
Everything and every moment is a treasure. Nothing is replaceable. Cherish every moment. Being grateful will help you realize how wonderful and blessed you are. Even the things that frustrates you and annoy you, if you change the way you see it, you can find something to be grateful out of that circumstances. Life is a gift you were given. Love is a gift you can give.
Love, and Thank you for being you.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
It takes time
No matter who you are or what you do, we always are "Middle-Man" in this Universe. No one can live alone. It's not possible. As long as you are alive, you interact with other people. Whether it's conscious one or not, you sill make some type of connection with someone other than yourself. Somebody had to give birth to you, and somebody had to catch you when you came out from that someone. So there're already 2 people involved in your life. Who built the house you live in!? Where does the electricity come from!? Everyone has a part in this life. And beyond that everyone has a purpose in their life. Some people know exactly what it is, some people figure out along the way, and some people don't even have a single clue what it might be. But, you're here to serve your purpose. Depends on what it is, you have more interaction with other people than others.
I believe that the only way to improve our current situation and contribute to the world is by committing to your life 200%.
Some one once told me that your relationship with others is not about what you can get out from them, it's about what you can offer them. You don't go into relationship with someone, or be friends with someone wanting to get something. It happens. But that's not genuine and that's not how true relationship should be. It's easy to talk about the idea of how this should be or that. And like everything else, it's easier said than done. However, when your relationship is not coming from that honest place, you know that that's not going to end up great. Don't you think!? You end up the relationship because you can't get what you wanted?! How about business!? Yes, we go into business with someone hoping that we're gonna make profit out of it. Is it mutual agreement or only one side should get the profit and the other lose everything!?
The more you know about your purpose and the more responsible you are towards that purpose, you see the world differently and clearly. You will start seeing the place for you. You know that your life is meant to do this and that, the Universe will talk to you. And you will start seeing things and people you can help by doing what you do. By you living your life the fullest, you're making the world a better place. You might not affect people in a direct way, you might not even see the people. But somewhere and somehow, you will be touching someone's heart. You're there for others.
“If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”― T.D. Jakes
For some of you, you might not even know what your passion is. Do you have something you like!? Let's start from there. It's never too late. It's better now than never. It's better now than 10 years from now. You are amazing. You have so much more to offer.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
It's only us, humans that makes things more complicated than what it is...
I've recently became a friend with this girl. She's such an inspiring person who DOES NOT limit herself. She does not put herself into the little box. She just does what has to be done, keep showing up, and does what she loves and does the best. The result might not be where she wants to be, but she knows where that is. And she knows that in order for her to get there, she has to keep going no matter what. No matter how many rejections she get, it won't stop her. Her love for the passion takes her to the places that people might not usually go. And that extra steps are the things that makes difference in the future.
1, She goes after what she wants.
2, She asks for what she want.
3, She steps forward to become better and pushes herself.
So, I know that she'll make it. Then it made me realize that I was also putting myself in the small box. I wasn't pushing myself to be better. I can't complain why I'm not where I want to be.
"You look always happy and seem to be enjoying your life". I take that as a great compliment. And it is such a great quality to be perceived. I'd rather be that than "She's always in a bad mood and complaining something!". Of course! But I realize that that's not enough. There are so much more than that. If you limit yourself, other people will limit you. They already judge you no matter what. So, why do it to yourself?! Give yourself a permission to be free and do more. The moment you realize that you've always had that permission, that's the time to fly! You're free. Fly like a bird!! Do you think that baby birds worry about falling when they make the first attempt to fly? Do you think the migrating fish or birds plan where they to go or when to do it!? NO!! They just follow their natural instinct and do it! They know that they can do it. They are meant to do that! They don't have a slightest clue that they might go to the wrong part of the Earth, or they might fall down to the ground. That's not even an option!
So, stop thinking and worrying! If you are meant to do something and know what that is, all you have to do is doing it. That's what you're meant to do. It's just as simple as that. It's only us, humans, that makes things more complicated than it is. So, follow your heart. Follow your instinct. If it's wrong, oh well. Just try it again. Keep trying. Don't limit yourself. Don't judge yourself. Don't put yourself in a tiny box. You're free.
