Have you ever watch the show MONK?? He has the most extreme OCD you can possibly imagine. And in his closet, he only has the same shirts, exactly the same shirts. Same size, same color, same everything. They all face he same way in the same exact hanger, ironed perfectly. And he picks up one shirt every morning because that one, that particular one stood up to him. It looked different to him by some how. Do you see the one thing that stood up to him?!?
We've all been rejected. We've all been told that we're not good enough or smart enough. You know the feeling. When you wait in the holding room before your huge interview. Everyone dressed the same, and some how that person stands out to you. Then you start thinking so many things in your head. You start thinking you should have done this and that. You feel like you should have dressed differently. You feel like you should have listen to your parents and gobe to different school You feel like you are not gonna make it.
Seriously. You can't change what has happened in the past. You can't go back and go to different school. You are there already. Focus on NOW. Right at this moment. You're there for reasons. You took that path for reasons. You were suppose to meet that person you hate so much to learn the lesson. You were protected from the huge accident that you might have gotten involved in. Do you think what you know now if you didn't take that path?!? Do you think you are who you are if you didn't experience that pain?!? So those are the things that makes you different from all the other people. Everything you've been up until now were there FOR you, not TO you. You might not see it that way now, but that's the truth. That's what makes you who you are. That's what makes you better you than the one from yesterday, or a month ago, or a year ago. You're better you than you from yesterday.
And guess what!?!? Everyone else in the room is thinking the same way. They all want to be the one to get picked. They all want to be the one shirt that's get picked up from the all the same shirts in that closet.
Accept who you are and embrace the path you took for it has given you what you have. It can be anything, friends, family, knowledge, prosperity, skills, kindness, strength.... The moment you see all that differently, you'll start seeing the value and lessons within. Take a moment and a huge breath. And let's say someone else went through the exact same path as you did. And still it doesn't make him the person as you are. You are unique in your own way. You are already wonderful and beautiful. So, let go the fear. Let go the idea that you're not good enough. Let go the worry for the future. Let go of the limitations that's in your head. You're provided. The success is on your way. You just need to learn to let go and be free. You have so much more to offer to the Universe. You will be the ONE SHIRT THAT GETS PICKED. You are the ONE SINGULAR SENSATION. And you're worth it.
Believe and know that you are worth it.
Accept that unlimited posibilities and happiness that's in store for you.
Remember, you're the ONE SINGULAR SENSATION.
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