"Love+Live+Life"'s official blog. Let our life filled with Love, Hope and Faith. It's all about Positive lifestyle, inner beauty and gratitude.
Monday, September 30, 2013
I'm reading this book "The Law of Attraction in Action" by Deanna Davis, PhD. See, don't forget. The law of attraction only works when it's in ACTION!!! Don't expect because your mentality is in the "right" place, things will just happen for you. You have to put action with the right intention! Sometimes things do happen over night, or what seems like a miracle will happen. But, the chance is that you have to work for it.
I love how she says in the book.
Intention is more appropriately refered to, though as one or more of what I reher to as the Three Ds: desire, determination and decision. The first idea is that intention s a desire to manifest a certain outcome- a matter of truly wanting something to come to pass in your life. Desire includes both hope and eager anticipation. The second idea is the dictionary classic, which reads that intentions is "a determination to act in a certain way." This brings asn element of both conviction and action into the picture-a sense that intention isn't just about wishful thinking, it's about creating focus and momentum.
Intention is steeped in certainty -it is a decision to manifest something meaningful in your life. A decision that things will be different in the future. A dicision that you will focus your mental and behavioral resources to achieve a worthwhile outcome in your life.
Unless you make the decision that things will be different, they most decidedly won't be.
When your mind is in the right place, it should change your attitude and action to want to do more. The shift in your mind changes your behavior. That means, you will act more productively, efficiently and with more purpose. I belive that everyone is capable of doing that. Maybe not right way, it might take a while till you fnd more productive way. but you will find it eventually. The bottom line is that you have to be aware of the intention.
What is your intention!? Why is it that you want what you want?!
I was told once that you should try to figure out the answer for "7 LAYERS OF WHYS". Be specific. Be more detailed. If you know why you want what you want, ask your self another WHY. It's interesting. I dont' think I know all whys. The more you know the detail, the more clear it should get what you should be doing.
So, start asking yourself questions. Why do you want to do what you want to do!? What are your answers!?
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Rocky says it bette than I do.
Reminder to everyone. When things seems like falling down on you, that means that you're getting stronger and better. This life wants to make you even more strong and tough. What life has been giving you, you passed that part. Not you have to move on to the next part, to the next level. You deserve that chance. THat's why things are tough for you now. That's why there are so many challenges. And you are strong. As long as you put your mind to it, do your work, and do the best you can do, you will get there. You will. But, you gotta go the extra miles when other people don't go. You have to push yourself more when others don't. You have to tell yourself that you can do it when others tell you that you are not good enough. You have to be tough. You just gotta.
You can do this!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
If you can dream it, you can do it.
I must say that this is one of my most favorite quote. Do you understand how strong this is!? It simple means that you have all the power to achieve what you want. Everything is placed within you. How incredible is that!??
We all have something we are passionate about, or something we like. If you haven't find what you are passionate about, you will find eventually. You will. Because you are brought into this life for a reason. And when you find that, you will face obstacles, challenges, rejections... everything you can possible think of that stops you from keep going. The thing is that that's the time you have to keep going. You just have to. Some people say it's important to know when to quit. I don't quite agree with that. You know more than anyone. It's your life. It's your decision. You know your life and yourself better than anyone! You are in charge of your life. So, whether if you keep going or not, it's completely up to you. I'm not saying that taking different path is wrong. if you find something else that's more important to you, great!! Follow that path! If you find out what you've been doing isn't the right path, find another one!!! It's all your choice! And you know what's the best for you! When you have something so passionate about, that means something. That means you ought to follow that path. The burning feeling wasn't planted into you for nothing. It's there for a reason. and you know that. Some temporary "interests" might occur here and there. But the ones that's rooted in you, that's gotta mean something.
And for those who know what that is, keep dreaming everyday! Keep picturing everyday! Keep expecting that's gonna happen everyday! Keep telling people that you're gonna make it one day! Keep believing that you're gonna make it happen one day! Keep that burning passion inside you! Keep following your words! Just keep loving what you love. Because you are amazing! It gets to the point that you might feel like you are obsessed with it. And you are not. It's part of you. Be grateful that you have something that you can be so passionate about. Be grateful that you love what you love. Be happy that you are alive and able to follow that passion. And be hard on yourself sometimes. Not always, but you know when to push yourself to go that extra miles that other people won't. Invest in yourself.