Friday, November 22, 2013
The wisdom we learn from Yoda
OK.I'm not a crazy Star Wars fun. But, everyone should know that Yoda is wise. Let's admit it. he just is.
We all have been there. You want to let go all the fear and do something completely out of your comfort zone. Being uncomfortable is difficult. It puts us in a vulnerable position. It makes us feel weak or foolish. So, instead of just doing it, we "TRY". When we "TRY", we look around and see what others are saying about us, how they are judging us, and how they are looking at us. We get self-conscious. So, our focus is not on the action. We're not committing to it. Meaning, we are not doing it. You go to your head and start thinking "Am I doing this right!?" "Am I looking stupid!?"....so on and so on... STOP THINKING! And what's funny is that the moment we try to get out of our head, we usually end up thinking more and more. Yup. we have to let go, forget about everything else and just be in the moment. As we grow older, we forget how to be in the moment. We have to reset our program and unlearn that. It's either to do or don't. Trying is not the same as doing. Let go and be in the moment.
Other wise quotes by Yoda....
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”
According to Law of Attraction, you attract what you think. So meaning, the fact that you're thinking so much is attracting the exact thing you fear the most. And by thinking it, you're not focusing on the positive side. The more you fear about losing it, the more likely that's gonna happen. Let it go. Start focusing on what you have and what you want, not the lack of it. You are what you attract, and what you resist persist.
“Always pass on what you have learned.”
YES!!! It's always about sharing. Pass it on! That's the best gift to your next generation. Not only that teaching what you know will teach you even more. Don't keep it to yourself. Good information, knowledge, education, inspiration.... those must be shared. Maybe you can create something that you've never imagined, because you shared that knowledge. Some people might not agree with you or understand you. But when people are open to it, passing on what you have might give them new perspective. 2 people can always come up with something more than what 1 person can come up with. You can be a part of something greater in this Universe.
“[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”
You see!? Yoda IS wise.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Now is the best time
If you can go back in time and do over, what will you do!?
What will you do!?
We usually have something that's hidden desire or feeling pushed down all the way at the bottom. It's a difficult task to face what you don't want to face. We all keep piling up our emotion on top of each other. Put a lid on it, and pretend that we don't see it. But deep inside, you know better than anyone else that you're aware of that feeling. What's worse is that you hide that so well and keep ignoring it for years, and you don't even realize that it's there. Now that's the problem. Sooner or later, you're gonna have to deal with that one day. And that ONE DAY will come. It's just a matter of when.Once the lid is opened, you'll experience the flood of emotions that you've been ignoring for years! And it's gonna be tough. It's not gonna be easy. That's for sure. But when you're done fighting with all of those, you'll have a whole new life ahead of you! It will be a brand new day.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with feeling insecure or bad about yourself. We're all human beings. In one video, this photographer had an opportunity to shoot Miss Universe. She told him that she can't stand to look at herself in the mirror!! WOW! How many people wish they could look like her! So, it's only natural to feel insecure or afraid of not being accepted by the rest of the world. You're not the only one! And guess what!? You're already having an advantage by knowing that. So let's take it a little bit farther. Talk to yourself, what happened?! What hurt you?! What made you feel ashamed!? What made you feel inferior? What made you want to hate yourself? And how did that feel in that moment!? How do you feel!? If you don't like talking, you can write it down as well.Write down the things you feel. Anything! Not a one thing you write is wrong. Nobody is going to judge you. You're there for you. You have to know who you are. Tap into that.
So, It's not too late to face yourself. The first best time to face yourself was the moment it happened. You can even face what you're feeling while it's happening. But since you've been putting it away for so long, the next best time to deal with that feeling is NOW! yes, NOW! It's scary. It's annoying. It might be painful. But that's what's gonna make you who you are. Whatever you've been hiding, let them out! Let it out of your system. Get to know who you are, for real. Accept who you are to the core! Love who you are. And celebrate who you are. No one can be you. There's no one who can be you. You're beautiful, you're unique, you're smart, you're kind. You have all the great quality about you. So, today is a great day to start celebrating who you are. Let's do it! Now is the best time!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Limitation is not an option
If we are born with everything we need to fulfill our role in this Universe, there shouldn't be any limitations whatsoever. It shouldn't be that way. You have everything you need. So all you need to focus on is your possibilities. Only your mind can tell you what you can or can't do. Some things are out of your control. But, if you are meant to do or be whatever that is, you will do it. It's just a matter of time. All you have to do is to stay focused and keep working hard on your path. As they say "where there's a will, there's a way". It sounds cliche, but I can't agree more.
"And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more". Erica Jong
So, say "YES" to the Universe. Just saying "YES" for everything might not be the exact thing to do, but the point is, stop saying no to the possibilities that' the Universe got in store for you. When you start saying YES to your life, it'll open up more doors for you. When you don't think that what you're facing right now is not what you want, then change the perspective. See it from different point of view. Maybe that's what you needed to learn! Maybe that's something you needed to hear. Or that's someone you needed to meet or to help. It's not always about the first impression. When you know more options about how you see the world, your thoughts will change and you will change. That's pretty exciting, don't you think!? Limitation is not an option.
Monday, November 18, 2013
You are creative. Amazing you: Part 2
What a powerful quote by Osho. He's brought so much influence on Spirituality and New Age thoughts.
As he says, "Creativity is the quality that you bring to the activity you are doing.It is an ATTITUDE, and inner approach how you look at things." Meaning, anything can be creative if you decide, and everything is creative when you decide to act that way. It is about mentality. Again, you have to know that your NOW is the only time that you can enjoy. Not tomorrow, not the day after, not yesterday. NO! Now is the time. Treasure that moment! Pay attention to what you have, not what's lacking. And that'll help you see what you can be grateful for. (EVERYTHING! Even in the midst of the hardship. Even when you feel like it's the end of the world!!). Start seeing things inward. You're born with everything you need. All you have to do, is to know that and to use them. Just like love. Love is everywhere when you decide to realize it's there.
I'm reading this book "At Left Brain Turn Right" by Anthony Meindl right now. It's an awesome book! It's written for actors as he's an acting teacher, but you don't have to be an actor to read it. It's about life. It's about you being you. Accepting who you are, knowing who you are and embracing who you are. ENJOYING who you are and more importantly, CELEBRATING WHO YOU ARE. No matter how successful you are or rich you are, if you don't know how to celebrate who you are and enjoy every moment, you won't be happy. You'll always pay attention to what you don't have or what you can't have. Shift your thought! Money or social status, those are not the things that's gonna make you happy. Happiness happens when you choose to live that way. You don't really need anything. So let's choose to be happy, just because you want to. Let's choose to be grateful for everything, because you want to. And guess what!? That's just the beginning of your wonderful life!
It doesn't mean that your life is perfect. It doesn't mean you don't need anything. It doesn't mean that you should stop there. there'll always be things that'll discourage you, hurt you emotionally, and tempt you to look the other way. The difference is that now you know that you have a choice to do different way. Again, it doesn't mean it's easy. Sometimes it's so difficult and you're gonna think it's not gonna happen. You might ask and shout why this is happening to you. You might say that you're gonna quit and just look the other way. You might think that this life isn't fair. I don't think it's fair. But if we live in the world that everything IS energy, you know this world is filled with more negative than positive now! (Let's face it. How many people are actively aware of all these ideas about "Oneness" or "Energy Being" or "Living in NOW"!? Not enough people. ) You'll just learn how to shift your thought with whatever the circumstance you're given. That's all. You'll learn how to see thing differently. You'll see the positive side of the life more than the negative side. That's all. You'll start paying attention to the details of your life. "About Time". the new movie, starring Rachel McAdams, shows the great example of how to embrace every moment of your life. It's all you.
It's all you!!!!
Be creative. Be happy. Because that's your approach towards life. That's your attitude towards life. If you're doing the same thing, why not have fun!? The answer is simple.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
the amazing you, I mean YOU!