Nothing happens over night. I love this story I was told the other day. It takes several years for bamboos to grow until they come out from underground. And the moment, that happens, they can grow so much in over night. So, if you are still underground, be patient. You will get there. Keep dreaming. Keep picturing. Keep believing in yourself.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."....Henry David Thoreau
We often misunderstand abundance for being rich. It's not wrong, but not entirely true either.
What do you appreciate in your life?
I read in something that if you have a job, and roof over your head, you're wealthier than 35% of the people in the world. Or, something like that. I'm really not sure exact number. There are many people who have it a lot worse than you.
I believe in the power of appreciation. THe moment you start being grateful for what you have, you'll find more and more things to be grateful for. You have a lot more than you think. And being grateful makes you happier. Pay attention to what seems like a small thing. Take a deep breathe and enjoy the moment.
It's not always about money. It's not. It's good to have more money, but that shouldn't be the priority of your life, your actions, and your attnetion. It'll be so sad. Enjoy being you. Enjoy what you got. Just as simple as that. Enjoy the love you have all around you. Afterall, love is source of all energy. You're going to feel love no matter what. And you'll love it!!!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Because we CAN!
People have told me in various occasion that I'm on something or have no worry whatsoever in my life. Because I smile so much. And I believe that that's one of the BEST compliment a person can ever get. If there's an award for smiling so much, I might have one. LOL. I love to smile and make people smile. Of course, I'm a human being. for time to time, I have my ups and downs. I have my not so pretty days. I have worries and I cry sometimes. But, my favorite moments are when I'm smiling. I just love it. People might look at me all weird and crazy. I don't care.
The first time I was tole that was when I was in high school. I wasn't a popular kid. I got bullied and had not so much fun for most of high school years. But, the last year was pretty amazing! So,
A smile is absolutely contagious. So, you might want to get as many people infected as possible! It's almost like paying it forward. When someone does a nice thing to you, or tell you something nice, it makes you want to do the same. You should do that.
Smile, because you can. my mother always said that you're never fully dressed without the smile. Get dressed up!!! You are beautiful!
The first time I was tole that was when I was in high school. I wasn't a popular kid. I got bullied and had not so much fun for most of high school years. But, the last year was pretty amazing! So,
A smile is absolutely contagious. So, you might want to get as many people infected as possible! It's almost like paying it forward. When someone does a nice thing to you, or tell you something nice, it makes you want to do the same. You should do that.
Smile, because you can. my mother always said that you're never fully dressed without the smile. Get dressed up!!! You are beautiful!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Break the rule, maximize your potential.
Have you heard about 80/20 rule?!?Wikipedia says...
The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
Business-management consultant Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed in 1906 that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population; he developed the principle by observing that 20% of the pea pods in his garden contained 80% of the peas
The more easier way to understand is this. Imagine your closet. Do you really use every single clothes you have!? Or do you only use the ones that you like and not the rest!??? You pick up those which are in the front of the closet and not the ones in the bottom, right?! THat's exactly 80/20 rule is.
The seminar I attended today was about business mentality. First and the most the golden RULE #1 is
TO SHOW UP!!!! without it, nothing starts, of course. And after that... that's where we have to talk about 80/20 rule. There are many information that's not been used. You have to use and apply all 100% of your knowledge. Not the ones that you are comfortable with. In order fo you to succeed, you have to utilize and maximize your knowledge and be open to the ones that you don't know and the ones that you don't know that you don't know. That was exactly how she explained to us. I love it. There might be 100 people who have the same information, and among that 100, how many people actually DO use that knowledge?! How many people really APPLY the knowledge!? Using it one time and applying it to your life are totally different. And you have to be open to new ideas no matter what. You will always be a student. Life is a teacher. You are a student and a teacher.
In order for you to succeed, you have to work. You have to act. Beyond 80/20 rule. Be eager to learn more. Try more. Break the rule. you have to be 100% commit to your life and your happiness. Like they said, it's either you DO or DON'T. There's no trying. If it doesn't go the way you want, it doesn't matter. it's way better than not trying and keep wondering what might've or what could have. Let's do this!!!!! You got this!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
You can't just give your 100%. well, that's the bottom line. You have to give 120%, 200%, or even 1000% when chances are given to you. You have to commit to your priority. What is your goal? What is it that you need to work on? What help do you need? Who can you ask help for? How much are you willing to do? You have to give whatever it takes to make it. You can't be arrogant and say you don't need any help. You need support from others. You need someone to push you more. You need someone who believe in you and encourage you.
And when you get there, don't forget to be grateful for those tremendous helps given to you. Remember that you didn't come here all by yourself. At one point or the other, someone did give you a chance and noticed you. That's why you are there whether you know that or not, that's the fact.
You can't be lazy when you want to get what you want. You have to work hard. You have to work really hard. The determination will make difference in the future. Like they said, after all those failure and rejection, the next one might be the one that's gonna get you where you wanna be. If not, just keep knocking on the door. You never know. That's why you need faith. And your faith is there because of your love.
Don't take anything for granted. Everything you are doing and you are able to do is privilege. You get to do it. If you can't find what it is that you can or should be grateful for, be grateful that you aren't dead yet.
When you are born to do something, and you have that burning desire within you, there's no way, that's the coincident. let's do this. You have so much to offer.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Happy 100th post!!!
I've mentioned about them before. But, I love "Marc and Angel Hack Life" blog. Today's their post was amazing. It's about "8 Good Morning Question that Creat Happiness".
1, What is the most important thing I can do today for my own well-being?
2, How can I show my love to those I love?
3, How can I encourage myself and others today!?
4, What can I do to make a positive difference in the lives around me?
5, How can I sincerely honor my own truth today!?
6, What is my intuition telling me about my current path?
7, What do I appreciate about my life right now?
8, What would I like to remember about today!?
You see how positive all these questions are? And I love how those are not only about yourself. It involves people around you. What can I offer to the world? How can I serve the others through my well-being? You only live one day at a time. Make it memorable. Make every moment count. Because you are worth it. Share and cherish that moment with people you care and love.
So, ask yourself all those questions. Doesn't that excite you!? The more appreciate the more thing you have to apprecate. The more you love you give, the more love you receive.
Thank you, Marc and Angel Hack Life.
Thank YOU for reading this blog.
Thank YOU for being you, the amazing you are.
Thank YOU, just because.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
I'm being honest
It's so funny. I'll be really honest. I write this blog, as notes to myself. And more often than enough that I'm really telling it to myself that YES, DON'T WORRY, THINGS ARE GONNA BE OK!!! So, I'm just telling it to myself, like really, trying to sinking it in. And I have been a bit stressed out last few weeks or so. A lot has changed, and I'm adjusting it pretty well. Consciously or subconsiously, I started questioning myself. Is it really happening?! Is this gonna really work out?! I've tried to tell myself over and over that "Stop asking that kinda questions. You've been telling yourself and you know that God is going to take care of everything and He knows what he is doing. All I have to do is to belive.". So, I've been going in and out that phase.
And it happened. All the signs are laid out, just for me to see it.
I've been obssesed with this thing for a little bit over 10 years now. I've been dying to do that part, and I know deep in my heart that I am meant to do this part. If it wasn't meant to be, why is it that I have so much passion and obsession for all these years!??? And then, I realized that today. Seriously TODAY!!! I realized that if that's what God has planed for me, I don't have to be obssessed with this. He knows that I'm gonna do it. He brought me into this life to do this part. So, all I have to do is to work hard, and belive in HIM. It's just as simple as that!!! I'm working so much more than before for my career and future. And I'm seeing all these signs. I'm pretty sure that there are so many other people who has exact same dream as me. And it all comes down to how much work you put in, and how much faith you have in yourself, and in GOD. And I don't worry any more. At least I don't want to. My passion wouldn't have planted in me, if it weren't meant to be fulfilled. That's all I know now.
And it happened. All the signs are laid out, just for me to see it.