Being able to accept and to embrace who you are, that's not an easy thing. We all have been there. It's not easy. We compare ourselves to others. Too short!? Too tall!? To heavy!? To skinny!? Too dark!? Too light!? Too shy!? Too loud!? The list goes on and on. Because we live in the world that the "IDEAL" image of perfect beauty is created by photoshops and graphics. We see people on TV and think that that's how we should be. NO! We're not! We are all beautiful in our own way. As long as you are healthy and happy, it doesn't matter how you look. See?! You have to be happy. You HAVE TO BE HAPPY!!! that's the bottom line. The moment you start accepting and embracing yourself, you'll see the world differently. The moment you realize that you don't have to pretend to be someone else, or someone other people want you to be, you'll start seeing what you're suppose to do as a part of this Universe. There are so much more to it than you think. You are born this way to fulfill your part. You were born to this world with everything you need. You have everything you need. It doesn't mean you don't have to get better. we all have to improve ourselves to be better than who we are yesterday. We have to keep working on that. Definitely YES! But all you have to compare to is to yourself. Not to others, but to yourself. If you are better than who you were yesterday, that's all you can ask for and that's all you need to know.
As we get older, we learn to hide ourselves. We try to act how you should be and how people want you to be. We put on masks so that your true feeling won't show. We hide and bury our feelings. We pretend not to realize them, but they are there. And the more you hide, the harder your life gets. Maybe not right away. You might pretend that things they tell you don't hurt. You might make a joke out of yourself. We have to realize all the things. NOBODY is better than you for being YOU! You're the best!!! You can still be the best version of the best you, but nothing else! It's easy to hide and avoid all those feelings. But you know that you're gonna have to deal with it eventually. So simply accept that and if it needs to, just let go. You are living in NOW, not 10 seconds ago, not 10 seconds from now. Just NOW! And that itself is a miracle.
Did you see the photos from what's going on in Philippines right now!? My heart and prayer go to them. Please everyone pray with me. Seeing and hearing about such a tragedy make me realize how fortunate it is to be alive. Not only to be alive, to be able to follow my dream, and have great people all around me. I cannot be more grateful for where I am now. So embrace who you are and the life you're given. Today is the day. You get to live today that someone wish they could have. Everyone has problems and baggage. Everyone does. But it shouldn't stop you from being you and being happy. It is your responsibility to live your life the fullest! It is YOUR responsibility to make the best out of what you've given and what you're going to have. As my teacher says,
"TODAY, you are living your dream. not when you have something, not when you have certain money. TODAY, you are living your dream".
Remember, you are amazing. You are alive and well. You get to live today. You don't have to know how the Universe works. Just know! The Universe WORKS!!!!! Maybe not in your timeline. But it works.
You are amazing.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Unbreakable Decision
When was the last time you made the decision to do something and actually took action?
Why did you make that decision!?
What happen to you!? How dd you go about it!?
Did you keep going on with your decision!?
What changed!?
OK... too many questions all at once. But what was your decision!? It doesn't have to be a life changing decision. It can be anything. Say, it can be a decision to eat healthy. A decision to wake up early. A decision to stop drinking. A decision to say thank you to more people. A decision to smile more often... It can be ANYTHING!!!
To make a decision is one thing. And to take that into action is one thing. And to keep that action as your life style is whole another thing. Self-decipline. It's one of the most difficult thing. And getting out of your comfort zone is not a easy task. Especially when you've been there for a long time. But to get to the next level, you have to put yourself in uncomfortable situation. Even before that you have to realize that you are in a comfortable zone. We all have a life style and things You are happy and content with the situation. And if you want to go farther, you need to realize that you have to get out there. It's scary. It's very uneasy. There might be a failure. There will be bumps. There will be struggles. And it's there for you to be better. Even though you won't see the reasons or the lessons at the moment, you'll grow at the end of the day. You can't keep taking French class and not use that when you're in France. you might sound silly. You might make mistakes. They might not understand you or misunderstand you. But if you don't use it, how do you know!? and why were you taking all the classes!? So, get yourself out of the comfortzone. You can do so much more. You'll learn so much more! Make a choice that's gonna better you. And make the UNBREAKABLE DECISION.
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