I've been obssesed with this thing for a little bit over 10 years now. I've been dying to do that part, and I know deep in my heart that I am meant to do this part. If it wasn't meant to be, why is it that I have so much passion and obsession for all these years!??? And then, I realized that today. Seriously TODAY!!! I realized that if that's what God has planed for me, I don't have to be obssessed with this. He knows that I'm gonna do it. He brought me into this life to do this part. So, all I have to do is to work hard, and belive in HIM. It's just as simple as that!!! I'm working so much more than before for my career and future. And I'm seeing all these signs. I'm pretty sure that there are so many other people who has exact same dream as me. And it all comes down to how much work you put in, and how much faith you have in yourself, and in GOD. And I don't worry any more. At least I don't want to. My passion wouldn't have planted in me, if it weren't meant to be fulfilled. That's all I know now.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Highs and Lows/Ups and Down
Life has its ups and downs, highs and lows. And we tend to pay more attentions to downs than ups.We have to learn to pay more attention to the ups. and be grateful for the things that we're given. And always keep faith to what's in store for you.
Your faith will be tested what seems like a bottom. When you think you had enough. When you feel like you want to quit. When you feel like there's no way out. When you feel like you are not going anywhere remotely close to where you'd like to be..... That's when you will get tested. Your true faith will be questioned, not by anyone else. but by yourself. you have to stand up against yourself and tell yourself that you are strong enough. You are capable of doing thing that you ought to do. You are worth what you are going after. You have to really prove that to yourself. You have to. There's nobody else. You are going against yoursef. People often say that you are your own worst enemy. Don't let yourself talk down about yourself. Don't let yourself discourage you. The fact that you are experiencing the bottom means that you are getting close. And that is why you have to grow a little bit more stronger. You have to be tougher. You have to trust yourself even more. You have to be your biggest supporter. At the end of the day, the Universe knows that you are meant to do something greater than you think. The Universe has something bigger planed for you.
You have everything you need wthin you. If you feel like you are in the bottom right now, that means you only gotta go up. You have to go up. You are going up. And that's the only way anyway. it doesn't happen over night. It's ok. It's gonna take time. But, you will get there. I believe in you!!!! You are still alive.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Have you heard of "Oneness"?
Wikipedia says....
Henosis (Ancient Greek: ἕνωσις) is the word for mystical "oneness," "union," or "unity" in classical Greek.
In Platonism, and especially Neoplatonism, the goal of Henosis "unity, oneness" is union with what is fundamental in reality: the One (Τὸ Ἕν), the Source or Monad.
I can't define what oneness is. However, I believe that in spiritual level, we are all the same. We're all coming from the same place. We're all here as one. We don't say "ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE", for no reasons. It's coming from somewhere.
In this generation, things are shifting towards new era of spirituality and beyond materialistic objects, we have to realize that we are here for something bigger than we can see. We don't live just for ourselves, we're here to offer something to the world, to the Universe. We have to think about the role we have to provide to the universe. We each have a purpose in life, a role that we need to perform as a part of Unity. We all have a calling, and you know what it is. or if you don't, you will find out what it is eventually.
You don't say what goes around comes around for nothing. It's the energy you are offering to the Universe. If you are a part of oneness, you are sending out whatever it is to yourself. So, why not send out a positive one?! Give a compliment to your coworker. Give a big smile to a stranger. Be grateful for things that you have. We're all one. Your life is not always about you. You are a part of a bigger picture. It's complicated, isn't it?! You have to be you to fulfill your life. You have to be truly happy with who you are to serve this Universe. Being you comes first. But, it's for the bigger picture. Being true to who you are is only a beginning of your journey. So, be grateful that you are alive. Accept and embrace who you are and what you are. The moment you do this, the Universe will open up unlimited possibility to you. Isn't it nice to know that there are so much more this Universe has in store for you!??? We are all a part of big puzzle. Every single pieces are essential. Nothing can go missing. You are important. You are irreplaceable. You are a part of ONENESS.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Let's celebrate!!!
Celebrate this moment.
Celebrate that you are alive.
Celebrate that you are awesome.
Celebrate that you are beautiful.
Celebrate that you are strong enough to get through today.
Celebrate that you are about to face another brand new day.
Celevrate that you are who you are.
Let's celebrate, FOR NO GOOD REASON!!!!!
Celebrate just because you want to.
Celebrate because you decide to.
Celebrate because you have that power.
Why not?!
So, let's start right now.
Now is the best time to start.
Now is the only time to start.
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